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Is this possibly the most boring Forum any where!

Started by GSouthee, May 11, 2020, 17:50:43

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Robin A Woolmer

You are absolutely right, i had completely forgotten about that retaining pin for the Weller spring, as you say it is good that it has good life, as you describe access is very difficult, whilst it has a 1/4 BSW thread , it has a taper to locate it which acts like a Morse taper  which locks it in.
I remember removing it from my 1936 16/80   which had been dismantled for some time, it needed a bit more than a screwdriver to loosen & unscrew it as it was also corroded in!
I am afraid i had to move its position on my engines due to the larger main bearings also the flywheel boss diameter, in the process i redesigned it to a straight pin which has a 4BA female thread to enable it to be removed, then a 5/16 Grub screw to retain it!It is unlikely to be corroded in like the original!   
You will appreciate i have the benefit of new parts for my engines & do not get involved in repair of the engines!
I wonder how many repaired engines have new Weller springs fitted?



Well Gentlemen,

I am glad that the forum has kicked into life.

I loved my AC engine however it had finally reached it end and was not financially viable for me to do a full rebuild as the value of a 2 litre saloon did not warrant it.

My biggest pain was getting the cylinder head to seal, but that was part of the engines corroding away.

Still  most of it went to a chap in Germany (he was going to have a block stiched on), the head to the USA and the carbs and manifolds to A classic car re-builder in Suffolk.

Keeps at it fellas.

A car is only original once, but, you can modify it as many times as you like.

My car my rules.


Wish I had something useful to bring to the discussion but I am relegated to say something rather than having something to say.
Wonderful to read so many educational messages. Thanks for the interesting information on the A.C. engine.


A car is only original once, but, you can modify it as many times as you like.

My car my rules.


One year later on and we are nearly there.......windscreen in and off to trim.