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Leather cabin edging.

Started by REV, May 05, 2009, 00:42:24

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One of the things I'd like to do with my car is remove the leather rolled edge around the cabin. The back section definitely and the front maybe. My car is now 26 years old and the rear section of the leather is looking very old and tired.
   I dont suppose anyone has a picture of what is under there? I'm sure that there isn't anything insurmountable but it would be really nice to know before I take it apart that there are no surprises! If anyone has done the job please let me know!
   As a further thought it would be great to see pictures and ideas of what everyone has done to there cars as improvements. I'm sure that there would be loads of interest as the Cobra is not only the most replicated car, but the MKIV must also be one of the most altered cars. Dash, roll bars, engines, wing mirrors, braking systems, and general upgrades. You only have to look at Peter from Germany (dkp-cobra's postings) to see that we all love to lay hands on cars and see whats under the surface. His must have been the most viewed posting in AC owners club website history.
   So what are the "Upgrades" that you've made that you feel have been worthwhile, and maybe not such a good idea! I think that it would promote real discussion and maybe enthuse us all a little. Humour extremely welcome.
   For me my biggest upgrade or improvement has been fitting a 60's dash. Now I do understand that this may to some be akin to defiling a grade 2 listed building, but for me its how the car should have been made in the first place. You can also see my roll bar in this pic. I also realise that loads of cars have had this done, but for me it was just the start of my journey, and I'm sure thats the case for many others as well......
   What do you think?
   Nick  [:)]¤t=4thMay2009053.jpg


Hi Nick,
   quite nice dashboard. I see that you also have modified your doors. How did the roll bar fit with the tank or don't you have the tank behind the seats?


Hi Nick. The ole` Ford switches are not to everyone`s tastes, and certainly your MkIII style dash looks the business. BUT where are your heater controls and radio going to fit?! [;)]
   For some reason the link in your post doesn`t work, so here`s the pic:
   Please tell me...does your garage floor really have the same racing stripes as the Cobra? Nice touch!!![8D]


   The tank was modified and is still in the same place. It now has two sleeves running through it and a notch out of the rear to accomodate the rear bar. I think it both looks good and I feel a little happier with it there. I'd sooner not put it to the test though.
   As for the heater..... you are joking arent you! Getting rid of the heat has been one of the main problem with my car. It was always coming at you from the footwell and the tunnel. We've clad both the underside and the inside with heat shielding of the highest order. Thats brought the heat down to what is now an acceptable level, but before this it was virtually unbearable. My left leg was always very warm! I have to say that I presumed this was the case in all MKIV's. So to answer your question, the heaters gone! Has everyone had the same issue?
   With regard to the radio I'll explain that with another couple of pics, needless to say theres no radio either! It just sings its own tunes! [:D]
   As for the garage floor...... The anorak in me came out, I just sort of got carried away! [:I]


Brilliant stuff! I was of course joking about heater & radio (hence the [;)] ) but I`m SERIOUSLY impressed by the garage floor! Top Anoraking! [8D]
   Can`t tell from this angle, but have you thermo-wrapped the headers? Either that or ceramic coating seem to offer significant reductions in temperature.


   I did know you were joking, but I've had a weekend of people asking inane questions that I just answer without giving them a second thought. It can be bizzare what they ask about the car. You end up not even thinking, you just answer and smile.
   With regard to the heat, as I say it seems under control now, so no need to bandage the headers so far, but it is an option.
   And the garage floor was at one point the nightmare of my life! To cut a long story short I did it to completion once before this. looked brilliant but the paint didn't key. Large patches came away all over. I then spent two weeks of evenings with a blow torch and a scraper on my hands and knees taking the first lot of paint off. Trust me any praise given to that floor is seriously welcomed! My wife still dines out on that one!


Originally posted by ak1023Nik...the garage floor was at one point the nightmare of my life!...My wife still dines out on that one!

