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New AC MkVI Gullwing

Started by cobham cobra, April 14, 2009, 12:19:18

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Originally posted by henryst
Gentlemen, pardon the intrusion, but it seemed such fun, and educational as a bonus. Trevor and Nik I know through another forum, to the others in this thread, I am a stranger.
   Having had a long interest in ACs, including 11 yrs with Autokraft, it would be nice to know the events since 1996.
   Is anyone aware of exactly what is going on, and thus, could they explain? I knew of the move to Frimley, then learned about computers and found out about 'Malta'. I know the name Lubinsky, and all that is reported about him. Now I read of AC Heritage, associated with British Heritage, manufacturing Cobras!
   This is a polite request by someone who is not in the know, asking someone who is in the know, of a concise definative history of AC since 1996. I accept for legal reasons (!) the word 'alleged' may be used.
   Thanks, Peter

   1996 Lubinsky gains control of AC
   2001 AC move from Brooklands to a smaller factory at Frimley, Surrey
   2005 AC move to Malta to produce AC MkV
   2005-6 Commercial deals with Boulder Speedster Company, Autosport Designs and Unique Performance to sell MkV fall through. Plans for new factory at Bridgeport, USA announced but not implemented.
   2008 AC factory in Malta closes
   2008 Small scale classic Ace and Cobra production announced at AC Heritage (UK) and AC Autokraft (USA)
   2009 Announcement to produce AC MkVI in Germany
   If you want a genuine AC, go to AC Heritage.


Originally posted by Chafford
   1996 Lubinsky gains control of AC
   2001 AC move from Brooklands to a smaller factory at Frimley, Surrey
   2005 AC move to Malta to produce AC MkV...

   You missed a bit.
   2004 AC move from Frimley to Normandy, Guildford, to produce 'recreations' of the RS Ace & MkII/MkIII Cobra...
   So, from this:
   ...To this:
   'Affectionately' known as 'The Scout Hut'...


Hello AC folks,
   it´s nice to do wildcatting and fooling around with all of you. Let me remind you, that we are all part of the AC community. What aroused my interest of the Mk VI is the question, what is going on with the brand AC. Even if for sure and naturally there are different opinions who might be the best inheritor of the AC brand it is a matter of fact that the name AC is related to the company who owns the right to use the name.
   There may be good times and bad times in the centenarian history of a company, but one of the more important things is that the companies survives.
   To cut the long story short, it is time to acquaint you with some facts:
   There was a very strong reaction of the press on the AC´s press release – of course there is an unvaining interest in Cobra´s.
   The idea of the Mark VI is to build a practicable car (reminds me a little bit of the Superformance Daytona Coupe idea).
   How often did you climb in your Cobra with the roof on it? How did you feel? Like a contortionist entering a snake?
   So, that´s why the Mk VI will have a Hardtop with "Flügeltüren" (the "Flügeltürer" may be trademarked by Mercedes, the "Gullwing" is trademarked by the Gullwing GmbH). Easy to enter, possibly waterproof and you can go 150 mph with a top on the car. Did you try this with your softtopped Cobra? Carbon will lead to a light hardtop, which is easy to remove.
   Does make sense from my point of view.
   The body will be made from Carbon like the Mk V.
   The Chassis will be lengthened by 2 inch. That doesn´t affect to the shape, but will result in more space for the passengers. There will be a new frame and new axle technology.
   The project is still at it´s beginning, that´s why first deliveries will not be within this year. Delivery will be on a first come – first serve basis.
   Target is a price below 100k€.
   The Chevy engine will be the first choice because of the lower price compared to a Ford engine, the availability of parts and equipment and the better fit (e.g. for the steering).
   There are further plans to create a 289 shaped 50th anniversary model in three years.
   These are first hand informations from a telephone call to Christian Wolf, general manager of the Gullwing GmbH, who is related to Cobras since 25 years. As I reckoned, Jürgen Mohr, his partner, is the one involved in the Mohr Cobras.
   Concerning Greg Lubinski he stated, that he is led by his personal opinion and not by the opinion of others.
   I had a very enjoyable call with him and from my point of view, he is a kind person. Because of that and because I like Cobra shaped cars to be alive under the AC badge and I like the Mk VI hardtop and interior design (o.k., 15 inch wheels on my Mk VI), I ended the phone call with my best wishes for the success of the project. And that´s where I stand for.
   "Facts" recalled from my memory in all conscience.
   What I don´t know and didn´t ask is the relation of the AC Heritage and AC Autokraft activities to the Mk VI project. I guess, these are to totally different things (classic shape AC ACE / Cobra on one hand – modern shape AC Cobra on the other hand; Cobra stands for the body shape not for the Cobra trademark).


Hi Michael
   If Jurgen Mohr has been talking with Greg Lubinski then I'm obviously on the wrong forum.
   However, if he refers to a Mr. A. Lubinski then the comment "he is led by his personal opinion and not by the opinion of others"  sums up the current situation perfectly. Couldn't have put it better myself! (can I quote him??)
   BTW even refering to the body shape as a 'Cobra' will bring down the big corporate lawyers from Ford. Ford own the name, end of story.

