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Racing History BEX333 (1957-1964)

Started by AC Ace Bristol, January 04, 2009, 13:56:28

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AC Ace Bristol

Best Wishes to all AC enthusiasts for a
    Happy, Healthy & Prosperous 2009
Brilliant Christmas present arrived unexpectedly, After 9 years of trying  in vain via ACtion, email and Snail mail to authenticate the Racing History of BEX333 in
Seattle Area
( NW U S A, Vancouver and British Columbia) during the Period 1957 -1964.
I receive via Lee Kolb (the previous Owner of BEX333 from Dec 64 to Oct 2000) a potential lead / thread of James ( Jim) H Parsons racing at the very last race meeting held at Abbotsford Airfield in .....  The Swan Song Meeting on 30th March 1958.  ( BEX333 was just 6 months old)
   Follow up the lead,  Yes.!!  Jim Parsons  raced BEX333 in three races at The Swan Song, comming 2nd in race number 2 (car number 251),  3rd in race number 4 and retired in race number 5.
   August 31st 1958   Deer Park, Spokeane.....  3rd ??
   July 26th 1959     Westwood- Coquitlam.... 1st race 5
   Aug  16th    and Aug 9th  Westwood race track...  led to believe that Jim H Parsons was one of the main instigators to forming the Westwood race track ? Club ??
   Even better .... I was  Referred to Canada Track & Traffic of January 1960,  A picture of Jim Parsons Spinning infront of Al Doyan at Westwood. ( unfortunately incorrectly captioned )
   Al Doyans name was already known to me as someone who raced regularly against Jim Parsons and actually rebuilt the engine of BEX333 for Lee Kolb in 1965. (He died many years ago, another lead that terminated without result)
   I would like to thank Marion & Vince Howlett, Evan Williams and Tom Johnston of ICSCC ( International Conference of Sports Car Clubs ) for rekindling the search for the Racing History of BEX333.
   Finally,  I have  now made contact with Mrs Jo-anne Parsons the widow of the late Jim Parsons who died in 1990. Jo-anne confirmed some details and offered to search out some photos.
   Hopefully, Some period racing Pictures and literature will be forthcomming , In the meantime should any AC enthusiast or Historic racing officanado have any other information to help fill in the racing period 1957 to 1964.I would be eternally grateful.
   email address :-
   Keith dot Lessiter at gmail dot com
   mob  07809 251333

   Other names racing Aces at the initial Westwood meetings were Al Doyan, Dr V D  Clausing,  Ken Miller. 
         ( did Jonathon Parker race AEX1194 at these       meetings...  ??)
   Happy New Year to you all .....


For and on behalf of Keith:
Due to the Forum functionality, it is not possible to replace the photobucketed pics, but they appear in order as attachments below.  ::)
[EDIT] thanks to Peter (dkp_cobra) finding Postimage, Images now being re-instated!  ;D
   BEX333, August 16th, 1959. Westwood - Coquitlam. Jim Parsons spins in front of Al Doyan.

   [EDIT]See attachment below.
   BEX333 in Seattle 1965,looking a little the worse for wear!

   [EDIT]See attachment below.

   ...And again. (Not quite so bad from behind, it must be said!)

   [EDIT]See attachment below.
   More recently, going for a spin at the Ace 50th Anniversary meeting at Donington, 2003.

   [EDIT]See attachment below.
   At Mallory Park in 2003.

   [EDIT]See attachment below.
   A nice tight line through the Goodwood chicane, 2006.

   [EDIT]See attachment below.
   Deja vu? Goodwood, 2007.

   [EDIT]See attachment below.
   And finally, on the Manx Classic, 2007(my favourite [8D]).

   [EDIT]See attachment below.


Racing History - Jim H Parsons in BEX333
   March 30th 1958 Abbotsford Airfield. 2nd Race#2  No 251
   March 30th 1958   Abbotsford.        3rd Race#4  No 251
   March 30th 1958   Abbotsford.    Retired Race#5  No 251
   August 31st 1958 Deer Park, Spokane. 3rd ?
   April 19th 1959 Shelton.  7th O/A, 1st in Class D
   July 26th  1959 Westwood.  2nd O/A 1st in Class Race#5
   August 9th 1959 Westwood ????
   August 16th 1959 Westwood. 3rd O/A, 1st in Class
   1959 through 1964: History details required, photos, copy of programs and result sheets.
   Thanking you in anticipation.
   Please contact by clicking here: Keith Lessiter ('AC Ace Bristol')


Here`s a picture of the Swan Song meeting at the Abbotsford Airfield:

   [EDIT]See attachment below.

