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Ruddy Potholes

Started by GSouthee, May 02, 2023, 18:49:50

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Just come back from Arundel and hit a pot hole, Drivers door popped open (I am sure I shut it fully ::)) flew backwards snapped door check strap, kept going hit the rear wing, now dented :(, mirror flew off, bent hinge so door now dropped.

Buggerations. Must look at fitting a small extra catch.

Ho Hum another day in driving the Ol Girl.

A car is only original once, but, you can modify it as many times as you like.

My car my rules.


Gather the evidence and pursue the council responsible. Photographs and measurement of the pothole depth and any witness statements from locals as to how long the pothole had existed will help. When my 3000ME was damaged by a bodged up road repair I got some hundreds of pounds in costs for removing the engine and repairing the bent gear change rod.
It will take persistence and time as they will try and wear you down to the point of giving up


Hi Barrie

Too late for that as now some 45miles away at home.

Anyway, Got a new mirror and fitted, made up a new check strap and fitted, Been doing some gentle manipulation of wing with my old Dad's hammer and dollies nearly there a bit more warming and tapping and should be good for now.

Oh such fun.

A car is only original once, but, you can modify it as many times as you like.

My car my rules.