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Racing History BEX333 (1957-1964)

Started by AC Ace Bristol, January 04, 2009, 13:56:28

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AC Ace Bristol

Originally posted by AC Ace Bristol
Last night sent out a few emails to USA, Canada & British Columbia!
   Received a prompt & positive response from Tom Johnson of:-
   The Vintage Racing Club of British columbia
   Two emails, The first with a colour picture of the cover of the
   May 1958 issue of Pit Pass Magazine and confirmation  of email address for Ed Clements:-
   (the Photographic Editor for Pit Pass magazine)
   Interesting to learn that this Magazine was only published for
   about 18 months.
   So a really nice piece of History to have my Ace on the cover of one of the issues. [;)]
   The second email confirmed a link to the Complete electronic copy
   of the Pit Pass magazine. (89.1 Mb a wee bit too big to email).
   I have today emailed Ed Clements and await his response to my request for Track & Paddock Photographs of Jim Parsons
   and BEX333 plus any other Aces captured through the lens of Ed Clements Camera,at the various race tracks frequented in
   NW USA, Vancouver & British Columbia during the 1950s & 1960s.
   Whilst I wait to see what materialises I would like to thank all
   those who have followed and contributed to this thread  over the past sixteen months.  [;)]
   Hopefully other Members and AC enthusiasts have the same success as I in the Quest for History on their AC's
   Cheers for Now
   Keith   [:)]

   No News as yet from Ed Clements, However received a short email from   Laurence Kent in Canada, confirming that
   Pit Pass magazine was short lived (Approx 18 months) as stated by Tom Johnson of SCCBC,
   but did actually continue into the 1960's in the revised format as
   a News Letter on orange paper in text form only
   ( photos were no longer published) [:(]
   Hopefully, more period ACtion pictures of BEX333 and other Aces were captured & materialise from various race tracks,
   Pits & Paddocks from Ed Clements Camera .
   If after a few weeks we hear nothing, then I might have to call upon our colleagues / ACOC members
    in NW USA. British Columbia or Canada to call round and see  Ed Clements and hopefully view and Copy some of his
   Archive  material. [;)]
   Would be a shame to loose the opportunity to secure copy/ies of any AC Ace Racing History,
   especially from a photographic Sports Racing enthusiast like Ed Clements. (
   or other Amature / Semi Professional Photographers....  e.g.  Martin Rudow  [?] )
   We must be patient, in the meantime any additional Period information gratefully received.
   Keith   [:)]

AC Ace Bristol

Quick update,  Have sent two emails to Ed Clements but as yet no response.
   Do any ACOC Members or AC enthusiasts reading this Forum ( This Thread) live in the vicinity / catchment area of
   The (Vintage) Sports Car Club of British Columbia [?]
   Or Might be be able to contact Ed Clements and possibly arrange a meeting to establish what AC
   racing pictures he might have captured through his lens during the many race meetings he
   frequented during the 1950s and 1960s ?  his email address:
   Ed Clements
   The only address I have for the  SCCBC is:
   1046 Richard Street,  Vancouver 2.  British Columbia.
   However this address is very old.
   Another possible lead for anyone in the Vancouver Area, (who might just be able to help), is.
   Tom Johnston,  his mobile number is  604 961 7659.
   Lives in West Vancouver , V7T 2YS.  email
   Any help in securing Racing History on BEX333 and / or any other Ace racing in Period would be appreciated. [;)]
   Thanking you all in anticipation
   Cheers for Now
   Keith    [:)]

AC Ace Bristol

Received a email confirming Upto date address:
   The Sports Car Club of British Columbia
   Suite- trir- 32670  Dyke Road.
   Mission, BC. V2V 5V6.  Canada
   Tel  (604)  826  5557
   Anyone live nearby ?, whom might just be able to make contact with Ed Clements,  Professional / Semi Professional Motor Racing Photographer Capturing AC Aces in Action Both on track & in the Paddock at various race meetings frequented during the 1950s & 1960 for and on behalf of the Pit Pass Magazine.
   Keith  [:)]

MkIV Lux

Fantastic research Keith! Great to see that you manage to put bits and pieces of missing history of BEX333 together.
   I came across a book on Canadian racing of the 50 through 90ies. In there a certain Ed Clements is referred to as a "local driver" at the firs CRRC (Canadian Road Race of Champions) held at Westwood in 1971.
   Don't know if of any help.

