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Messages - Robin A Woolmer

they saved significant weight
My PVT paperwork suggests 2-gallons!
I am not an experienced  with this car but i suspect this is an ENV or Moss housing not designed by AC, it will fit the casing which is part of the chassis assembly!
You will need to identify which casing it is & determine if a spare assembly is available!
If ENV then maybe the 2-Litre casing might fit?
It is unfortunate that now a none member freely uses the facilities of the Club in spite of criticizing it & preferring to be a member of a so called better club, yes he should re join the Club as suggested if he expects to benefit from it!
I did consider making some but found engine for me Special, However there are standard but similar ones available with proper races fitted , they would be abetter solution & probably lower net cost!
ACOC News and Events / Re: Alan Blunt
June 12, 2023, 16:53:39
I am really sorry Alan has left us, i have the special he raced in the 50's&60's  which i purchased as a rolling chassis nobody & have shortened the chassis & fitted a new two seat body, i was hoping to take it to him when finished but it has taken too long to complete. there are pictures of the racing special he raced in the Club archives, maybe they could be shown in Action sometime!

You are probably correct, but as you have, i understand decided to leave the Club your questions is totally academic!
I presume AC Club Parking is for members!
I expect the water seal in the pump is not working very well so water is leaking past the seal, the drain allows the leaked water to exit the pump & not contaminate the single bearing, suggest you replace the seal  or live with it a while until it is worse!
Brian Eacott should be able to supply new seals
The VSCC published some work done with antifreeze liquids & it is recommended that the original Classic 'Bluecol' be used as it suits the engine make up of the older engines, i have this for my engines!
By the way i use classic semi synthetic 20/50 oil which a number of oil suppliers have available!
Have you checked if you have an air leak in the induction manifolds between the carbs & the head? this may account why you cannot get stable running setting up the carbs!
Ace, Aceca & Greyhound Forum / Re: AE547 Aceca
April 26, 2023, 10:43:48
Unfortunately returning the car to the correct specification engine is likely to be quite expensive which is a pity as it deserves a Weller engine, unless this is carried out it is likely to continue at a low value, the car looks in very good condition & deserves this to be carried out!
Go to 2-Litre Saloon Web site Ian Strange, it should be very helpful, you can find it in the Club Web Site Links!
I have an early AC Company copy of the manual which was 10/-shillings !The article you refer to is a club article which i updated with comments from our now knowledge! I also have an early saloon manual & the only PVT information which was published by a pre war motor magazine! I think the PVT article is on the Club Web site ! By the way these articles do not apply to my new engines as they are modified with current bearing technology & generally improved lighter parts particularly the rotating components.