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Reference Ace Brooklands Side window glass

Started by hawk289, December 31, 2008, 10:00:21

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   My drivers window on my ac ace brooklands needs to be replaced, I have a question. Speaking to Starglass [who produced the original window] there are two sizes [4mm thick or 5mm thick] does anyone know why the difference. It would seem the later cars have the 5mm. So I assume production issue with the earlier cars.
   Also has anyone tried a 5mm window in a 4mm original car?
   Any help welcome!

Max Allan

   I've not looked on the site for sometime, so you've probably replaced the side window by now. But for what it's worth, if Starglass have both 4 & 5mm glass available (is that right, Starglass can still supply side windows for the Ace?) you would IMO be better off staying with the original 4mm. Not only is the 5mm likely to be a tight fit in the window channels making operation sluggish, but if memory serves me correct, and the rise & fall mechanism guide runner is a press fit on the bottom of the glass, you'll almost certainly encounter problems persuading the runner to accommodate the thicker glass (forcing the runners on is not easy even when using the designed glass thickness!).


John, when I replaced the glass in your car it was the last piece from the factory and the glass was very slow and sluggish in closing. I guess it must have been a 5mm glass. The car is the last in the Register though and may have originally have 5mm glass but the replacement was much slower than the original.


   Thanks, yes, looking at the glass would be 5mm. I have found one more side window. As there are a number of cars, may need to get a batch created.

Max Allan

   Having a batch made might be a good idea. D'you know if same glass fits both sides or are they handed?


They are handed, and the company that have the patterns will only do batches of 25!!

Max Allan

It would certainly make sense to have a spare pair, although, thanks to the banks and our illustrious leader, timing is not ideal!! Would that be 25 x 5mm thick and 25 x 4mm or 25 made up of mix of 4 & 5? Have they indicated the likely price per window.


I've just had the following via the club website - are there any updates on this topic?
   "I am trying to find out about the side glasses for 1998 AC Ace Brooklands for a customer (says he has tried OC?). I believe them to be proprietary glasses not specials (windscreen is Sierra). Can anyone help?"


The Ace currently for sale on eBay with the broken driver's window, has re-ignited my interest in your post John.

I have a later South African Ace fitted with 4mm side glass. Did you make any further progress in purchasing a batch from Starglass? If not, please may I register interest in buying a spare set? Many thanks, Adrian.