AC Ace Bristol

<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by nikbj68</i>
<font size="4">Racing History - Jim H Parsons in BEX333 </font id="size4">
   March 30th 1958 Abbotsford Airfield. 2nd Race#2  No 251
   March 30th 1958   Abbotsford.        3rd Race#4  No 251
   March 30th 1958   Abbotsford.    Retired Race#5  No 251
   August 31st 1958 Deer Park, Spokane. 3rd ?
   April 19th 1959 Shelton.  7th O/A, 1st in Class D
   July 26th  1959 Westwood.  2nd O/A 1st in Class Race#5
   August 9th 1959 Westwood ????
   August 16th 1959 Westwood. 3rd O/A, 1st in Class
   1959 through 1964: History details required, photos, copy of programs and result sheets.
   Thanking you in anticipation.
   Please contact by clicking here: <u><font color="green">Keith Lessiter ('AC Ace Bristol')</u></font id="green">
mobile tel:  07809 251333
   <hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></font id="quote"></blockquote id="quote">Nik
   Many thanks for posting the pictures of BEX333 and brief details of It's early racing history.( One day I will master downloading photos onthe Forum)
   I have now spoken to Ms Joann Parsons in Seattle three times, Sent various emails and 2 letters including photo copies of BEX333.
   She promises to send photos of BEX at various race meetings when her late husband James (Jim) Parsons competed at different race fields/ tracks during 1958 /1964 and also furnish me with the Race plaques she removed from the trophies he won, but has since disposed of many years ago.
   Its taken nearly 9 years to locate the origonal owner ( Well widow of) How many times can you ask for detailed history of your Ace before it is misconstrude as harassment.
   So Close, Yet so Far......... Frustration or what ??
   Never say Die!!  I await in anticipation that the postie drops a envelope from Seatac / Seattle through my door...  ZZZZzzz  zzzz
   If any one in USA NW,  Vancouver- British Columbia  has any photos of  Aces racing in 58 to 64, please email a copy, it / they might just be the missing links to complete the Racing History Jigsaw of BEX333.

AC Ace Bristol

Help required by desperate ACE Enthusiast / Custodian of  "BEX333"
   Since making contact in December 2008 with Mrs Joann Parsons the Widow of  the late "James H Parsons" the 1st owner of BEX333, (James died approx 1990). I have written 4 times, phoned 3 times and sent various emails.
   In early June 2009, I sent a large envelope containing copy of all known racing history of BEX333 from 1957 through 1964 plus a reinforced addressed  photographic envelope and a $20 bill to hopefully tactfully get Mrs Parsons to fill the envelope with the promised photos, I then  left it for another month then followed tup by a phonecall early in July.
   Yes!  Mrs Parsons has received my Post, She assures me she has photographs of BEX333 at various race meets and various race Plaques off the numerous disposed Trophies won by James Parsons in the late 50s early 60s piloting  ACE  BEX333.
   BUT STILL NOTHING wings its way back across the pond.
   As Mss Parsons is now 75 years young,   Before I give up,  Or worse still Mrs Parsons gives up and passes away, One last line of pursuit to try and secure these photos.
   Does any club member or AC Enthusiast live in or close to SEATAC, WA 98198..  USA ????
   If they do, Could he / she Please contact me via email and hopefully they could arrange to collect the pictures and plaques on my behalf and post them on in the envelope already provided. ( Hopefully the $20.00 already sent to Mrs Parsons more than covers the post of a few photos and racing plaques.
   Alternatively can the photos be scanned ? ( I will reimbusre costs incourred in copying and posting  or copying and emailing)
   When GOD called out PATIENCE I was queing up for a hearing aid!!
   Seriously having spent the best part of 10 years trying invainto authenticate the racing history of my Ace "BEX333"  I am now so close, yet so far.
   Can someone out there please help in securing this data befor it is lost forever.
   A desperate AC Enthusiast / Custodian of "BEX333".
   Please contact me via email:  Amended 31st May 2018.
   Keith dot lessiter at gmail dot com
   or on  mobile  0044  7809 251333
   Thanking you in anticipation.


Jumping on the first plane ? Seriously....

AC Ace Bristol

John  ( R Lucke)
   Many thanks for your propmt and positive offer, will communicate via email, as I Don't think it's right to publicise a 75 year old single females address on the internet.
   If nothing materialises within the next 6 weeks or so from Mrs P, then  I will take up your kind offer to collect my long awaited package.