AC Ace Bristol

   Nice to hear from you, Thank you for your reference to Ed Clements in the Canadian Racing Book 1950s to 2000.
   All info of interest, eventually produces new leads and more facts & History on my Ace BEX333.
   Any chance of Bringing the book to Le Mans Classic?  Promise I will not keep it,
   You can take it back to Luxemberg....  Honest Guv !!
   See you at LeMans Classic in July,  We have over 120 at this years ACOC Gala Dinner
   on the Frday evening ( 09-07-2010), If you cant make it,
   See you in the Paddock over the weekend. Good luck in your race !
   Cheers 4 Now
   Keith [;)]


To Vince Howlett, via email
   Marion & Vince
    Hope you are both fit and well and firing on all cylinders.
    ... I have received via post from Laurence Kent in Vancouver Canada (the owner of the ex Constabaris AC Ace)a photocopy of Pit Pass magazine cover no.6, dated May 1958, with James Parsons in BEX333 on the Cover. I would dearly like to get a decent copy or contact
    Mr E Clements in hope of securing some photographs of my (ex-Jim Parsons) Ace Bristol BEX333 (USA number plate - ARZ913) and any other pictures of AC Aces either in ACtion on the track or in the paddock during this period.Any help would be appreciated.
    In the meantime, I thank you for your initial assistance, without which none of the documented history in my Thread on the AC Owners Club Forum would have materialized.
   Please feel free to visit [this thread]. If the contents could be of interest to any of your colleagues/club members, please do not hesitate to copy them in.
   Sorry to be so Bold, but if you don't ask...
    Hopefully it is of interest and may just generate another gem or two to help create a bigger overall picture and more accurate history of my Ace.
    Have a good weekend,
    Cheers for Now,
From Vince Howlett via email
   Hi Keith and Laurence et al,
   Keith: I will be going to the Seattle Historic races July 4 weekend, so I phoned Joann Parsons.  She said she had sent you the photos and plaques, which I then saw confirmed on the forum.  She says she won't be able to come to the races, but said she hoped I have fun.  I also see that Tom Johnston sent you contact info for Ed Clements.  As for contacting Pete Lovely, he now has Alzheimer's so I don't think he will be able to help you.  And Tom Carstens passed away a few years ago.  In the photos posted October 16, the one labelled "BEX 333 at Westwood, August 16th, 1959" also has Al Doyan in the #129 AC following Parsons.  Here are some other friends of Pete Lovely who might help.  They should also have known Al Doyan:
      Gary Gove, Tom Meehan, Ralph Orsmbee [email addresses removed]
   Laurence: You have the Bob Constabaris A.C. Bristol in Coquitlam?  Ed Clements and Gio Coletta are doing a barbeque at the British Columbia Historic Motor Races at Mission July 16-18 weekend.  This will be on the Friday night.  It will be in the style of the "Mr. Mike's" barbeques that were held at race meetings at the old Westwood circuit.  Mr. Mike's restaurants were founded by the Constabaris brothers.  So if you could bring the A.C. Bristol to the event, especially to the barbeque, that would be very special.  We hope to have some Constabaris family members there too.  And your AC would be a good candidate for the Westwood50 lapping sessions that weekend!  There is a link to info on that below.
   Gio: Did you ever drive the Constabaris A.C?
   Here is more info on the British Columbia Historic Motor Races:
   This year's British Columbia Historic Motor Races take place at Mission on the July 16-18, 2010 weekend and will feature "The Canadian Motorsport Experience."  We hope that you can join us for this event. Here is the link to more info:
   Here are further links to the Schedule and Entrant's Package, including the Westwood50 lapping sessions:
   Also, if you CLICK HERE and click on "track facts", you will see a map of the track and directions:
   Here are some more details on the Mission event:
    1.There will be a barbeque for Westwood veterans hosted by Ed Clements and Gio Coletta at the track at 6 pm on the Friday night.  This will be in the style of the old "Mr. Mike's" barbeques and tickets should be available at the track on the Friday.
    2. We are hoping to have a racing simulator at the track from VRX.  Here is the link to their website:
   3. Copies of the Westwood50 DVD set will be available, as will Tom Johnston's Westwood book.
    Please let us know if we provide any more help or information.  Hope you can join us.
    Vince Howlett, Victoria, B.C., Canada
From Giovanni Coletta via email
   Hi Marion and Vince,
   Thanks for your message and the answer to your question is YESSS - I did drive this AC Bristol of Bob's
   and Eddie [Ed Clements] drove it as well.  Actually, once while I was lapping him, he did not see me coming from behind and he cut the front tire with the wheel nut...He was not very popular that weekend, but we are still friends!
   By the way Bob had 2 AC Bristols - one in early sixties and one later on and we drove both of these.
   I would love to see the car if I can and so would Eddie, I am sure...
   Thanks again for the info!

