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Racing History BEX333 (1957-1964)

Started by AC Ace Bristol, January 04, 2009, 13:56:28

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AC Ace Bristol

Hi  Jay
   Thank you for the potential lead,  In December 2008 I sent emails requesting information relating to James Parsons and BEX333, to:-
   Marion & Vince Howlett,  Evan Williams & Tom Johnston, who inturn forward my email to 56 other email addresses, to various individuals who were either involved with Sports Car Racing in the 1950s & 60s or are involved with classic sports racing clubs & Associations.
   I had various correspondance back including a personal invite to bring BEX333 over for the Westwood 50th Anniversary meeting being held on July 17th, 18th and 19th 2009.
   As James Parsons competed in BEX333  at the Initial  Westwood meeting on 26th July numerous other Westwood race meetings during 1959 and 1960 in my Ace.(BEX333)
   There followed a few years racing a Elva in formula junior. Cheaper than continually repairing and repainting the Ali bodywork of a AC Ace. As you can see from early photographs on this thread The white bodywork become  Silver Blue within 18 months then repainted Red in 1964.
   Unfortunately this Reunion clashed with other ACOC events including our clubs 60th Anniversary. Along with the poor £ to $ exchange rate and being without the Ace whilst it being shipped to USA and back was not really viable.
   I must make contact again, On the off chance that one or two new contacts were made or even re juvenated during the Westwood 50 reunion back in July.
   You never know till you ask.
   I can email you a listing of the various recipients of my email requests for Historic Race data, if it could assist  you in securing History of AEX125 ??
   I'm ever hopefull that Martin Rudow might have additional information and possible photos as he was present at most of these races in the NW USA, Vancouver and British Columbia during the late 1950s and 1960s.


Hi Keith,
   It sounds like you are already in contact with many people that were involved with Racing in the Pacific Northwest so hopefully they will be able to provide more info for you. As for my search on 125 history, at this point I believe it spent all of its time in the Southwest, so I do not think any of your contacts would have any info. I'll keep my eyes open for anything else that pops up and pass it along when (if) I run across it.


Excerpt from the VRCBC Newsletter highlighting race results, Courtesy of Jay:

AC Ace Bristol


   Phoned Mrs Jo ann Parsons again, Jim collected BEX333 direct from Peter Lovely of Imported Motor Cars  -  Tacoma in October / November 1957.
   The Ace was already wearing the British Number plate TXF913, therefor it must have been driven on British Roads prior to export.
   Could Peter Lovely or a representitive of Imported Motor Cars,  Tacoma, Washington.  Have visited Thames Ditton in August 1957 and driven BEX333.?
   According to the Official Thames Ditton Bible and  Factory Build sheets 3  Ace Bristol's BEX331 / BEX332 & BEX333 were all despatched for Washington on 19th August 1957.
   Or was BEX333 used as a demonstrator prior to export ?
   Keith [:)]
   A quick thank you to all who have helped throughout 2009 confirm the racing history of BEX333, the perseverance has paid big dividends and has made the effort really worth while.
   The Thames Ditton AC Build Book alias "The AC Bible" confirms when each AC was made and its destination and specification when it left the Works.
   As clearly stated BEX333 left Thames Ditton along with BEX331 & BEX332 on 19th August 1957 destined for Imported Motor Cars Tacoma,  BEX333 being the only one ordered and already allocated to its First owner (James Parsons).
   I have it on good authority from Mrs Joann Parsons that BEX333 was registered TXF913 before being exported to USA, these details are not recorded in the Build Book.
   Further examination and speaking to various other Ace and Aceca owner's it would appear that by registering the car prior to export one could not only drive legally on the UK roads but the export / import taxes were possibly reduced as the car was no longer classified as New.
   My research has established that this was a fairly common practise, for example according to the AC Build Book ...  ...  BEX242 was despatched to the docks on the 27th December 1956 destined for a Mr Richard Saul Eastman in L.A. California on the SS "Dongedyk"
   However I have a Photocopy of ACs Invoice date 19th December 1956 and a photocopy of a Tax Disc confirming that BEX242 was road registered SYX729 on 19th December 1956 for the sum of £1.2 shillings where 3 months road tax was then £3.8 shillings and 9 pence. (Taxed for 1 month, the month of December) But the AC Build Bible clearly states BEX242 being Exported to L.A.
   None of these details  relating to Road Registering in the UK are officially logged in the AC Build Bible,  How many other AC's were allocated number plates prior to export ??
   I would like to thank Antoine Prunet in Paris for confirming registration details of his BEX242, Which has helped confirm that a similar practise was carried out with BEX333.
   Hopefully next year a little more information comes to light on BEX333 and various other Ace's especially with racing history.
   In the meantime I would like to wish you all a
               <b><center>Merry Christmas
                             and a very
                  Happy, Healthy & Prosperous 2010</center> </b>
   Keith [:)] [:)]


