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Racing History BEX333 (1957-1964)

Started by AC Ace Bristol, January 04, 2009, 13:56:28

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AC Ace Bristol

   <font size="2">To All who have read and contributed to this thread.</font id="size2">
   <b>A big Thank you to those who have delved into their archives and scanned various magazines and web sites, then pieced together the now very comprehensive
   History file of BEX333..... Really Appreciated</b>..[;)]..[;)].
   A  bit deja vu ....but this thread  ACtually started  "wishing every one a Merry Christmas" in Jan 2009,  I take this opportunity to wish all those who have followed this thread:-
   <center><font size="6"><b><font color="red">Merry Christmas
        and a

   Happy, Healthy & Prosperous New Year</font id="red"></b></font id="size6"></center>
   <b><font color="green"><font size="3">CHEERS..  ..  ..  All the Best for 2013</font id="size3"></font id="green"></b>
   <font size="2"><b>Keith</b></font id="size2">..[:)]..[:)]


To kick off another year of this fascinating long running thread here are two scans of an original Westwood Racing Circuit windscreen sticker complete with directions for applying on the backside.
   BEX 333 might have had one attached one day while owned by Jim Parsons.
   Kindly sent by Jonathan Parker to Keith.

AC Ace Bristol

Thank you Jerry for posting the two pictures of the "Westwood Racing Circuit" windscreen sticker... circa 1958.
   Kindly donated by Jonathan Parker ( Vancouver ) who raced his MG TC against James Parsons driving BEX333 during the 1950's. Unfortunately Jonathan doesn't have any period photos or racing material stashed away at home.
   Most of you would be aware that Jonathan Parker owns the superb dark red AC Ace (AE1194)that won awards at last years Pebble Beach.(2012)
   Hopefully..  ..   The ACOC USA International comes to fruition and BEX333 can sit alongside AE1194. and travel up the West Coast, to Seattle and possibly Vancouver....[;)]

AC Ace Bristol

   Dave /  Bill  &  Lorraine
   Long time no hear.
   Hope you and your Families are all fit and well and firing on all cylinders.
   Just come across your emails dated Setember 2012 whilst clearing through old emails and thought I would make contact and give a gentle Nudge in the hope that you may
   have located the 8mm Sports Car Racing Film from Westwood dated 1958 /1964..[?] that you referred to during our exchange of emails and receipt of your much appreciated  copy
   of the 1964 photos of my Ace Bristol BEX333 of  which Lorraine still had origonal poloroid copies. Which inturn  were posted on this thread last September..[:p]
   I feel lucky that the 8mm film referred to still exists and could well depict some Ace Bristol's  racing round or in the paddock/ pits at Westwood and might just capture
   BEX333 wearing  USA registration (number plate)   AKF221  or  later number  ARZ913.
   As stated earlier, any cost incurred in getting this 8mm film downloaded onto CD/ DVD and copy posted on, I will reimburse in full..  ..[;)]
   In the mean time Have a Good Easter Break.
   Cheers for Now.

AC Ace Bristol

   Great Easter Prezzie, received prompt positive response to earlier email.[;)]
   Copy attached:-
   Hello Keith
   Yes,  I have converted my old 8mm racing films into 1 DVD. It has some great early Westwood footage as well as Laguna Seca, Cotati and a few other tracks.
   The DVD is $20.00 plus $8.00 airmail shipping
   Running time is about 30-40 minutes if I recall. Almost all color footage.
   If you want a copy you can send $28.00 US funds to my paypal account:   ****************************
      or I can send you a paypal invoice if you like.
   Also I will get the other ACE photos my mother has next time I visit here as if you recall there was one of yours at a field meet with Washington State plates which I think yours.
   Hi  Dave
   Payment via paypal,  ACtioned,  Look forward to receiving and watching your DVD, Hopefully you and/or Lorraine captured BEX333
   Jim Parsons and various other Ace's in ACtion.
   Big Thank You .. to Dave, Bill & Lorraine ..[;)]
   Cheers....  Keith. ..[:)]..[:)]

AC Ace Bristol

   Received DVD,  Colour 8mm amature film downloaded onto DVD.
   Content:-  Unfortunately, All post 1962
   Cotati  ..  1963.
   Hockenheim.  ..   25th May 1932.
   Squaw Valley Autocross.  ..  1965.
   Monterey Grand prix  ..  1964.
   Laguna Seca .  ..  1963.
   Start of Formula Junior & Libra.
   USSRC Races.  ..  1965.
   Monterey Grand Prix.  ..  1965.
   WestWood Racing Circuit.  ..  1962.
   Class "F",  Class "A&C",

   Approx run time 36/37 minutes,  One Ace (White) and one Aceca (Maroon)... Blink and you miss them.[;)]    Believe to be owned by Jim Milligan.  Must try and research.
   However a few good sequence shots of a various Cobras. lots of TRs, MGs,Porsche  & Ferrari and good  multiple sequence of Cheetah # 81 driven by Alan Grant & Allen Green.
   ( pity I wasn't researching racing Cheetah's.)
   Unfortunately, Zero value in Ace Bristol research department and History of BEX333.
   Should have requested breakdown of content before buying copy. Some what dissapointed is a understatement..[:(]
   As they say " Nothing Ventured  nothing Gained".
   On the positive side, David did supply  a picture of BEX333 dated May 1964, Which he kindly emailed  me,  Hopefully hard copy wings its way across the pond.[?]

AC Bill

Hi Keith, been out of touch for awhile. Glad to hear you got the dvd, but sorry it didn't contain any actual footage of your car. I'm sure out there somewhere, gathering dust, there is some footage of it. Bristol's were pretty rare to see at the track even back in their heyday, so I wouldn't doubt that someone have would have filmed it. Good luck in your continued quest.

