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Rest and Be Thankful

Started by B.P.Bird, March 26, 2013, 13:59:17

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We will be following in the tracks of Derek Hurlock and OPG192, the works 2 litre saloon, once again on April 21st 2013. There are full details on the News and Events Forum. Last years run involved a bit of off roading, but this year we will benefit from the authorities tarmacadam transformation and all will be as smooth as greased weasel whatsit. I wonder what improvement on their times would result were the ghosts of the past to have another crack at the hill without the bumps and loose patches ?
   We will have a good turn out of Scottish A.C.s together with Howard Bryan's Yorkshire Raiding Party, but room for plenty more. Here are some reminders from last year.
   Young William being grown up and responsible.
   And Howard The Demon G'hound pilot about to burn rubber behind a Cobra.
   This last shot gives you some idea of the challenge the racers of days gone by took on.

MkIV Lux

A bit long drive for me to join in for a 2013 edition of this line-up. But I am sure a more local hero will take up the Cobra's position.
   Wish you all much fun.


Constant I wondered if that was you in pole position, but could not be sure. You could always fly/drive and give the hire car the thrashing of its life. Do you have a better pic of your heroic ascent ?


Have been trying to find this pic all evening and then manipulate (wrestle) it on to the forum: In any event here it is - Derek Hurlock and Jock Henderson at The Rest on the RAC Rally 1951. The 2 litre saloon,OPG 192, survives and is in the care of Steve Gray at A.C. Heritage. We need another 2 litre saloon on the 21st of April though as Steve has still to do some woodwork on the Old Girl before she is ready for Scotland again; it was 62 years ago after all. Maybe next year Steve....


To add to Barrie's account of the 1951 RAC Rally, there were 3 AC Two-Litre Saloons entered, Hurlock/Henderson, Page Croft/Montgomerie Charrington, and Zetter/Clarke/Ward. The full account published in ACtion Archive of Feb 2010 includes an indication of times on the 'Rest'. Now there's a challenge!
   Have a great day on 21st April.

MkIV Lux

Originally posted by B.P.Bird
Constant I wondered if that was you in pole position, but could not be sure. You could always fly/drive and give the hire car the thrashing of its life. Do you have a better pic of your heroic ascent ?

   yes Barrie, that was me in the Mk IV on pole [;)][;)]
   I'll have to dig into my archives to look for a better pic of this offroading exercise

MkIV Lux

here is another one of you Barrie (with Sam as co-pilot?)
   and here is proof of my pole position (at least of this small group)


By the bye I notice that the figure in the foreground of the photo' of Hurlock/Henderson, in OPG 192 (EL1434) starting up the hill, previously posted 26th March, is identified as one Raymond Baxter - still wearing his Fighter Command Irvin Flying Jacket. He became a great personality in early television, notably as the leading U.K. Motor Racing and Aviation commentator. Only the really aged will remember this....
   Here is a another highly evocative shot, which Graham found for us last year, perhaps John can say which car this was:
   If you look at this link there is a pic of Hurlock/Hendersonin nearly at the same place rounding the top hairpin. This must have been snapped around a minute after the one at the start:


See this link to my YouTube clip ACOC Scottish Tour 2012 to see how deteriorated the Rest had become.
   Looking forward to a great weekend.

   This is for those who wear AC anoraks!
   More research is required to identify the cars/entrants/events in the various period photos of Two-Litres. Part of the conundrum is that the photo of OPG 192 in the Henderson Collection carries rally number 146 whilst the 1951 rally photo carries no. 57. Also, Derek Hurlock is dressed differently, and the footwell vent is open on the photo in the link!
   The vent is barely if at all discernable in the 1951 photo. This was a factory development to counter the Two-Litre's notorious high footwell temperatures. That is probably why, as a child, I was  allowed to sit in the front in summer, and always banished to the back seat in winter!


