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Racing History BEX333 (1957-1964)

Started by AC Ace Bristol, January 04, 2009, 13:56:28

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I don't know how long it's been the regulation (I've lived in the state 15 years), but currently Washington state requires plates to be replaced every 7 years.
   Unless you pay a fee to keep the existing registration number, a new number will be issued.

AC Ace Bristol

   Those who have followed this thread over the last 5 years or so will remember that I was trying to get in contact with Ed Clements who was the Editor of Pit Pass magazine (1958/1960- 18 editions) and was ACtively involved with motor racing and a prolific photograher...[:)]
   Unfortunately even though Contact was made by both Fran and by John Lucke, Nothing materialised, (reference this thread july 2011) attached below..[;)][;)]
   This evening Out of the Blue.... Ed Clements Son stumbled upon this thread...[:p]
   I was looking for something online and somehow wound up on your webpage-
   I didn't read the whole thread, it is long, long, long;-)
   Ed is my dad, and he is not a talker.  Ever. And he has had an amazing and astounding life, so there is stuff we just don't really know to ask about.
   Although reading one of the history pages- it was almost a shock, I remember the races being loud and LONG.  But had no real perspective till I hit your page. Gio, was up until 15 minutes ago, just a family friend who pinched my cheek too hard!
   I know my mom has pictures from the races, and she is a better choice for hunting up stuff and responding or my brother if you actually want to speak to someone who knows anything;-)  I am useless:-)
   You do have my dad's correct email, so I am not sure if he did respond to you. I sent him an email-
   Ryann-Leigh Butoric
   Copy from July 2011
Originally posted by AC Ace Bristol

   Met up with Fran for Lunch and trip out in BEX333. Fran has known Ed Clemments for a while but unable to bring any new material over to UK due to series of travel and personel committments, simply ran out of time.  However did bring over from Canada the book "The Chequered Past"  Sports car racing & rallying 1951-1991... by David Charters. 345 pages on development of Canadian Motor Sport, Culture and Social life. Very few pictures but full of Facts on circuits, drivers teams and politics, will take a while to read through and follow up new potential leads.
   Long term plan, As Fran lives close to Ed she will keep in contact with him and hopefully secure racing details  and photos of the various Ace Bristol's Raced in and around the race tracks in the region of Vancouver during mid 1950s through early 1960s.
   Ed Clemments definitely raced a Ace, Knew and competed against Jim Parsons, Al Doyon, Bob Constabaris, Ken Miller & Dr Clausing.
   However due to house moves and now being in his 83rd year it may take some time to find photos and general race data, assuming it/they haven't been discarded over the years.[:(]
   Thank you Fran for your company and for offering to keep in contact with Ed Clemments when you get back home in Vancouver. Really

   I was looking for something online and somehow wound up on your webpage-
   I didn't read the whole thread, it is long, long, long;-)
   Ed is my dad, and he is not a talker.  Ever. And he has had an amazing and astounding life, so there is stuff we just don't really know to ask about.
   Although reading one of the history pages- it was almost a shock, I remember the races being loud and LONG.  But had no real perspective till I hit your page. Gio, was up until 15 minutes ago, just a family friend who pinched my cheek too hard!
   I know my mom has pictures from the races, and she is a better choice for hunting up stuff and responding or my brother if you actually want to speak to someone who knows anything;-)  I am useless:-)
   You do have my dad's correct email, so I am not sure if he did respond to you. I sent him an email-
   Thank you Ryann
   Lets hope some new material comes to light on BEX333 and other Aces raced in period in North West USA...[;)]

AC Bill

Keith, Happy New Year 2015.
   This thread "has" been going on awhile now, lol
   Anyhoo.. I spotted this video of a white Ace racing back in approx 1960. Now this track is on the east coast, and I'm not sure if your car ever did run back east. You can't blink when watching this, or you'll miss it..Only a few frames of it beginning at 1.35 approx. Some great vintage racing footage regardless..

AC Ace Bristol

   Thank you for the link, Definitely three Aces in one of the races, must find time to view and pause, hopefully to confirm the ID of each Ace Bristol and its pilot.
   Unfortunately  BEX333 only raced on the West Coast (NW USA) Vancouver and British Columbia. Never ventured to the East Coast.
   Thank you for posting the link, appreciated and hopefully will be of interest to other Ace owners.[?]
   Bonus for me , Is that it has brought my thread back on the current page of the Forum, which might just generate a new lead or two..[:p]
   Thread Started on the 4th January 2009 and still generating new material on BEX333 and other Ace Bristol's raced in period on the
   NW Coast of USA [;)]
   All of interest to many Ace enthusiasts and complements the official ACOC Ace Registers...[^]


Martin's Racing Sports Cars shows 6 AC's entered in the D Production race on April 16, 1960.
   The black(?) car with the red scalloped nose should be Elliott Pew.
   In addition Charles Kurtz (#57), Pierre Mion (#59), Fritz Taylor (#73), Henry Payne (#150), and Jack Spies (#172).
   There are images of several of the cars:
   I think the Kurtz, Mion and Spies cars may be well known?
   Have a Happy 2015!