Just some background for the members in England
   There were a number of items that documented an SCCA race in the 50's and 60's.  Of course there are the trophies that listed the race, class and finish position.  Keith got the plaques off the trophies.  Many trophies usually platters, bowls, etc had the results engraved right in.  Keith's car could have placed in a number of other races, but without a plaque to remove the information is lost when the trophy was tossed.
   There were the "dash plaques" that John mentions.  Usually everyone that entered recieved a dash plaque.  It listed the event, venue and date on an etched metal plate about 1" x 2 1/2".  They always seemed to be the same size and style.  There were holes at each end to fix it to the dash.  This was very rarely done as John says they were tossed in a drawer.  We had the things laying all over.  Dash plaques are useful in documenting competition history when kept with other records and the car.  Alone they are too general to tell much.
   One item you'll very rarely see is the "tech inspection" sticker.  Before competing, the car and safety equipment went through inspection. Once the inspection was passed, a white sticker (1 x 3) was attached to the car.  It contained the event, date, inspector signature, etc.  It was usually put on the dash or wrapped around the roll bar.  Some cars were covered with stickers as a badge of honor.  Others peeled them off at the end of the season or randomly through the year as room was needed for new ones.  If you find a 1x3 patch of glue residue, think tech inspection sticker.
   There is also other paper work such as entry forms, class lists, grid diagrams, timing/scoring sheets and results sheets.  In the days before copiers, they had a limited distribution through mimeographing.

AC Ace Bristol

   In the UK and Europe each Competition/ Race Car has to be inspected by a qualified approved Scrutineer to ensure compliance with Build and safety regulations as listed in the annual "Blue Book" issued by the  MSA & FIA. These rules & regulations change year by year. Once the Car and racing overalls, gloves, helmet etc etc pass scrutineers a Sticker is issued which must be clearly displayed in /on the vehicle for inspection prior to entering the holding area prior to each race.
   Gone are the days when the car or its roll cage can be festooned with scrutineers tags, some cars manage to retain some but more often scrutineers request they all be removed to safe guard someone passing off a car that has failed scrutineers inspection and competing in a unsafe or defective car.
   I peel my tags off and stick them on card tags, where they gather dust in the garage.
   As you clearly state most information confirming Identification of individual competition cars are on/of paper and usualy get lost or destroyed after a race meeting or during sucessive seasons, which is why it is so difficult to confirm the cars full race history, especially if it finishes mid field or the events are clubmans level.
   Hence regular requests by many for period photographs, programs and result sheets, As time ticks by we get older, the memory distorts facts or simply forgets and history is lost forever, if not recorded for future custodians of our Big Boys Toys.
   One day early in 2010 I will post a few dozen period 50s/60s photos on the forum, In hope that someone can ID the Ace, the driver and the event.  Might just be the first photograph  you or the new custodian (and Register) have of his Ace in Competition.
   Please dig out those period 1950s /1960s race track photos and post them on our Forum. Help collate a more accurate register for future generation
   Keith [:)]


Well, this selection of photos don`t quite fit in with the `57-`64 part of the thread, but, as the damage dates from then, I think we can be excused, no? [:)]
   Some of these are from a previous owner`s GALLERY, the later ones were sent to me by Keith for submission here.
   From 1978 to 1985, BEX333 ran around naked (and why not?! ;D)


   Even in winter, here delivering Christmas cake!:

Before being sent to Car Tender Incorporated for repairs & respray in 1985.


