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New AC MkVI Gullwing

Started by cobham cobra, April 14, 2009, 12:19:18

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Here comes the kit: Take the blue car, put the wings of MEI-GW 198 on it and the engine of the yellow Corvette into it!


The correct web address is, that's why you could find no mention on the ac cars web site.
   Malta did not manufacture alum bodies, hence MkV's were moulded.
   I for one want to be positve and see this work and see MkVI's on the road.


Originally posted by terry3000me
The correct web address is, that's why you could find no mention on the ac cars web site.
   Malta did not manufacture alum bodies, hence MkV's were moulded.
   I for one want to be positve and see this work and see MkVI's on the road.


   I too want to be positive, but over the last few years there has been SO much that is not good, it is hard to remain that way.
   I`m glad to see that there actually is a car built, and sincerely hope that it is better built than the MkV, time will tell.
   I must say, from these photos, the fit & finish appear better than the MkV, but issues of personal taste I will keep to myself.[;)]
   Someone should have seen to it that the old AC Automotive website that still suggests AC are a going concern in Malta was taken down, or at least the info on was carried over, so there is some degree of continuity there.

cobham cobra

Oh all right then .....if everyone else is going to be positive then I want to be positive too[:)]
   Regarding Ford vs. Chevy have a look at
   An electric Cobra with 1000 ft lbs of torque.
   New batteries anyone?[:D][:D]


Originally posted by cobham cobra
Oh all right then .....if everyone else is going to be positive then I want to be positive too[:)]
   Regarding Ford vs. Chevy have a look at
   An electric Cobra with 1000 ft lbs of torque.
   New batteries anyone?[:D][:D]

   I wonder how much help Gordon will give me to get one of those, instead of my 55mpg Passat?!


Don't panic, I'm back!!!..............and gone again.......


Oh all right then .....if everyone else is going to be positive then I want to be positive

   Me too....[:)]


Side vents, boot hinges, profile of rear end etc. look remarkably like a Dax to me.


Not to be negative, but it strikes me that there are several areas where an SVA (or should than now be 'IVA or BIVA'?) test would be failed, such as lack of fog light, steering wheel 'sharpies', seat back/head restraint heights, indicator side-repeaters & those fake spinners...but it is only a prototype, isn`t it.


Originally posted by cobham cobra
Oh all right then .....if everyone else is going to be positive then I want to be positive too[:)]
   Regarding Ford vs. Chevy have a look at
   An electric Cobra with 1000 ft lbs of torque.
   New batteries anyone?[:D][:D]

   Well, I can follow your train of thoughts from my FORD girl to the you tube video, when I look at the test driver ...[:p]

Mark IV

I thought that side pies were a "No-No" under most EU rules. Didn't the Vipers need rear exits?


Originally posted by terry3000me
The correct web address is, that's why you could find no mention on the ac cars web site.
   Malta did not manufacture alum bodies, hence MkV's were moulded.
   I for one want to be positve and see this work and see MkVI's on the road.


   It might work if Mr L's involvement is limited to providing the AC badge.


Clearly the only part of the car with any connection to AC is the badge. This deal works in the same way that Carroll Shelby allowed Ram to call its replica a Shelby-Ram 427, with profits etc going to Mr.S, which of course is where it all went pear-shaped! AC Cars exists as a business only on paper - where is its factory and its staff, where is its head office? AC will never again build cars, just attach its name to anyone willing to 'do a deal'. And the very best of British luck to all concerned. To produce a statement tht sort-of alludes that AC is back in the car production game is misleading in the extreme, but telling little porkies is what some folk do best.
   It's worth repeating that back in 1996, Price Waterhouse sold the ASSETS of the ex-AC company, not the full title as the company was in debt to the tune of £quite a lot. Hence the reason that Ford landed so heavily in the new 'AC' business and swiftly removed the rights to the Cobra title that the new company had not purchased (the much-coveted name not being included in the assets for obvious reasons) and made it 100% clear that no AC product could use the name again. Or else. (Nor anyone else for that matter, not that it has stopped a few other companies based in europe from using the name in advertising literature :-)


Gentlemen, pardon the intrusion, but it seemed such fun, and educational as a bonus. Trevor and Nik I know through another forum, to the others in this thread, I am a stranger.
   Having had a long interest in ACs, including 11 yrs with Autokraft, it would be nice to know the events since 1996.
   Is anyone aware of exactly what is going on, and thus, could they explain? I knew of the move to Frimley, then learned about computers and found out about 'Malta'. I know the name Lubinsky, and all that is reported about him. Now I read of AC Heritage, associated with British Heritage, manufacturing Cobras!
   This is a polite request by someone who is not in the know, asking someone who is in the know, of a concise definative history of AC since 1996. I accept for legal reasons (!) the word 'alleged' may be used.
   Thanks, Peter

Mark IV

QuoteOriginally posted by henryst
asking someone who is in the know, of a concise definative history of AC since 1996
Quote1996 Brian is boned out of AC by the bank.
   1996 Lubinsky buys "AC"
   1997 to present: Downhill with a trail of bruised and battered "Partners. investors, dealers and distributors." Numerous locations let and vacated. Inumerable press releases, "new product announcements", "dealer appointments", "latest deal done", etc.
   Do a little googling and the truth will appear......