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Topics - bobbylangley

General Forum / Brookands Ace Windtunnel Model
July 21, 2016, 13:34:29
Please see the Ace Brooklands page for details.
Ace, Aceca & Greyhound Forum / Racing Ace
June 07, 2016, 21:52:52
Anyone out there have a racing Ace for sale at all? Had an enquiry so any replies I'll put you in touch with the enquirer.
Just seen this looking for a new home:
Ace 'Brooklands' Forum / Radiator
February 13, 2016, 09:16:16
Robin Duggan from South Africa is restoring a Brooklands Ace and requires a new radiator. Anyone know what it is or what car it comes from?
ACOC News and Events / Surrey Christmas Lunch
November 12, 2015, 19:03:13
The Surrey Group are having their Christmas Lunch at The Mill, Elstead on Sunday, December 13th, 12.30 for 1pm sit down. All the usual suspects have been emailed but if anyone else would like to come who may be in the Club and have not ventured to The Mlll for a while (or at all) then please email and we would be pleased to see you. Some people have ventured down before and this would be a good time for you to meet the regulars and have fun.
ACOC News and Events / New Year's Day Parade
October 28, 2015, 21:11:39
This was meant to be in the October issue of ACtion but by the time you receive November the date may be too late. We have been invited to take part in the London New Year's Day Parade which is attended by a large number of spectators and is shown live on TV. See
   Mike Loughton (organiser) needs final numbers and also must have paper work back by the latest Tuesday/Wednesday 3/4th November. The reason being they need to collate, and package all the photographs and text on each vehicle, ready for the typesetters to churn out brochures to include all participants in the Parade.
   6-8 vehicles can go so please contact Terry Webb if you would like to be a star for a day!
General Forum / Racing pic of Aces
October 22, 2015, 15:53:22
Nice pic in November Motor Sport pp128/129 of a couple of Aces (one reg'd PXT 338) at Silverstone July 9, 1955 6 hour relay
Mel Hatton is participating on the Tour Auto in her Aceca Bristol and has had a problem on a special stage. Car is about to be jacked up but they think they have a Half Shaft or Diff problem which will need parts. Can anyone help her or point her in the right direction to get assistance?
   Her mobile is: +447979535455
   They are currently in Clermont-Ferrand and want to keep going
General Forum / Help for Member on Tour Auto
April 22, 2015, 19:12:36
Mel Hatton is participating on the Tour Auto in her Aceca Bristol and has had a problem on a special stage. Car is about to be jacked up but they think they have a Half Shaft or Diff problem which will need parts. Can anyone help her or point her in the right direction to get assistance?
   Her mobile is: +447979535455
   They are currently in Clermont-Ferrand and want to keep going
Mel Hatton is participating on the Tour Auto in her Aceca Bristol and has had a problem on a special stage. Car is about to be jacked up but they think they have a Half Shaft or Diff problem which will need parts. Can anyone help her or point her in the right direction to get assistance?
   Her mobile is: +447979535455
   They are currently in Clermont-Ferrand and want to keep going
Congratulations to our Chairman, Andy Shepherd on a fantastic victory against stiff competition from Ferrari and Jaguar to win the Tony Gaze trophy event at Goodwood today. The ex-David Emmans' car, now campaigned by Andy also won at Goodwood with Paul Fletcher back in 1961! Commiserations to Nigel Winchester who  sadly could not make the grid for the race despite excellent practice times.
Cobra (Thames Ditton) Forum / Hairy Canary
August 24, 2012, 17:54:12
Nice article on Bill Bridges' Cobra in the Telegraph.
General Forum / Surrey post Christmas lunch
January 13, 2012, 09:54:32
Any more members want to join us for the post Christmas lunch at the Barley Mow, West Horsley on 29th Jan? Contact Mike Frayn on
The new Hindhead tunnel has opened today. If you look at the clip at about 1.05 looks likes Sally Shepherd in her Ace exiting it on Day 1.
General Forum / ACOC Sprint 09 + mystery 2 litre
November 09, 2009, 13:14:49
Great day and great weather at the Sprint on Saturday. Many thanks to John Abel for his hard work and effort into organising it for us (and especially organising the weather). Well done. One other thing, does anyone remember a 2 litre in the Paddock that had a huge V8 installed and was for sale. He had a contact telephone number in the window but I've lost it! Does anyone know the owner?
Does anyone know of a restorer they could recommend near Gloucester who could work on 1933 fire damaged AC?
Anyone know of restorers they could recommend near Gloucester who are able to work on fire damaged car of 1933 vintage?