Mark IV

   "LubinskI" or "LubinskY"...?????? And who is "Greg"


Sorry, my mistake! I correct to "Alan Lubinsky"


I`m interested to know what the unique process that Gullwing use to manufacture their bodies, described as "Handmade aluminium-hybrid bodies," is. Or is that only for their Merc replica and the Cobra wil be Carbon, as told to Michael, above?
   I read Michael`s comment as meaning that Christian Wolf has formed his own opinion about Mr. Lubinsky, rather than relying on heresay & comments from people (like myself, admittedly) with only third-hand knowledge. Whether that constitutes a lack of 'due diligence' or shows a strong belief in his own judgement of character only time will tell.
   From that, I can understand Michael getting the feeling that Herr Wolf is a kind person, and I too wish him (and Jurgen Mohr) well for the times ahead.
   Maybe we have had it wrong all this time, and the only reason that Mr Lubinsky`s ventures have all failed was that he had the wrong partners.[:0]

Mark IV

Originally posted by nikbj68
with only third-hand knowledge. Whether that constitutes a lack of 'due diligence' or shows a strong belief in his own judgement of character only time will tell.

   But I have "first hand" knowledge. I wish anyone involved good luck..................they'll need it!


Originally posted by nikbj68
I`m interested to know what the unique process that Gullwing use to manufacture their bodies, described as "Handmade aluminium-hybrid bodies," is. Or is that only for their Merc replica and the Cobra wil be Carbon, as told to Michael, above?
   I read Michael`s comment as meaning that Christian Wolf has formed his own opinion about Mr. Lubinsky, rather than relying on heresay & comments from people (like myself, admittedly) with only third-hand knowledge. Whether that constitutes a lack of 'due diligence' or shows a strong belief in his own judgement of character only time will tell.

   That´s exactly what I understood.

   From that, I can understand Michael getting the feeling that Herr Wolf is a kind person, and I too wish him (and Jurgen Mohr) well for the times ahead.
   Maybe we have had it wrong all this time, and the only reason that Mr Lubinsky`s ventures have all failed was that he had the wrong partners.[:0]

   To be honest, there weren´t so many successes in AC´s last 50 year´s history. One sucess were Brian Angliss´ cars, and I´m happy to have one because of the built quality.
   But I have confidence in the capability of the german´s building cars [:)]. Let´s see what the new episode in the miraculous AC and Cobra wildlife will bring to us.

cobham cobra

I'm still saying nothing, this is only a suggestion


This may be one of those cases for the enthusiast world to not set their expectations too high....less disappointment; though I think we all want the marque to live; that way.

emilio garcia

Originally posted by 1984MkIV
Hello AC folks,
   it´s nice to do wildcatting and fooling around with all of you. Let me remind you, that we are all part of the AC community. What aroused my interest of the Mk VI is the question, what is going on with the brand AC. Even if for sure and naturally there are different opinions who might be the best inheritor of the AC brand it is a matter of fact that the name AC is related to the company who owns the right to use the name.
   There may be good times and bad times in the centenarian history of a company, but one of the more important things is that the companies survives.
   To cut the long story short, it is time to acquaint you with some facts:
   There was a very strong reaction of the press on the AC´s press release – of course there is an unvaining interest in Cobra´s.
   The idea of the Mark VI is to build a practicable car (reminds me a little bit of the Superformance Daytona Coupe idea).
   How often did you climb in your Cobra with the roof on it? How did you feel? Like a contortionist entering a snake?
   So, that´s why the Mk VI will have a Hardtop with "Flügeltüren" (the "Flügeltürer" may be trademarked by Mercedes, the "Gullwing" is trademarked by the Gullwing GmbH). Easy to enter, possibly waterproof and you can go 150 mph with a top on the car. Did you try this with your softtopped Cobra? Carbon will lead to a light hardtop, which is easy to remove.
   Does make sense from my point of view.
   The body will be made from Carbon like the Mk V.
   The Chassis will be lengthened by 2 inch. That doesn´t affect to the shape, but will result in more space for the passengers. There will be a new frame and new axle technology.
   The project is still at it´s beginning, that´s why first deliveries will not be within this year. Delivery will be on a first come – first serve basis.
   Target is a price below 100k€.
   The Chevy engine will be the first choice because of the lower price compared to a Ford engine, the availability of parts and equipment and the better fit (e.g. for the steering).
   There are further plans to create a 289 shaped 50th anniversary model in three years.
   These are first hand informations from a telephone call to Christian Wolf, general manager of the Gullwing GmbH, who is related to Cobras since 25 years. As I reckoned, Jürgen Mohr, his partner, is the one involved in the Mohr Cobras.
   Concerning Greg Lubinski he stated, that he is led by his personal opinion and not by the opinion of others.
   I had a very enjoyable call with him and from my point of view, he is a kind person. Because of that and because I like Cobra shaped cars to be alive under the AC badge and I like the Mk VI hardtop and interior design (o.k., 15 inch wheels on my Mk VI), I ended the phone call with my best wishes for the success of the project. And that´s where I stand for.
   "Facts" recalled from my memory in all conscience.
   What I don´t know and didn´t ask is the relation of the AC Heritage and AC Autokraft activities to the Mk VI project. I guess, these are to totally different things (classic shape AC ACE / Cobra on one hand – modern shape AC Cobra on the other hand; Cobra stands for the body shape not for the Cobra trademark).


I would suggest that since Mr Shelby referred to his Cooper Monaco cars with Ford engines as 'King Cobras' that the Cobra name does not stand for the body shape, though most folk, on hearing the name, will indeed visualise an AC body and chassis with a big American engine.



Originally posted by henryst
I would suggest that since Mr Shelby referred to his Cooper Monaco cars with Ford engines as 'King Cobras' that the Cobra name does not stand for the body shape, though most folk, on hearing the name, will indeed visualise an AC body and chassis with a big American engine.

   May I kindly remind you that it´s me who was given the honour of becoming Pedant of the Month in February 2009 in C&SC and ask you to deference respect to that fact when posting your comments [:(!]!!!