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Aceca window channel

Started by nicksonsticks, December 14, 2022, 11:07:32

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I'm struggling to find a supplier for the front side window channel on my Aceca. The old bits I removed were really badly corroded and deteriorated. They are made up from thin metal u section which is lined on the inside and outside with thin velvet material and these then slide into the upright parts of the front window frames.
Any advice in finding a supplier greatly appreciated.
I'll try to post a picture later on.
Kind regards Nick



Have you tried these people, usually very good for bits like that.

A car is only original once, but, you can modify it as many times as you like.

My car my rules.


Also a lot of american car parts  suppliers have similar.
A car is only original once, but, you can modify it as many times as you like.

My car my rules.


Hi Gary,  thanks for the advice, I've tried vintage car parts,  they were really helpful and sent me a sample which would work at a push, but it's it not quite right. If I can I'd rather get it right at this stage.  I've looked online at some American suppliers, mainly google images etc, many are imperial sizes which is good but I've not seen anything that's quite correct yet.
I'll keep looking though.
Many thanks again.

AEX 31

Hi Nick,

I haven't got an Aceca so don't know exactly what this part looks like. But have you had a look at Woolies?



Hi Jonas, thanks for the info.
I've bought some bits from Woolies before and they've been great, so I actually looked at their items first.
The one you found sadly is too wide. I'm limited to around 10mm x 10mm to fit inside the window frame.
Thanks for trying though.
Much appreciated.
Kind regards Nick

AEX 31

Hi again,

I understand. I found this on a Swedish website:

Sorry that it's in Swedish, but if you need any help please let me know.

Kind regards



Hi Jonas,
Thanks so much for the info, I've had a good look at the link and this is definitely the nearest so far. However it's 11.5mm high and there is only 10mm of space inside the window frame and to complicate things even more, I've just remeasured and to be honest it's probably closer to 9.7 mm in places.
So one option would be to go for the item you have found and I could simply trim off the lower section of rubber, looking at the diagram I would guess this should allow for about 1.0 to 1.5mm which might enable it to just about squeeze into the frame, or another option may be to start from scratch and make up a thin metal u channel and and then glue a strip of black velvet to the inner and outer faces. This would be almost identical to the make up of the original item, as I'm typing I'm starting to think this might be my best option, maybe to make up one small section as a trial.
I'm still open to ideas though!
Thanks again for all your help everyone.
Kind regards


Klassik Metall

I removed the original window channel material from AE503 so that the frames could be re-chromed.
It wasn't fitted with a preformed channel section but with a 3mm thick x 24mm wide strip of black felt.
I plan to refit new felt as per original as I couldn't find a U channel that was the correct size for the 10mm
x 11.5mm frame inside dimension, in combination with the 5mm thick glass.

I tried all the usual suspects but the nearest option that I found was this one, it's really for 6mm glass though.

Regards, Luke.


Hi Luke
Thanks for the info.
I've got a sample of one very similar from Vintage Supplies but 10x10mm (Photo attached) which would certainly do the job, and the one you found on eBay might even do it slightly better. Both items though are flexible and I was concerned that over time and with use they could start to come out of the frame when winding the windows up and down. I might be over thinking this a bit!
I'll see if I can order a sample of the 11.5mm item on eBay and we can compare the two.
I'll let you know how it goes.
Many thanks again.

Klassik Metall

Hi Nick,
I've tried the same seal from Vintage supplies and the problem is that the fit on the glass is too loose.
I suspect the same will be true of the Ebay version as well.
I would recommend going with the felt seal as a 1/8" x 1" felt seal is available from Woolies.

PS. AE503's window frames are exactly the same section as yours and the felt seal was definitely the one fitted
originally in 1955.


Hi Luke,
Thank you for all the info.
I'm going try a few experiments with all the options including felt and I'll report back with my findings in the New year.
Many thanks again


Hi Nick,
            Most Acecas have felt channel lining but because Terrys car was a late one it was possibly fitted with 7/16 inch channel or by Terry himself. I also own a Gilbern GT which takes 7/16" U channel.  A few years ago I purchased from Yorkshire Windscreens some 10mm flock lined rubber channel. This fitted perfectly. I have just checked Ebay and they still list it and other sizes .Plenty people use it because they have sold 755 metres,
     Let me know when you finnish the car
            Tony Jackson   10kph


Hi Tony,
Thanks for the info.
I can say confidently that the car will be finished after Christmas...... maybe not this one though!
I think you are correct about the 7/16 window channel being fitted only to the later models, the bits I removed looked pretty original and there were also some fairly newish looking bits of felt in one side of the car where the original channel had corroded away and I'm guessing that Terry may have replaced these at some point when he owned the car.
I've tried a few experiments now and some results as follows.
A. 10mm x 10mm channel flock lined on the inner and outer faces - once I fitted a complete length this fitted very nicely, nice snug fit in the chrome frame and looks really good, As Luke pointed out though the glass is a tiny bit loose in the channel, (available from Vintage Supplies 263A - window channel)
B. 3mm thick x 25mm wide felt - This also fitted nicely in the window frame and looked pretty good, it didn't feel quite as secure as the 10x10mm channel though, but it was a better fit for the thickness of the Aceca window glass.
C. Would have been making up metal U channel and lining with felt, but to be honest both the above options turned out so well that I decided that it would be a waste of time exploring this option.
Hope this info will be of help to someone in the future.