Here are some interesting scans from a race program from The Westwood, B.C racing circuit in 1959:


   I love the hand-written notes, such as <i>races and classes changed due to 100 cars & 23 motorcycles entered[/i]!!!

AC Ace Bristol

   Thank you for posting the above race program and results sheet, which were on loan from <b>Luke Bryan </b>who recently bought and imported from              Laurence Kent  <b>AEX443</b> to the UK complete with
   documents and comprehensive history file.. [:p]
   AEX443 was fitted during 1967 with the highly tuned Bristol engine from the
   Ex "<b>R  Constabaris</b>"  Ace Bristol <b>BEX437</b>, which regularly raced against  BEX333 ( Racing Number 251 ).during the period  1958/1964 in NW USA, Vancouver and British Columbia.
   More race history confirmed in the above results sheet and WESTWOOD race program dated Sunday, July 26th 1959.
   <b>5th Race  1st  overall Corvette class A
   5th Race car 251      2nd Overall Jim H Parsons in  BEX333 1st in class B
   ( A big Thank you to Luke Bryan,  Rest assured History File in safe hands and  will be returned later this month)  [;)]
   Hopefully a little more BEX333 racing history will come to light as I read through  Luke's Documents on AEX443...[:)]
   Please refer to separate earlier thread on our club Forum  for more history on AEX443/BEX437 .....[:)]
   <font size="3"><b>Keith</b></font id="size3">

AC Bill

Keith, here is some more early 8mm film footage of Westwood race track available. Circa 1965. Maybe  you will spot your car among them? Not sure where the other race footage was taken, maybe in Washington state?
   As can be seen some, this track attracted some very nice cars. Cobra, AC, Lotus, Brabham, even a very rare Cheetah.

AC Ace Bristol

   Many thanks for the link to some great 8mm period film capturing late 1950s to mid 1960s clubman  sports car racing in North West USA and Vancouver /Canada.
   There are one or two Ace captured on cine but nigh impossible to read the racing number/s. Will rerun again and again ...
   James Parsons raced BEX333 from March 1958 through to very late 1964 in NW USA, Vancouver and British Columbia, then BEX333 was bought by Lee Kolb  ( Seattle ) and used sparingly from December 1964 to September 2000, when  I purchased  and imported BEX333 back to England. to Race, Hillclimb , Sprint and enjoy in Uk and trips throughout Europe.
   Always looking for Period data and photos of not only BEX333 but any Ace raced in Period especially pit and paddock photos in colour at WestWood, Abbotsford, Shelton, DearPark Spokane.  etc..ect.
   Thank you once again, the thought and the link is appreciated by not only  me but  by numerous ACOC members and 1950s/1960s sports car racing enthusiasts alike.[;)]
   Please keep a lookout for any new material..[:)]..[:)]
   Cheers for Now.....
   Keith ..

AC Ace Bristol

   Hi again guys
   Copy of earlier email received from Marion & Vince Howlett.
   Relating to BEX333 racing at Arlington  May 1st 1960
   and in the pit/paddock picture published in The Arlington Times dated 5th May 1960. ( and previously posted on this thread 28th October 2012 )
   This is mainly for Keith.  I have attached a photo from Martin Rudow's book, "Long Straights and Hairpins Turns."  It was taken at the May 1, 1960 International Conference of Sports Car Clubs event at Arlington, Washington, put on by the Puget Sound Sports Car Club.  This race was for A, B, C, and D Production cars.  The photo shows Don Campbell, white Corvette, Bob Yeakel, red Porsche, and hidden behind Yeakel, I believe, Larry Eave, Corvette,
   Behind them is a white AC Bristol, which I believe is Jim Parsons.   Then there is a Jaguar which partially hides what I believe is Ken Miller's AC Bristol.  Ken Miller finished third overall, but I don't how Parsons did...[?]
   Vince H.......
   I have asked Nik Bagshaw to do the honours and post this new picture at his convenience of BEX333..[?] at Arlington May 1st 1960..
   Thank you Nik.
   Still more Racing History comes to light, let's hope even more racing history of our Ace Bristol's surface during 2016.
   In the meantime I wish you all a
   Merry Christmas  and a Happy & Healthy New year.
   Keith [:)]..


Here's the Racing Sports Cars entry for Arlington:
   and the full listing for Jim Parsons:
   Since the Arlington record includes only 1 Ace (Ken Miller) it appears to be incomplete.
   Happy Holidays Keith and wishes continued success in ferreting out historic information for BEX 333.