AC Ace Bristol

        Received email communication from Jonathan Parker owner of AEX1194,   
        Copy of opening paragraph:-
   I have just read your most interesting post regarding the provenance of BEX333 and her activities in this part of the world.
   If I can be of further assistance please let me know.
   I too raced at Abbotsford in a MG TC with cut down 16" Wheels, Not very fast but a lot of fun and was also a member of BCSCC.
   AEX1194 did not come to me until 1972 and racing here had become a little too competitive for me a young family.(Poor Excuse!)
   As we get older our toys get bigger and our priorities change, Earlier in life..... Young families, mortgages and job
   security dictate to the majority of us and take presidence.
   Any additional information reference    James Parsons & BEX333
   and any other Racing Ace data/ pictures from the
   1950s &1960s really appreciated....[;)]
   Will  send you a e-mail later today. Look forward to any further information
   Cheers 4 Now
   Keith ....[:)]

AC Ace Bristol

         Further info from  Jonathan Parker.....
   I noted, in your BEX333 History that <b>The Dongedyke </b> was the vessel transporting your Ace and BEX332 & BEX331
   to Seattle.
   <b>The Dongedyke   </b> (Holland America Line) was a very regular caller to the west Coast,  I know as she once transported
   family furniture from England to Vancouver in the 1960s.
   Will endeavour to post a picture of The Dongedyke under the
   Lions Gate Bridge...[;)]
   Are there any ex -Dongedyke personel or Does anyone have photos of the three Aces being unloaded and exhumed
   from their packing crates  in September / October 1957...  [?] . [?].
   Jonathan Parker
   Last but not least  .....  Thanks for the phone call ( from vancouver) Nice to put a voice to a name and talk ACs
   especially racing in Period.


And here is the nostalgic picture of The Dongedyk leaving the port of Vancouver, presumably taken in the early 1960s.
   Just like an old postcard, including the fading colours!

AC Ace Bristol

<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by nikbj68</i>
Quote from: nikbj68 on May 08, 2010, 20:55:14
..And as if by.... erm, I think I need a new catchphrase!
Here`s the colour version of the Pit Pass cover, and if you click on it, it will take you to the complete Magazine! TrĂ©s Cool, no?!  8)

(As Keith said, it was 89meg, so I have extracted the 'Jpegs' to a slideshow to make life easier. ??? )

Received email  From  Gary Gove  (NW USA ?) on 1st july 2010

Mr Lessiter

Sorry to be so late with answering your missive,  I have been away attending Indianapolis, and some tourism.
I faintly recall Jim Parsons and his AC Ace Bristol,  but obviously know Tommy Meehan and Ralph Ormsbee, and worked for Pete Lovely from the Summer of 1957 to the Spring of 1987.
Your car was undoubtedly from Imported Motor Cars in Seattle Tacoma,  But Pete Lovely was not involved in that endeavour with Tom Carstens.
Al Doyon, who would have been one of the few people in the Northwest US capable of doing the correct job on a Bristol engine.
Al is infact the pilot of the #129 AC Ace Bristol following your car in the photos.
At that time, Al and his very pretty dark blue Ace were the fastest Ace Bristols around.
Al, unfortunately is in poor health, with impaired memory and has been for several years.
He was part of a racing group in Seattle called TEAM EMPIRE. 
In the 1950s we raced all over the place.  Ralph Ormsbee owned the HMW Chev,
Tom Meehan the Porsche  Cooper number starting with 100,Pete 125,  Al  129 etc.
Sorry I couldn't be of more help, But it was a verrrrry loooong
time ago !
Warm regards
Gary Gove
Does any body reading this thread Know any of the guys mentioned in this email [?]
If so and you live nearby Any chance of arranging a meeting or two and possibly securing copies
of any racing photos ?
Better still they could contribute on / to this thread.
Do the names recalled above have connection to/with any Aces owned by ACOC members today...?
Gary...  many thanks for additional information,Hopefully it results in even more details not just on BEX333 but also other Aces raced in the 1950s 1960s in NW USA,Vancouver and British Columbia.
I have emailed Gary with requests and a challange to secure more info.......;)
Lets hope more details are forth coming.
I take this opportunity to thank all those who have contributed to this thread to date, please keep the information coming in.