   Clear evidence of a racing career was attended to,


   and BEX333 finally emerged as Black Beauty in 1985:

   However; once in Keith`s ownership, around 2002, BEX333 was once again under the surgeon`s knife,
   despite looking pretty spiffy above, the paint hid a pretty poor repair,
   which was more filler than metal in places!


   The Brooklands Motor Company saw to it that all the damage was removed & repaired to the very highest standards

   Before being re-painted in the black she still wears today:

   (Seen here at Mallory Park in 2003!)


Post from Laurence Kent, 26/4/2010, Keith's reply and Laurence's information, added to this topic at Keith's request....
   I have some information for Keith Lessiter regarding his ex-Parsons Ace-Bristol. Might someone be able to please give me his e-mail address, or give him mine? (mine is: ),
   Thank-you very much,
   Laurence Kent
   Hi Laurence
   Received some five phonecalls this evening from various ACOC members drawing my attention to your post on our Club Forum.
   I have responded and confirmed my email address plus I have attached a few random pictures of BEX333, I Look forward to receiving your email/s.
   My email address :-
   Would it be possible to also post any additional information on my thread " Racing History BEX333 " 1957 -1964 " If you can't, Will it be OK to arrange posting from this end.
   Over the past few years I have learnt to be a little more patient, However like A Big kid, I await your response with anticipation
   Cheers 4 Now
   Keith Lessiter
   Subject: RE: Emailing: Racing History BEX333 James H Parsons 1957 - 1964
      Hello Keith,
      Some nine or ten years ago a fellow in England whose name I forget, and
   probably wouldn't remember it even if someone mentioned it now, was in touch
   with me re information on the racing history of Ace-Bristols for a
   manuscript he was working on and hoping to have published.  I sent him
   everything I had, which included information on my own '58 D-2 (only new D-2
   ever shipped to British Columbia by Thames Ditton), and some of the
   information in the form of late 1950s "Pit Pass" magazines of the British
   Columbia Sports Car Club.  Given that one of the magazine covers from 1957
   had your Parsons BEX 333 on the cover, but is not included in your pictures
   gallery, I assume you don't have it.  The picture was taken on the last day
   of the Abbottsford track's use for auto racing...and probably within minutes
   of the picture you have posted. The magazines also have some racing results
   involving your car. Just for the record, I wasn't around then; I hadn't been
   born yet!
      In case you don't know, the Abbottsford track was an erstwhile Royal
   Canadian Air Force base from the Second World War.
   Its smooth cement runways were excellent for auto racing.  The Canadian
   Government leased the former base to the Sports Car Club in the early 1950s.
   By 1958 the five year lease had expired and the Government reclaimed the
   base as a new civilian airport - a function that carries on to this very
   day - with expanded runways. Faced with no racing venue, the Club entered a
   deal with the municipality of Coquitlam - a suburb of Vancouver - for the
   leasing of land on which to build  what turned out to be Westwood
   Racetrack - the only true F.I.A. racetrack in the Americas - complete with a
   Le Mans start. It was inaugurated in July of 1959. Mr. Parsons continued to
   come up from Washington State in the U.S.A. to participate in some of the
   events. From what I can gather, only three Ace-Bristols ever participated in
   the Abbottsford and Westwood races on the Canadian west coast: yours, that
   of a fellow called Klausing with a 100 D (the spelling could be off by not
   having the documentation in front of me), and the Bob Constabaris D-2 which
   I have owned since 1985. I hate to tell you this, but mine usually came out
   on top, probably because it was upgraded to D-2S specifications in 1960, and
   beyond that for the 1961 season, with a custom Roy Shadbold camshaft, 12:1
   compression and longer induction carburettors.
      My computer skills and equipment are basic. I don't have the means to
   scan pictures and documents. I will photocopy everything I have of relevance
   to you and send it. The resolution will be clearer and then, if you wish,
   you can place whatever you like on-line, including this if of relevance. Do
   you want me to mail what I have to your home address listed underneath, or
   to another address? I am glad to be of service to a fellow enthusiast, for I
   know what it's like having nothing and then coming across helpful people,
   old racing programmes, old magazines... It took me over twenty years to
   research my own Ace-Bristol and I was lucky to be able to interview Bob
   Constabaris, before he passed away in 2008. So let me know if you happen to
   have a copy of the copy of the magazine cover (and other data) I mentioned,
   and let me know where you want the information sent to.
                                                Bye for now,
                                                 Laurence Kent

