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Aces in Movies

Started by GaryC, November 13, 2008, 06:03:37

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David Byng

I saw a few mins towards the end of the '56 black & white film The Weapon when we were in France recently. we were struggling to see any half-decent TV and came across TalkingPictures TV, Sky 343. I thought it was an Ace. It crashed at night into a ditch near the end. The film was made at Nettlefold Studios in Walton-on-Thames and I wondered if there was any linkage between the studio and the local car manufacturer.
   Furthermore, in the frequent adverts for this channel, in amongst shots of transport machinery such as sea planes, liners, railway engines; there was definitely a front shot of  an AC moving at speed with the badge clearly visible. It was a pre-war car, perhaps an Acedes (my knowledge of such models is poor but others could certainly say what it was). The other thing that you get out of this channel is the sight of actors like George Cole and others as young men and just how frequently people smoked in those days. These black & white films were shot in an atmospheric haze of cigarette smoke.


Yesterday, I saw the BBC movie "Toast" about the youth of Nigel Slater. Not so funny as it was announced but there was a scene with an Ace and Aceca in front of a pub. Quite nice cars.
If you want to see the scene there is a version with chinese subtitle on youtube You have to start at 1 h 15 min.