Really is appreciated !
Keith ....:)

   Does any body reading this thread Know any of the guys mentioned in this email [?]
   If so and you live nearby Any chance of arranging a meeting or two and possibly securing copies
   of any racing photos [?]

   I take this opportunity to thank all those who have contributed
   to this thread to date, please keep the information coming in.
   <b>really is appreciated ! </b>

   Keith ....[:)]

AC Ace Bristol

       Just received another email from ..  ..  ..Gary Gove Please note the following extract :-
   <b>Al Dyon </b> was struck with a serious brain virus, that caused acute swelling, which impaired his mental faculties, several
   years ago.  Since that time he has evidentally degenerated further and was institutionalized by law.
   As he has no memory and <b>Pete Lovely</b> now suffering Alzheimer's, has very little.........
   So to respect both these guys and their families, everyone who has offered help in contacting both Al and Pete, may I
   suggest we leave this avenue of research.
   And redirect our energies and continue to search other leads.
   Gary Gove did refer me to <b>Martin Rudow </b> and his two Books on racing in the mid 1950s and 1960s ....<b> "Long Straights and
   Hairpin Turns" and  "Weekends of Glory"</b>  Both these books I bought from Martin a couple of years ago.
   James H Parsons is mentioned twice in LS&HT. Unfortunately no pictures of any Ace Bristols.
   Martin  could well be of help to those seeking confirmation of Racing History of their sports car if it raced in NW USA and
   Vancouver as he has a vast wealth of knowledge, literature and photograhs spanning the 1950s and 1960s.[;)]
   <b>So please keep searching through the archives for any
   information on Aces racing in NW USA, Vancouver and
   British Columbia,
   especially relating to "BEX333 and James H Parsons". </b>
   Keith [:)]

AC Bill

Kieth, a very interesting, and impressive read on the dilligence you have applied to gather the history of your AC.
   I lived in Vancouver, and attended many of the races at the Westwood circuit, starting in approx 1963-64 up till the time of it's closing.
   My sister was dating a fellow who owned a AC Bristol, so naturally I was drawn to them, and then later, the AC Cobra's. It wouldn't surprise me that in my very old collection of black and white photos from Westwood, there may be a picture or two of a Bristol. There were not many racing in those days, and very few on the streets of Vancouver.
   I wish I knew the SN# of the AC that my sisters boyfriend owned. It would be interesting to see what became of that particular car.
   I do know that Wayne Laker of Vancouver (sisters BF), purchased it from a lady in Vancouver who had recently divorced from her husband. She sold it for $600 perhaps just to spite him. The husband tracked down Wayne,  and offered to buy it back for much more, but it was a no go.
   This transaction would have taken place around 1962-63. This car was painted stock red. At some point a tow truck tried towing the car and damaged the lower front area under the grille. This was repaired and the car repainted the same colour red.
   Wayne owned this car for approx 3 years until he was offered a trade that he couldn't resist. The fellow who offered the trade, would have likely been a racer from the Westwood track. The offer was a trade for a Lotus 23b on a trailer, and a 57 Chevy for the tow vehicle. The 23b was powered by a Cosworth engine, and had a fibreglass body. It was painted British racing green, with yellow stripes. If I could track down who raced that car, "prior" to the trade, it might help track the history of the AC. It may very well have ended up being raced at Westwood. In your research did you find any AC Bristols, red in colour, being raced at that track? Perhaps it was repainted...was yours ever red in color?
   My photographs from that time frame, are well buried after a recent move, but I will see if I can locate them, and see if there are any that may be of interest to you.

