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Started by REDFROG, June 02, 2015, 16:55:02

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John Bowman 5d
   I remember this actual car when it was brand new in 1961.
   I was an apprentice Auto Electrician working for Slaters Of Abergele in North Wales. One morning in I am sure 1961 Arrived at work and there was this beautiful AC Greyhound. It looked fantastic and I can remember looking at the Bristol straight six engine with great admiration.The leather interior was superb. It had been purchased frim the Motor Show by a lady who was I think the Owner of Happy Days Holliday Camp in Towyn, near where I lived.
   I was sure it was originally dark blue in colour. I fell in love with the car which I think cost about £3000. I was earning about £3 a week as an apprentice!
   I used to see the car being driven near my home and probably when the car was about four years old I was waiting for a bus to work when I saw the Greyhound driving towards me. It was being driven by a very smart gentleman wearing a tweed cap. To my amazement It stopped and the driver offered me a lift to work in Abergele, I was thrilled but remember we never exceeded 30mph on the 4 mile journey, it was still fitted then with it's original tyres and believe it had completed about 30,000 miles. I thought at the time that it must have been cosseted and I am sure it was.
   I never saw XCA619 again but can never forget that car and was thrilled to see the photographs on Flickr.
   I have been an Austin Healey enthusiast for almost 45 years and when I built my AH 3000 I had it finished in Healey Lobelia blue because of my memories of XCA919.
   I would love to see her again or speak with the present owner. She looks as beautiful as ever but my memory is of a blue car, surely I am not mistaken.?
   The car was purchased new I understood at the time from the Earls Court Motor Show, I wonder if it was the AC motor show car?
   Here is a link to the photograph.
   John Bowman. North Wales

Klassik Metall

Hello John,
   Nice story and clearly this AC left quite an impression on you.
   Chassis Number BEF 2527 (reg XCA 619) is listed in the 2009 Greyhound register as originally being blue with a red interior, indeed as of 2009 it was still on record as being painted blue.The last known owner is listed as A. Michaels London, possibly this is the former ACOC chairman Tony Michaels?
   Interestingly the car in your link seems to be wearing XCA 919 maybe some one made a slight error!
   Regards Luke.


Maybe someone did, Luke... It says XCA 919 in the Register on this site! [;)][:I]
   Welcome John!
   'CA' was the issuing suffix for Denbighshire, so would tally with the car being purchased new and registered by the lady in question.
   If you want a Greyhound fix in a week or 2, you may well see one at the Cholmondeley Pageant of Power,12-14th of June. [8D]


Thanks Chaps,
   this post solves a  question for me, I was at first sure the reg was XCA619 but saw the XCA 919 and thought I was mistaken but now I think proved correct.
   Do you think it was in fact the motor show car?
   Yes it did indeed make an impression on me when I was an apprentice and in fact a motorcycle fanatic not being interested in cars until I met my wife in 1969 and was introduced to her Frogeye Sprite.
   She knows the story of XCA616 so well I must have told her about it every time we see a Grayhound or Acea!
   I will be at Cholmondeley for the weekend on the Austin Healey Club stand probably with my, yes lobelia blue 3000 so we will probably have a look at a Greyhound and retell the story again.
   John Bowman


I may have read that wrong so now I see it would appear that the original registration was XCA919?
   It was over fifty years ago and I will be 70 next month s0 please excuse me.


Here`s what being in an AC Greyhound looks like!
   Due to a mix-up, I`ll miss CPOP this year, but if the weather is kind, Dad should be there in this `Hound somewhere!


Original log book shows XCA919 and it was indeed originally blue.


Thanks everyone,
   I look forward to seeing XCA919 at an event in the future and if you are anywhere near an Austin Healey event look out for our 3000MK 111
   FSG604D and please come over for a chat.
   John B


We will be at CPOP on the Austin Healey Stand, please pop over for a chat, Just ask almost anyone for John & Jill from North Wales.
   Rehards John