   Well, If the garage floor is good enough for `Er indoors to dine on, then that`s the highest praise indeed! [8D][8D][:o)]
   D`you know what though...I kind of like the 'patina' on the leather, but hey, it ain`t my Car(more`s the pity!).
   Incidentally, is the chassis plate original, I don`t recall seeing one like that before. Nice.


Hi Nik,
   I like patina on leather (I wouldn't redo the seats) but I think someone has added some kind of connollising refurb stuff on it years ago and its now cracked and looks shabby. Its also torn in one place, and where the leather meets the body has got full of wax. The whole thing just needs either redoing or replacing. The cars now 26 years old and things just need tlc.
   The plate was on it when I bought it, so the answer is I don't know. I've never seen enough cars to be a judge, but it certainly doesn't look "homemade". I think the car was the 1st ever UK car registered. AK1018 is numbered before it, but was delivered in 1984 not sure whether or not its left or right hand drive. AK1021 was LHD but also says its a UK car (Motor show) but wasn't registered until 1985. If you think back to 1983 the UK was in the depths of recession and Brian Anglis would have been very pleased to sell it. He'd probably have rolled out the red carpet for the first buyer! It would be interesting to know what plates are on the cars around that date and how they compare to there build sheets.
   The engine differs from the build list as well as it says that its a 351c on the register, but it is a 427 side oiler. Steve Grays worked on the car and says that the chassis was built to take the engine and has not been modified so I can only think it was built for the 427, but who knows.
   As with all AC's a little intrigue adds to the fun, but can also make initial ownership baffling! I once asked Trevor to give me night school lessons on Cobra history and recognition. Short nose, long nose, light weight, super blower, fia, CRS, 289, coil spring, leaf spring etc.. Hadn't got a clue. When I first bought the car I just thought I'd bought an old car. How wrong could I be! I've still only seen a few others at AC nationals, and they all vary a little in the build over the years.
   Ho Hum!


Hi Nick
   Nice to see the ol' Money Pit in such fine fettle. But clearly all your hard-earned £££s went on your garage floor instead!!
   I'm just back from a weeks trip on the Cobra 'Battleground' Tour, held amid the wet and rainy mountain roads of Virginia, and I can vouch for the fact that a Cobra does not need a heater, no matter what the weather is doing outside!! (I'm now in full Cobra-anorak mode and will be for some considerable time - even missing my flight home pales into insignificance, though anyone wanting the full lowdown on the retail opportunities to be had at Charlotte airport, feel free to ask....)


Originally posted by ak1023

   ... I think the car was the 1st ever UK car registered. AK1018 is numbered before it, but was delivered in 1984 not sure whether or not its left or right hand drive. ...

   According to the invoice, which is dated June 26th, 1984 and signed by B.A.Angliss, AK 1018 was registered as A 493 UYY (the business paper has the hand painted AK AUTOKRAFT logo). I guess the registration was a formality as the reference to the dealer mentioned in the ACOC registry. After the sale the car immediately went to Germany and still is there. It is a lhd and the chassis plate is different to that shown on the picture.


Originally posted by ak1023
... And the garage floor was at one point the nightmare of my life! To cut a long story short I did it to completion once before this. looked brilliant but the paint didn't key. Large patches came away all over. I then spent two weeks of evenings with a blow torch and a scraper on my hands and knees taking the first lot of paint off. Trust me any praise given to that floor is seriously welcomed! My wife still dines out on that one!

   do it always first time right.
   The garage floor might look like this:
   .. as well as your bathrooms! This is a suggestion for the walls:
   To please your wife, the kitchen might look like this:
   If your wife doesn´t like checkered flags in the kitchen, try this:
   And don´t forget the outside look of your garage. My suggestion are bricks:
   The ultimate and final styling suggestion:
   My wife is well informed concerning my styling wishes, but I hope it´ll take some time until these wishes become reality (and I hope she does, too[:D])!


Personally I think Larry Miller took things one stage too far when he departed. (He probably had a car in there as well) I do hope C$ doesn't have a copyright on that particular colour scheme.....


This could just go to far!
   But then again your style idea of check patterning is growing on me!!!!




I have to say I'm really warming to this checker patterned theme now.....