AC Ace Bristol

Hi  Bill
   Thank you for your contribution to the History of BEX333
   As you say,  AC Ace Bristols were pretty thin on the ground in and around Vancouver between 1957 and 1964,
   In fact they are pretty thin on the ground world wide with only 463 being made.
   ( of which 385  are accurately recorded in the ACOC Ace Bristol Register)
   During  the period 1957 / 1964 BEX333  (USA number plate  AKF221 then ARZ913) When owned and raced  by James (Jim) H Parsons,
   there were only four other Aces competing at Westwood, Abbotsford and other race tracks in the Vancouver,
   British Columbia & NW USA.
   These were owned and raced by :-
   <b>Al  Doyon
   Dr V D Clausing
   Ken  Miller
   Bob Constabaris</b>
   The ID ( chassis number) of each respective Ace Bristol has yet to be confirmed,  If any body can connect any of the four
   named above with their respective Ace Bristol it would be appreciated.
   Like wise if any one has any photos of these Aces and BEX333 at/on either race track or in Paddock,  Copies and any additional racing data would also be appreciated. [:)]
   I will speak to Tony Bancroft on the off chance we can associate Driver with Race number/s and respective Chassis numbers. <b>Negative as 11th September.</b>
   In the meantime, Please continue searching through any photo albums and Boxes, Ever hopefull you might come across more
   vital information on BEX333 and other racing Ace Bristol's.

AC Ace Bristol

<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by AC Ace Bristol</i>

   Phoned Mrs Jo ann Parsons again, Jim collected BEX333 direct from Peter Lovely of Imported Motor Cars  -  Tacoma in September 1957.
   The Ace was already wearing the British Number plate TXF913, therefor it must have been driven on British Roads prior to export.
   Could Peter Lovely or a representitive of Imported Motor Cars,  Tacoma, Washington.  Have visited Thames Ditton in August 1957 and driven BEX333.?
   According to the Official Thames Ditton Bible and  Factory Build sheets 3  Ace Bristol's BEX331 / BEX332 & BEX333 were all despatched for Washington on 19th August 1957.
   Or was BEX333 used as a demonstrator prior to export ?
   Keith [:)]
   <hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></font id="quote"></blockquote id="quote">
   Doesn't seem possible that this thread has been running for two years, Still the History file of BEX333 continues to grow, thanks
   to the contributions made by ACOC Members and AC Ace enthusiasts.
   e-mailed Tim Isles yesterday relating to Ace  BEX241 which was heavily fire damaged  back in the 1980s ..
   Resulted in Tim emailing the following correspondance dated
   (19th May 1996):-
   <font size="4"><b>AC Bristol </b> </font id="size4">
   from [Don Chapman]
   <b>To</b>    AC Bristol
   <b>From </b> Don Chapman  <>
   <b>Date</b>  Sun, <b>19 May  1996  </b> 10:51:31 - 0700 (PDT)
   A good friend of mine (let's call him Bob)  just acquired an
   <b>AC Ace - Bristol,  Ser. # BEX332 , engine # 100D663 </b>
   The car was serverely damaged by fire recently, which motivated
   the previous owner to sell.  Bob wants to restore this car  as his personal driver.
   He has extensive experience restoring everything British, but The AC Ace is new to him.
   The Body and interior have gone, However the Chassis , Engine, Transmission and most of the suspension are salvagable.
   It would be a shame to part out the car,  We at <b>The Purple Lips Racing Team </b> are going to help Bob  restore the car.  ...  ...
   ...   ... etc
   <b>As BEX332 was shipped to Imported Motor Cars,Tacoma,Washington,
   along with BEX331 and BEX333 all three in the same consignment on the 19th August 1957  ...  It creates a new lead. </b>
   Does anyone know <b>Don Chapman </b> ??
   Does anyone Know of or have any contact with anyone associated with <b>"<font color="purple">The Purple Lips Racing Team</font id="purple">"</b>??
   If so please contact me by email:-
   or better still add to this thread .. thanking you in anticipation.
   In the meantime. I take this opportunity to Wish you all
   <font color="red"><b><font size="3">Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous 2011 </font id="size3"> </b> </font id="red">
   Keith [:)]..  ..[:)]


Keith, an internet search came up with this:
   It indicates that Purple Lips was a vintage racing team out of Eugene OR owned by Don Chapman.
   The website includes a number of photos of Don Chapman as driver and member of the team.
   Best wishes for the Holiday Season and New Year!