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Start up

Started by Big col, September 25, 2018, 17:34:01

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Big col

The engine from my 16/66 has been rebuilt. It was in a shocking state of neglect and proved to have been bodged and abused before the neglect. Absolutely everything on the engine has been worked on from white metalling to new water jacket. At least some progress has been made towards the completion of the cars restoration.
The video of the start up is on YouTube.

I might be rough but I'm slow as well.


"It was in a shocking state of neglect and proved to have been bodged and abused before the neglect."

Unfortunately that is the story with so many of these engines, when they went through the era when they were relatively worthless compared to the cost of repairing them properly.

Great to see some real progress on the car, Colin.



Well done - mine was in a similar state.