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Register Update

Started by ACECA-ACE, February 08, 2020, 13:02:01

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I'm so sorry for the lack of contact on forum and in action around the Ace Brooklands, but new job and house took my focus. Well now I'm back, it would be good to check the register is updated. Could I ask people with Mk1 and Mk2 cars to email me there latest details, especially  if you have modified the car. I will collect over the next month updates and send the latest register into action for print. Also as I'm stripping an Ace Brooklands I could take lots of photo's and provide members a catalog of what I find if that helps. Also if you need specific parts please send me an email on

Thanks all, I will read through the various posts and answer any questions.



Hi John,
By stripping an Ace Brooklands, does that signify breaking for spares or it is going to be a rebuild?

Kind regards,



The car has fire damage under dash, I have a bonnet (needs patch panel put in), front bumper, dashboard. Will need full wiring, engine over hall and lots of effort. Cat C, so can be put on the road if needed. Just not sure what to do with it, the chassis is good, etc. No Hood as another owner wanted a hood.


..... update coming soon?
"Blessed are those that don't ask for they shall not receive"


Is John still the register responsible?
If not can someone please point me in the right direction, I need to get in touch.
BR /Paho
"Blessed are those that don't ask for they shall not receive"



"Blessed are those that don't ask for they shall not receive"