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Messages - GSouthee

ACOC News and Events / Re: Forum Issues
June 26, 2024, 15:08:44
Cant seem to uploads pics, same message as Paho. What happened to the bit at the bottom that we used to have.

Cheers Col yep should stop her.

Here are some pics oh no there is not. Cant seem top upload them. Oh well another time, maybe.
So disc brake conversion sorted.

I used jaguar mk2 hub and bearings. Had to have spindle machined down  a gnats cock so the inner bearing fitted, the outer bearing has same bore as AC one. Needed a spacer made up at rear of spindle so I could use all mk2 jaguar parts. Will stick some pics on here shortly once I  remember  how to do it.

So disc brake conversion sorted.

I used jaguar mk2 hub and bearings. Had to have spindle machined down  a gnats cock so the inner bearing fitted, the outer bearing has same bore as AC one. Needed a spacer made up at rear of spindle so I could use all mk2 jaguar parts. Will stick some pics on here shortly once I  remember  how to do it.

All the best to Leo for going for it. Best of luck to all. I wont be there as Ol Girl off the road at mo for a refit ;D

Stay safe

Cheers col

Glad to see your still plugging on.

Yes I like the old hemi 250 lump too. Hard to find and expensive to buy.

Still at least the rover is light and lumpy.

Take care.

Well I see the Forum is still its thriving and buzzing face of AC ownership :(

Anyway, The Ol Girl has been very busy over the last 6 months or so going here and there, but now then engine block has suffered a crack in the block.

So engine out, along with gearbox scratch head and think I know lets go V8 ;D So block stripped most of the bits sold to Triumph enthusiasts hither and dither. Buy a large cube Rover V8 done, convert to dizzy done, Source 4 speed ZF auto from a Jaguar xj40 done, get Disco bellhousing and flexiplate setup done, see if it all fits nearly done, getting there.

Front disc conversion on way.

Hope to have done by her 75th birthday which happens to be same day as my 70th.

Well guys keep at it.

Stay safe and the right way up.

I see this 2 Litre went for a hefty £3400 ish. High price with a rotten frame and all full of wood worm. I say good luck to the buyer.

I was offered this for the princely sum of £650, however I did not have space for it, nor time.

Some one bought this off of the chap that was selling with the promise to rebuild it, but clearly he just fitted the dated new tyres that came with it and shifted it on via auction.

Still he made a nice earner.

No, LTS a green saloon.

Good price as well. Looks very nice.
General Discussion / Re: Book search
July 31, 2023, 15:23:59
Try waterstones online they show it in stock 45 pound.

Andy and anyone else who reads this.

I have always valued the work done by the volunteers, never have I said otherwise.

As to your comment 'but when I look round for help those who talk the talk are nowhere to be seen.', if you had taken me up on my offer of help with the Le Mans trip on this last occasion and that in 2022, but alas not not taken up by nor even acknowledged by you, you would not feel this way. I emailed you directly and made the offer on here on the Forum, as well as to the current Chairman.

As to my comment re entitled this was in relation to being entitled to be able to take up the offer of booking trip packaged tickets as a member at the time.

I hope that if a queue is formed to take over the organizing of the trip in future it is acknowledged and taken up instead of being ignored.

I may well re-join the club in the future if it seems to me to offer something I think is for me. I hope it will.

I wish no-one any ill will nor ever have, I know the current chairman has a lot to do, along with the council to bring the club into the 21st century. I wish all well.

Thomas nice to meet you and many thanks for your comments and maybe if I return to the fold I may do a bit in Action, but I wont hold my breath.

Take care
Hi Andy

Yes I did indeed enjoy the hospitality of the ACOC members in the club enclosure.

I do not agree with the comment 'You appeared happy to take advantage of our pre-ordered ticket package with a special Clubs Only infield car pass for your AC 2 Litre Saloon allowing you to park in the ACOC Enclosure'. I was actually still a member when the tickets were ordered and as such was entitled to do so.

I am sure it was a lot of hard work, which as you may recall I did offer my assistance, but was not taken up on it.

Anyway glad to see a nice range of cars on the enclosure as stated in the bit on the Le Mans classic post above.


I have never said I have joined a better club just one suits me. I do not consider your opinion of any consequence to me. I did not expect to benefit from using the facilities of the cub, I paid for the use. Now I must move on.

My views are my own and should not affect any others, Each to their own.


Hi Guys

Great time at Le Mans and thanks to the Club letting me park on the AC pitch ;D

Cheers Andy for organising tickets etc, David cheers for still being you.

Some great cars on the pitch, loved the 37 Greyhound.

Legs got worn out walking around Le Mans, never enough time to see it all, Great night racing.

Here's a couple of pics.
