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AE547 Aceca

Started by lew, January 05, 2011, 17:15:34

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I am the current keeper of AE 547.This was converted to Bristol power some time ago and I believe had some work done to it by Geoff Dowdle.If you are out there Geoff would you please contact me on
   Is there any source that could tell me the original colours of this car as I am new to this !

Robin A Woolmer

The original Colour was Regal Red withGrey trim

AC Ace Bristol

Originally posted by lew
I am the current keeper of AE 547.This was converted to Bristol power some time ago and I believe had some work done to it by Geoff Dowdle.If you are out there Geoff would you please contact me on
   Is there any source that could tell me the original colours of this car as I am new to this !

   Welcome to the Forum,  as Robin states your Aceca left Thames Ditton painted Regal red with Grey trim on 19th  January 1956.
   eng no CL 2241-W
   I have a couple of Pictures from 1973 when it was in Australia registration number URK690. owned by  R Pride ..[?]
   Also have a rear view picture wthout lights and in bare Aluminium registration number  907 ( NT-Outback Australia)
   I will scan & email the three pictures to you.
   Hopefully they are of interest and are new to you ..[;)]

Gus Meyjes

   with as much work as you and others do to help unearth history on AC cars, is this just food for the forum, or is there a formal depot that keeps all of this information on record for posterity?
   Much in the same way SAAC does, with photo histories tied to cars, articles/information and current photos.
   I think it would do incredible service to the value of a lot of the cars if this info would be gathered in a database that is available to ACOC registered owners. It just seems all these incredible resources are just passing through on the Forum, rather than becoming part of the history record of all that is AC.


Thanks guys that info is very useful.I bought the car from Les Payne in Australia and it is in a container on the way to me in South Africa. That is assuming the Somali pirates havn't been at work!
   My knowledge on the history is limited but Les had it since 1985.At some point in its early life the AC engine expired and the Bristol b2 was fitted from a saloon together with fixed first gear and o/d. The engine was modified to D2 spec but does not have acl pump carbs.Has also been converted to discs at the front.The car has been mechanically restored and the body done but never painted for 20 years!.It is still in bare ally.Thats the way I like them so I can see no hidden terrors under the paint.The upholstery and interior is also not done.
    When it arrives I will post some pics for those who might be interested
   What red is Regal red? It's weird all my cars seem to end up red!!

AC Ace Bristol

   If you look in your monthly issue of ACtion you will note that each AC Model e.g.  AC Ace / Ace Bristol/ Cobra Mk1V, Me3000 etc have there own respective Registrar.
   The registers have been built up over the years in paper format to include correspondance with owners, photographs and important data.
   Most registrars have electronically saved this data/material and it is available to ACOC members. The registers accuracy is kept upto  date and accurate by the Owners / Custodians and Enthusiasts
   supplying material to the respective  Registrars.
   Each register is also accessable on the ACOC Forum by visiting the Members section ....  Pass word protected in the interest of Owners and Data protection ...etc ..[;)]
   Majority of material gleened from various sources eg. Web sites, Auctions, Old magazines & correspondence is usually copied to the registrars.
   It is really surprising how this Forum has opened so many doors and Pandoras Box(s) to often confirm some fasinating History.
   Long may it continue.....  But as stated earlier, it is dependent on sharing archive material in order that  future Custodians have access to accurate Historic data on our ACs.  [:)]
   Keith .. [:)]

Gus Meyjes

Thanks Keith,
   I was aware of the registrars and registries accessible online, but never saw that compilation of materials as you described. It is fantastic all this information is being kept by the registrars. It would be great if all the data would be accessible online for owners and other members to view as well, but I'm sure that would involve a huge amount of extra work.
   Any way, I'm glad it does not just passes through the forum, but actually gets archived.
   Thanks for the new year wishes, by the way. Same to you and your family!


Originally posted by AC Ace Bristol...I have a couple of Pictures from 1973 when it was in Australia registration number URK690. Also have a rear view picture without lights and in bare Aluminium, Keith..[:)]

   And here they are:
In 1973
   and Circa 1987?

   [edit] Hopefully the colours are better now...


As I am no techno nerd would someone talk me thru how to attach pics to a post
   does anyone know of a modern equivalent of "regal red" from AC ?


Hi and welcome, Lew.
   There is an 'inserting photos' guide HERE, 5th post down. I REALLY hope it looks a bit better than that last photo when it arrives, looking forward to seeing your pics. :-)


Could this possibly be the same car?


Thanks Jerry that is the car.
   You have saved me trying to post the pics!.
   I have gone part way in posting pics as per the guide but now I can relax and lower my blood pressure as you have done it for me .
   Les Payne, whom I bought the car from(hopelessly overpaid)tells me he bought it stripped in pieces and could not decide what colour to paint it there fore the bare ally.Being somewhat old a doddery I am in a similar situation and if i cant find out what a modern version of regal red is i might also leave it unpainted! silver doeskin seem too bad a colour on an Aceca


not sold, high bid to $70,000

Robin A Woolmer

Unfortunately returning the car to the correct specification engine is likely to be quite expensive which is a pity as it deserves a Weller engine, unless this is carried out it is likely to continue at a low value, the car looks in very good condition & deserves this to be carried out!