AC Ace Bristol

   Following recent exchange of email....  Bill has sent the following links...[:p].......Todays technology has somewhat spoilt us,  We take so much for granted, Our mobile phones take higher definition pictures today, so need to spend some time and concentrate on some of the video footage from "Westwood".[:)]
   However some great period racing, One link of particular interest to those who fraternise the MG A..and Frog Eye Sprouts
   Enjoy !!..[;)]
   Hi Keith,
   Nice to hear from you. Still working hard on your cars history I see.
   Was there a color copy.[?]
   I'm not 100% sure, but I suspect the original picture was taken using black and white film, rather than color film. I know that many of the photo's I took at Westwood in the early sixties, were all black and white. It was far cheaper to get developed, than color film..
    Hopefully Dave would know for sure, and you will soon receive a reply from him.
   I wondered if you have ever seen this web site before?
   There are a few, of apparently dozens of photos that were taken from back in the day. I wonder if you made contact with this fellow, you might be lucky enough to discover he may have some of your car. I'm hoping he will post more on this site, as it would be something to see a picture of the old Lotus 23-b that Lorraine's boy friend used to race, (after he sold his Bristol). I used to go out to the track with him regularly..
   Reading through the biography of one of Westwoods veteran drivers, I spotted a picture on page four, (bottom left) that might be BEX333 sitting at the start finish line. Hard to tell the number on the side, but it looks like it could be 251?
   An interesting read regardless.Takes a few minutes to load.   (HAVING A PROBLEM OPENING... Will email Bill)
   A wonderful video on Westwoods early days. All 8 mm film of course so you need a good set of eyes to depict what exactly are the cars being filmed. A couple times I thought I saw what might be an Ace, but it's hard to tell.
   Continued success on your research!

   Thank you Bill, please dont pester  Lorraine to much, However should she find more period race material in her archive , You have my permission too ignore Dont and Pester her as much as Poss........... Keith Said  x x x x x x x x x..[;)]
   Seriously, any period racing data especially with AC Ace & Cobra really appreciated, Will be shared with ACOC  Registrars and ACOC  Librarian...and made available for current and future members of
   Cheers for Now.


The Ace Bristol is Al Doyan's which was regularly raced against Jim Parsons in BEX333.
   Main connection of the two cars besides being Ace Bristol is AL  DOYAN  rebuilt the Bristol engine  in BEX333 back in 1965 within the first few months of   Lee Kolb buying BEX333 from 1st owner James Parsons. 2nd Ace is Jim Parsons.

   And a Mystery Ace. At first, thought to be BEX333, but not:

AC Ace Bristol

   The two pictures posted on my  behalf by Nik Bagshaw were recently received from:
   <b>Martin Rudow,</b>  author of <b>"Long Straights and Hairpin Turns" </b>  and <b>"Weekends of Glory"</b>.[:)]
   Really great and appreciate receiving any Period Ace racing pictures, unfortunately on this occassion neither of the above capture James Parsons in  BEX333.
   The first picture is Al Doyan wearing race number 129 in his Ace Bristol chasing another Ace.
   Both BEX333 and Al's Ace BEX???  raced regularly together during 1958/1964, when BEX333 was initialy painted white, then silver blue and finally  painted red.
   The Ace leading Al Doyan appeares too dark in colour to be James Parsons. But photo reproduction and copying could distort the true colour...[?]
   The second picture, is definitely not BEX333, Looking at the early style Overiders it could well be a early AC engined Ace. (AEX???)
   Can any one help ID either of these Ace's...[?].. .    Could# 231 White Ace  be Elliott Pew  at Cumberland National Sports Car Races   15th May 1960
       where he came i1st in Class DP and 5th O/A

   Please keep digging in those archives of the Pilots who raced our ACs in  West & North West USA, Vancouver and British Colunbia during the 1950s
        and 1960s..[;)]
   Any period race material appreciated and shared with  both the official ACOC  Ace Registrars and Ace Custodians..[;)]..[;)].
   Last but not least..  ..  ..  .. Thank you Nik and Martin.
   <b>Keith </b>..[:)]


Martin Rudow keeps coming up with the goods!
   Here`s a photo of his father Hal driving a Porsche Carrera, in front of what looks like an XK120, with BEX333 in a HUGE slide!
   Location is the Shelton Airport circuit, 1959.

AC Ace Bristol

   Just a quick thank you to all those who have followed and contributed to this thread over the past 5 years...Appreciated.[;)]

Merry Christmas
and a
Happy, Healthy & Prosperous

   Cheers for Now

Keith.. :)


...And as if to prove that this is a living history, 2 'new' old photographs have come to light!
   Courtesy of Lee Kolb, 2 more pics from 1978 showing BEX333 looking a little less pristine than nowadays:



A couple of photos that Keith received from Lee Kolb, dated 1985, which show off the new black paintwork and a Washington registration:


AC Ace Bristol

   The History File continues to Grow.....[;)].
   Lee Kolb the previous owner of BEX333   December 1964 to October 2000, had a early spring clean and sent me his typed Note Book / Diary  detailing the general maintenance work he carried out on BEX333 from 1990 to 2000.
   This complements the Folder of receipts (1964/2000) received when taking delivery of BEX333.[;)]
   The above two Colour photos were taken once the Windscreen and chrome work had be fitted and BEX333 had been commissioned after receiving it's Black coat in 1985.
   These photos also confirm one of the  Registration numbers (Number plates) worn by BEX333 during its 43 years in Seattle and previously logged in the Ace Bristol Register.
   Was it standard practice in Seattle to be issued with  a new registration number every 10 years..[?]. Or if one moved home .[?]
   Many thanks   Lee,  I will scan document and return original within next ten days or so.
   Keith ..[:)]