Arlington, 1st May, 1960:

AC Ace Bristol

Originally posted by jrlucke
Here's the Racing Sports Cars entry for Arlington:
   and the full listing for Jim Parsons:
   Since the Arlington record includes only 1 Ace (Ken Miller) it appears to be incomplete.
   Happy Holidays Keith and wishes continued success in ferreting out historic information for BEX 333.

   Thank you for the link, unfortunately it doesn't work,  This link was posted a few years ago,  Try:-
   I furnished Martin with race details/ results and photographs a few years ago,  this site is run by Martin as a hobby , priority is given to Major events and series where he can upload full race results substantiated with photos, entry lists and result sheets.
   If Martin receives enough AC Ace race data he will endeavour to file it and eventually upload on his web site, he has to hold down a day job plus have a life... this is just a hobby for historic sports car race enthusiasts run by an enthusiast.
   last but not least than you Nik for posting the above Arlington race picture dated May 1st 1960...[;)]

AC Ace Bristol

   .<font color="green"><b>Received the following email from  Jeffrey Zwar ,  Methow. WA.</b></font id="green">.
   <b>Hi Keith</b>
   I just ran across your research threads from 2009 - 2015 about your Ace.  The information I have is anecdotal, but may be of some amusement to you.
   I was in high school when I took a job at Europa Motors in Bellevue (suburb of Seattle) in 1968-1969.  It was owned an operated by Barbara Lovely (sister of Peter Lovely).  Peter Lovely owned a Volkswagen dealership in Fife (near Tacoma).  Europa Motors was a repair shop for all types of foreign cars and I learned all my mechanical skills from Al Doyan who was the primary mechanic at the shop, and went on to marry Barbara. He was an master mechanic and would occasionally tell me a few of his racing experiences.  At the time he kept his Lotus 11 in the shop. He raced an MGA successfully before he acquired his AC Ace, which you can see in the 1959 photo at Westwood.  That was all before I met him in 1968. I suppose it's possible that he acquired his Ace from Peter Lovely. Al had limited time after marrying Barbara to race his Lotus and sold it around 1970. He went on to open his own repair station where he worked exclusively on 912/911 Porsches.  His shop had a chassis dynomometer and he would occasionally race tune for clients. If he overhauled your engine in 1965 for Lee Kolb, rest assured he made it better than new.
   Al was afflicted with encephalitis in the late 70's and never recovered to his old self.  Barbara closed up his shop shortly thereafter. I went on to purchase a cattle station in Eastern Washington and have relied on the skills I learned from him to maintain my fleet of aging farm equipment.
   Have a happy new year.
   <b>Jeffrey Zwar
   Methow, WA .</b>
   Thank you for your email, all additional information , however small helps create a more accurate  history picture.
   So if you, your family or  any old Friends have any period Sports Car  Racing data , especially  in paddock and or on circuit pictures capturing <b>BEX333 or any AC Ace Bristol</b>, hidden away in some draw, on a  dusty shelf or in their loft/attic then I and others would appreciate seeing any copy...[;)]

Please note new email address:
and new Mobile number:   07809 251333
   In the meantime, I take this opportunity to thank you and wish you and Family a <font color="green"><b>Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year</b>.</font id="green">
   .<font size="2"><b>Keith</b></font id="size2">..[:)]

AC Ace Bristol

   18th January 2016.
   Further to the above email,  Just received the following update from  "Jeffrey Zwar".
   Hi Keith.
   I met with Barbara Lovely Doyon two days ago for a two hour visit, She is doing very well.  Al is alive, but in assisted living with essentially a dementia like condition.
   Barbara doesn't have any pictures of Al's AC to share. She did tell me that he sold it to Ed McBee (0360.657.4158) who at the time worked
   for BAP (British Auto Parts) in Seattle.  Al raced it a few more times under Eds ownership.
   I  contacted Ed who said he has some photos of it at a concours event and would try and locate them.  He possibly has other photos also.
   He does not remember what the Car ID designation was,  He sold it on to Dexter McCullogh and then lost touch of it. If I am able to obtain any more information I will forward it to you.
   Barbara did share two books written by Martin Rudow that depict racing in the Pacific North West during the 50's-60's and 70's. They are titled  " Long Straights and Hairpin Turns" and " Weekends of Glory" They are loaded with photographs of the time and I have ordered copies through Amazon. I will contact you after I have a chance to review them and let you know if there is any revealing AC information that could interest you.
   The likes of Carrol Shelby and Graham hill raced on these same circuits in SCCA events. I have looked at the SCCA logs of the time, which are incomplete, and have been unable to find ay AC Aces listed in the same SCCA event as them.
   The AC's did race at the same locations like "Shelton ", "Portland",
   "Westwood", "Arlington" ertc, so it is possible they were at the same SCCA venues.  Good Luck with your historical venture and loads of fun with one of the most beautiful motors of all time.
   Jeffrey  Zwar
   Methow. W.A.