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What car is this motor from?

Started by Vincent998, January 27, 2020, 15:53:34

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I'm a newby, having just purchased an Aceca. With the car came a complete AC motor, transmission, and overdrive. The motor is apparently later than the car, and its serial number does not appear in the list of AC engined Acecas. The motor is CLB 2416 91 NT. Can anyone determine what vehicle it came from?



Have a look in the Ace register (Ac engined). Looks like it was taken from a Ace that had a 289 put in.
As a member you can access the registers.


Many thanks for that! I didn't know how to access the registers, but now I do. I see that the motor (and probably the gearbox and overdrive) are from the car you referred to. They are clearly later than my Aceca.