AC Ace Bristol

   Still I wait.    Just to keep you updated......... ZZZZzzzzz
   No, Seriously,  I phoned Mrs P last night,  She was on good form, assured me she has dug out the photos of Jim Racing BEX333  during their ownership 1957 through 1964. Along with the racing plaques salvaged from Jim's Old trophies prior to disposing of unwanted items.
   She has also found a 1962 numberplate from BEX333,  all the items along with my reinforced self addressed envelope and $20 bill have been sitting on the Windowcill for the past two months.
   Reason for not posting ....  two fold.
   One .....  The number plate is too big to fit in envelope.
   Two .....  more important,  She simply keeps forgetting to take the items to the post office when taken shopping once aweek by her Carer, being wheel chair bound somewhat restricts trips outdoors.
   She has promised to post the photos and plaques next week, In the Meantime I'm going to post to USA a large empty self addressed Jiffy Bag and another $20 bill to accomodate and hopefully secure the number plate.
   Interesting Story during last nights telephone  conversation,  Jim competed in 20 or so races, During one LeMans style Start,  Jim ran across the track, Jumped over the Door and the Gear Shift went up his right trouser leg, By the time he had got out and back into the car everyone was half a lap in front, not the best start to that particular race.
   As I said earlier, Mrs P is fit and well and on good form, although a little forgetful but hopefully the long awaited period racing photos and racing plaques wing there way across the pond.
   Lets hope, my next message is positive and I can publish some photos,  We never know, might even include photos of other Aces racing in the  NW, British Columbia and Vancouver during the late 1950s /early 1960s.

AC Ace Bristol

Hi to all who have followed this Trail or is it Trial.......
   Posty arrived this morning with a large triangular United States Postal Services tube from Mrs Parsons. [:)]
   Opened in eager anticipation of the Photographs and Racing Plaques promised last December.......  Negative, No photos , no Plaques just a 1957 (Ace)  black English number plate  " TXF913 "
   If any one in London area or  Seattle /  Tacoma area of USA has any  photos of a Ace Bristol in 1957 wearing this number plate, I would love a copy.   In the meantime I must write a polite letter of thanks to Mrs Parsons ..... and tactfully ask whatever happened to the photos and racing plaques.
   From a high ....  back to reality ... Do these photos and Race plaques  really exist [?]    I dont think so.
   This thread is now closed !!
   Keith   [:(] [xx(]


Ah, the thrill of the chase, eh Keith?! Good luck, hopefully persistence will pay off!
Peter B.


Originally posted by AC Ace Bristol
    Hi to all who have followed this Trail or is it Trial...This thread is now closed !!
   Keith  [:(] [xx(]

   I think it`s time you called the experts in 'Cold cases'!
   Courage, Mon Ami!

AC Ace Bristol

   In case I get Cold, I'll have the 2 on the right, you can choose from the other 3.
   Quick thank you to those who have either posted or emailed encouragement, not to give up........  Ever hopeful !
   I have surprised myself  [:)] with my patience,  I have told many friends ...   ...  "When God called out Patience, I was queing for a Hearing Aid"
   Letter of thanks has been sent, promising to forward on another $20 dollar bill to reimburse the additional postage for the number plate ($29.90).  I know from research that James H Parsons owned and raced other English sports /racers in the 1960s, I'm positive that the number plate TXF913 (late 1957?) was off one of these.
   In 10 days time, [I)] I will post the additional $20 this time in a fancy card, Hopefully this might ignite some positive action, if negative,I Will have to send in the Ace & Cobra boys from Washington " The Evergreen State"  [:(!]
   If any of our ACOC Members live in or close to Seatac / Seattle then I will rally them for help otherwise John (R Lucke) will be called upon to phone and arrange collection of the long awaited  BEX333 racing memorabilia.
   Keith  [;)]  [:)]  [I)]


Keith, sorry you didn't get everything promised. I'm in the San Juan Islands about 120 miles north of Seatac. Let me know if I can pick the materials up for you.

AC Ace Bristol

   Thank you for your kind offer,  much appreciated.
   I don't want to harras Mrs P,So will leave for another 3 or 4 weeks, If nothing materialises by mid November, I will call upon your Services and send in the Cavalry   [;)]
   I have your home address and email details on my laptop, hopefully the next time I contact you is with good news, arrival of photos and race plaques.
   Cheers  [:)]