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Looking for a Hawk

Started by R Warlop, May 24, 2020, 11:31:54

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R Warlop

Hello - I'm looking for an original looking, well built Hawk. Send me a message if you know one for sale. Many thanks!

AC Ace Bristol

R Warlop

You are on the wrong Forum. Hopefully one of those listed below has what you are looking for... :)

Assume you have been in contact with Gerry Hawkridge   ( 07918 624744 )
Try Nik Bagshaw  chairman of the 289 Register  ................ ( 07754 582771 )
last but not least ............ try  Totalheadturners     ................( 07711 630348 or  01992 573564 )

Good Luck with your Quest  ..    Enjoy!



Hi Reg. Come on over to THE 289 REGISTER, join the Forum,(join the Club!) and we'll see what turns up! They are few and far between on the open market, I hope this is to sit alongside the Greyhound!


I know this was a while ago, but did you find a Hawk, Reg?