I believe that the MPL340 ran in the 1952 rally.(Leo Archibalds 2 litre book PG84,but then that could be incorrect and needs further proofing).
   This would fit with the road conditions looking drier in 1952  than the 1951 picture of OPG despite them bringing forward the 1952 start date to get worse weather! Then again the stated dates of the  photos could be back to front. (ie we are assuming the dates with no proof))
   The 1951 dates were 4th-9th June 1951,and the 1952 rally was moved forward to 31st March -2nd April.
   Re the vent ,could it not be that on the 1951 rally, foot well heat was the issue and they fitted the vent for the 1952 rally? (Hence the 2 different numbers,prescence of vent and different dress code)
   I think the rest was only included on the 1951& 52 rally of Great Britain (RAC) and will check with the owners who have some information.
   I note that an  AC did not place in either 1951 or 52:
   I think whats needed is an actual 1951/1952 entrants list with car numbers & driver details.


Interesting thoughts Graham.
   Firstly, according to some www. sourced info there was no overal winner declared in 1951. Jock Henderson's account in the Feb 2010 Archive states that there were ....20 places between the winner of the over 1500cc Class and the first AC.....
   Re the vent, this is just about discernable when shut in all such photos of OPG 192. I have no recollection of seeing such a vent on any other Two-Litre, but do vagely recall my father talking about one. It would have been very welcome in the summer - provided it wasn't raining!
   There are a number of photos of OPG 192 bearing rally number 57 and they all add up to 1951. Except - the original of the start-line photo posted by Barrie is in the Archive, and the white strip pasted along the base of the photo records 1947! That can't be correct - OPG 192 is a 1950 car and there was no RAC rally in 1947!
   I cannot find any record of the identity of MPL 340 - the Factory Ledger entries for that period do not include registration numbers. However, features such as the side lamp pintles and windscreen surround place it as a late 1948 or 1949 car.
   Part of the conundrum is that the photo of MPL 340 shows three passengers with, possibly,  a lady in the front seat. Paul Zetter, the only 1951 AC entry with a crew of 3, is recorded in the Ledger as the first owner of a Sept 1950 car. Therefore, it is almost certainly not Zetter and crew in MPL 340 and unlikely that the photo was taken in 1951.
   Your suggestion of 1952 for both the MPL and OPG photos at the hairpin looks to be a more likely explanation. The rally plates on all the photos are RAC. If you can find a full numbered entry list for the 1951 and/or 1952 events, and confirm the limited use of 'The Rest', you would go straight to the top of the class!


MPL 340 photo I purchased  from Beaulieu for use at last years international and on the large scale version I have , there are 3 people,and the front passenger is a woman.  I can see a rally of Great Britain badge (RAC) on the grille.On the web shot one can just make out the square outline. (I assume the badges were given out post event,and not during?)
   Incidentally Beaulieu labeled the photos "1949 AC 2 litre" and one references 1952 RAC rally.
   Also in another photo of MPL340 from Leo Archibalds book & the full size photo I have shows the rally of GB badge more clearly ,and a second round badge. I will email you both large scale photos for the archive.


Here is the resurfaced hairpin at the top,with original lines kept. Looks great.


An account of the 1952 RAC Rally, with no photographs, published in a 1952 ACOC Bulletin, states that 3 AC Two-Litres were entered that year too.  All 3 cars completed the course, but seemed to not feature well in the results.
   One car was driven by Derek Hurlock, and the account confirms that 'The Rest' was on the route that year too. The account will be re-published as an ACtion Archive idc after further research to confirm dates etc of photos.
   The conundrum re the identity and year of the photos of OPG 192 and MPF 340 remains live. On further examination of various period photos of OPG 192 there are also differences in the type of spot lights, the position of the screen heaters, and tyre section. When taken with other period photos of the car this is leading me to a change of mind towards the Henderson collection photo being 1951, as they state, and all photos with the RAC Rally no 57 being 1952.
   I have enquiries into the RAC and London Motor Club and will put this together with other evidence to try and resolve dates and crews for both cars.