AC Ace Bristol

   Many thanks for the various Photo copies of 1958/59 paperwork
   and pictures relating to both your racing Ace AEX443 and
   my BEX333.
   The picture of  James ( Jim) Parsons in BEX333 on the front
   cover of  Pit Pass  (No 6) dated May 1958 complements
   one or two pictures I already have from the same event at
   Abbotsford " The Swang Song"  James approaching turn 2.
   I notice the Photo was credited to Mr  E Clements who was
   both the Photographic Editor of "Pit Pass" and a active
   Competition Committee member of the :-
     "Sports Car Club of British Columbia"
   Assuming that Mr E Clements was in his early thirties in 1958
   he must now be in his mid Eighties ....  Does anyone Know
   Mr E Clements?  Has any one a contact for him ? and does he
   or a member of his family have the prints & negatives to
   all the period Racing Pictures he must have taken in the period
   1950 through to 1965 ??
   There must be some great Track and Paddock pictures of the
   various Aces (inc BEX333) which raced in NW USA, Vancouver and
   British Columbia.
   You never know one or two pictures could well authenticate the racing history
   of another ACOC Member's Ace  ..[:p]
   Any help in locating and contacting Mr E Clements would be
   really appreciated.
   In the meantime I will try to post the Pit Pass Cover
   and the period racing application forms received this
   week from Laurence Kent ( Vancouver, Canada ).....
   Thanks again Laurence,  much appreciated.
   Keith  [:)]


Here are the cover of Pit Pass showing BEX333 and the period racing application form Keith mentioned.
    Now added the inside page of the same issue of Pit Pass (May 1958).

AC Ace Bristol

   As often quoted by Nik ...  "As if by Magic" the pictures materialise.
   Thank you Jerry for posting the three pictures without any
   prompt at all, Sorry to impose but could you also post the
   inside page of the Pit Pass cover as it has some useful
   SCCofBC names that might be of interest and use to other
   AC members & Enthusiasts seeking information on thier Aces.
   Trying to make contact with E Clements, never know Jerry he
   could well have something on BEX316  [:)]
   Cheers 4 Now

AC Ace Bristol

Last night sent out a few emails to USA, Canada & British Columbia!
   Received a prompt & positive response from Tom Johnson of:-
   The Vintage Racing Club of British columbia
   Two emails, The first with a colour picture of the cover of the
   May 1958 issue of Pit Pass Magazine and confirmation  of email address for Ed Clements:-
   (the Photographic Editor for Pit Pass magazine)
   Interesting to learn that this Magazine was only published for
   about 18 months.
   So a really nice piece of History to have my Ace on the cover of one of the issues. [;)]
   The second email confirmed a link to the Complete electronic copy
   of the Pit Pass magazine. (89.1 Mb a wee bit too big to email).
   I have today emailed Ed Clements and await his response to my request for Track & Paddock Photographs of Jim Parsons
   and BEX333 plus any other Aces captured through the lens of Ed Clements Camera,at the various race tracks frequented in
   NW USA, Vancouver & British Columbia during the 1950s & 1960s.
   Whilst I wait to see what materialises I would like to thank all
   those who have followed and contributed to this thread  over the past sixteen months.  [;)]
   Hopefully other Members and AC enthusiasts have the same success as I in the Quest for History on their AC's
   Cheers for Now
   Keith   [:)]


..And as if by.... erm, I think I need a new catchphrase!
   Here`s the colour version of the Pit Pass cover, and if you click on it, it will take you to the complete Magazine! Trés Cool, no?!  8)
   (As Keith said, it was 89meg, so I have extracted the 'Jpegs' to a slideshow to make life easier. ??? )


I like the TR3 being advertised as the 'He-Mans Sports Car"! I guess a little 'artistic license' comes into play!
Peter B.
