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What goes on behind closed doors?

Started by GSouthee, May 04, 2022, 17:45:51

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Why is it we have stopped getting Council Meeting minutes/updates in Action?

I mean Action is full of ruddy adverts, maybe it would be nice to have a couple of pages to know what's going on with the club.

A car is only original once, but, you can modify it as many times as you like.

My car my rules.


Probably an oversight Garry. As to the adverts, Terry is always after articles for the magazine. I know how difficult it is to produce a magazine with a small club membership having been the previous editor.To get 60pp out almost every month is a Herculean effort on Terry's part and thank goodness we do have 'ruddy' adverts, they help defray the cost of the magazine and the better the magazine the more likely we are to attract advertisers. Council minutes will help fill up a couple of pages too so a timely reminder from you to Council! They (Council minutes} should be published, you are quite right.



I agree Terry works hard to get the Mag out, maybe not Herculean.

As to getting articles into the Mag, it must be difficult. I know Terry has asked me to do one on the Ol' Girl, but to be honest I just do not have time.

I am sure this is the same for many owners.

My personal preference is using the Forum, more relevant and an at the time medium.

Maybe the Mag is a bit 'old hat' in this day and age. I see Ted is doing an Instagram page for the club, although I have to say I do not do Social media.

I usually give Action a quick flick, see nothing of interest and 'bin it'.

Maybe spending money updating the Forum to have a members only sections is the way to go and save the club money from not having to produce the Mag.

My views are probably not in line with many. However, I wonder how many members actually find it interesting?

I look forward to seeing the minutes in future Actions.

Cheers  Gary

A car is only original once, but, you can modify it as many times as you like.

My car my rules.


At the risk of sounding a bit offensive, I always find it funny when people complain that ACtion lacks content when they do not make any effort to provide content. Yes it takes time to write something, and that's why ACtion should always prevail as the main source of quality content, in my opinion. The forum is great for exchanges on technical stuff but the more personal stories should stay in ACtion. They both work well and should keep having their separate lives.
And yes I would like an in-depth journey on Mr Southee's 2L as always reading about the stupidly expensive cars is getting a little long in the tooth.



No Offence taken, I was not actually complaining about lack of content. Mainly that the minutes from the council meetings seem to have disappeared from Action. Whilst Action is the members mag and the council run the club, it would be nice if not required, that  the members get to see the minutes in Action. Also as stated that there are so many Ads, especially the ACOC ones repeated month on month for the International/Silverstone/Lemans etc etc.

Yes I am somewhat lackadaisical re writing an article as I have a lot on, but maybe on one of my upcoming holidays I will find time (Maybe)

However, I will always use the forum as my preferred medium.

Now off to pack for my week away next week.

Cheers Gary

A car is only original once, but, you can modify it as many times as you like.

My car my rules.

Big col

Sorry for going off at a slight tangent, but here goes.
The magazine is put together by Terry and he does a great job in my opinion. The fact is though that one of the things that is always repeated is the appeal for content. The Mag can only be as good as the support all the moaners give.
Pull you fingers out and support rather than moan.
I might be rough but I'm slow as well.


I must own up for the lack of published minutes in ACtion. The reason being that I spend one evening a month chairing the Council Meeting. I also have to take the minutes, as no one else is prepared to do it for me. During the following month I write up the minutes and circulate them to members of the Council who have the opportunity to approve them before the next meeting. Since I retired from business, I do not have the luxury of a secretary to help with this and other tasks, so by the time the minutes are distributed it is often too late for the publishing deadline. Anyone who would like to attend 11 Council Meetings each year, take the minutes, write them up and distribute them, all for free, will be welcomed with open arms. Andy Shepherd Chairman ACOC.

Robin A Woolmer

We have all gone through the cycle of retiring, not having a secretary as well as the key functions of marketing, engineering & manufacturing experts etc is quite a change of life, we all had to go through the learning curve again , have to do writeups ourselves in the process of learning to type etc. I  have to do all the engineering, sourcing & work with suppliers, deal with customers,  make quotes , draft & maintain spreadsheets, deal with shipping  , invoicing , then help club members/ owners & their workshops regarding the Weller engine & so on.
Being head of the Owners Club must be a privilege, not a burden!



Agreed Robin, It is an honour to be Chairman of the ACOC, but that doesn't make it any easier! As I said above, anyone who would like to take the minutes of our monthly meetings would be welcomed with open arms! Andy.


Hi, I am back from Holiday.

Please note I am not moaning about the lack of content per se,  I am saying that there has been a lack of minutes being published in Action.

I note that Andy has stated that due to timing the minutes have missed the publishing deadlines, however they could be published the following publication, that way at least members get to see what is going on. Better late than never! Or, maybe publish them on the members only part of the club website!

I understand Andy's position, however have to say the minutes are the responsibility of someone on the committee/council and should be published in a timely manner.

Are future council meetings going to stay remote on whatever medium is being used?


A car is only original once, but, you can modify it as many times as you like.

My car my rules.


Another ACTION and still no action on council minutes.


A car is only original once, but, you can modify it as many times as you like.

My car my rules.


Gary I think you will find Council Minutes have been published in the last 3 ACtion magazines. Thank you David and Chris!



Hi Andy

This is an old post and yes, I have noticed the minutes in ACtion at last.  However, a better idea would be to put them into the members section of the website and save some printing costs for ACtion.

At least as it is at present, we members get to see what goes on at Council Meetings.

Well done David and Chris

A car is only original once, but, you can modify it as many times as you like.

My car my rules.