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ACOC Surrey Meet - Change of Venue

Started by AC Ace Bristol, August 09, 2008, 11:27:56

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AC Ace Bristol

Hi .. to all ACOC  Members who regularly meet at The Barley Mow
   on the 3rd Sunday of each Month.
   As John Andon has recently sold The Barley Mow at West Horsley Nr Guildford.........
   It has been suggested that it is a ideal time to relocate as We   have seriously outgrown the Facilities of the Barley Mow.
   Various emails have winged there way between many ACOC  members over the past week or so...  ...  ... .... resulting in a PLAN !!
   ( Courtesy of The Ian Rogers )
   Sunday 17th August.......  ALL meet at The MANOR HOUSE at Newlands Corner at 11.30 then blat down to  THE ONSLOW  at 12.45 for the rest of the tyre kicking & petrol sniffing.......
   Those in attendance can then decide on New venue on the basis of a Vote.   ( Very Democratic .......Ang on a mow... Bob Langleys got three ACs )
   For those like me, who do not live in Surrey.......  Check out the following links and join ..  The ACOC Rent a Crowd-Party .
   Both venues  are only a couple of miles apart and within a few miles of the Barley Mow.
   Hopefully we see you there.  Please mention potential change of venue to other AC enthusiasts.....   Don't want to leave the non regular attendees at the Barley Mow.
   Cheers 4 now
   Keith ( & ACOC Rent a Party )

Robin A Woolmer

Would you guy's consider being west of Guildford/ South West of Guildford?

AC Ace Bristol

Originally posted by Robin A Woolmer
Would you guy's consider being west of Guildford/ South West of Guildford?

   I'm not the one to ask, Each time I drive to the Barley Mow for the ACOC meeting I clock up another 205 miles in nmy Ace Bristol....  a serious contribution to the 33000 miles Ive clocked up since 2001.
   Most regulars live in and around Guildford / London and Hampshire, B4 a new venue is fixed please put forward your suggestion/s.
   It will be Democratically decided.......  Majority rule.
   Most regulars live within 20 mile radius...... its only the daft buggers like me who travel the extra few miles.
   See you on 17th August where we can have a nog and natter and mull things over.

cobham cobra

Hi All,
   Regarding the Surrey meeting venue, Dee and I visited both of the suggested locations and a number of other possible venues last weekend. We checked out a number of pubs which are roughly in a radius between The Barley Mow and Leatherhead, Guildford, Farnham etc and now have feedback on the two proposed places and a third venue to recommend.
   We first went to the Onslow Arms and it is a nice country pub with a large car park. It has a number of things in its favour, but for me there is one possibly big concern and that is the entrance to the car park. Entry is no problem but because of the proximity of the buildings and a narrow pavement at the point of exit, the exit is almost blind into the main road which at that point is on a slight bend. You would have to drive most of the front of your car out into the road before you could see if it's safe to pull out.
   Second visit was to the Manor House, this is a nice looking place with good access. The venue is a combination of health club, wedding venue and hotel. When I visited (Saturday) there was a wedding about to begin and the car park was full though I guess it would not be so busy on a Sunday. I also noted that the bar is a long walk from the car park which could be a hassle.
   We visited a number of other great little country pubs, but most them had very limited car parking.
   We did however find a country pub that we would like to recommend to the group to be included in the evaluation drive next Sunday. It is The Volunteer in Sutton Abinger. The location is equidistant between Guildford and Dorking and not far at all from The Barley Mow and the two other proposed venues. The volunteer is a classic country pub which is in a picturesque location set back from the road. It has a similar size car park to The Barley Mow and has good food and enthusiastic helpful bar staff. We have spoken to the management and they would be very happy to host our monthly meeting. The chef likes cars and is very keen to have a group AC's arrive for Sunday lunch, they already have a couple of other motor clubs using the pub for mid-week meetings.
   My suggestion for next Sunday is we meet at the Onslow Arms then go and check-out the Manor House and finally move on to The Volunteer and have a chat about The Barley Mow and the alternatives.
   What do you think ?
   Cheers - John.


Ashamed to admit that I know the Volunteer. Nice location & atmosphere - used to serve the biggest and best ploughmans in the Realm...but that's going back a few decades now, I suddenly realise! Sadly I shall be in french France, so please bring my beer to Wings & Wheels.

cobham cobra

We had six cars and ten people last Sunday. Not many went to look at the Onslow Arms because they were not keen on the restricted vision at the exit so we all met at the Manor Hotel. Much of the hotel's business is wedding and functions but Sunday was a quiet day so there was plenty of space in both the car park and the bar. The hotel is OK'sh but it is a little soulless. We then moved on to The Volunteer and got a very warm welcome, the chef even came out from the kitchens to take photos of the cars :)
   On the day everyone voted for the Volunteer. The parking could be a (small) problem although I don't think the capacity is any less than the front car park at the Barley Mow. Jenny (the manager at the Volunteer) is keen to have us as regulars and will speak to her boss (Nick) this week to discuss reserving part of the car park for us. She doubts they will be able to cordon off as many as 10 or 12 spaces but suggests if we could get there for 12:00 or 12:30 we would not have a problem parking.
   The next monthly meeting clashes with the Goodwood Revival. As many of us will be going to Goodwood I don't think the parking problem will be such a issue by the time of the October meeting. As I said, the vote at the moment is for the Volunteer, but if you have other pubs to recommend please post your thoughts here and I'm sure a member of the Meetings Executive Surrey Section, or MESS for short will happily go and check it out.

cobham cobra

This Sunday will be the first monthly meeting at the new venue. It is The Volunteer in Sutton Abinger. The location is equidistant between Guildford and Dorking and the address and number are:
   The Volunteer.
   Water Lane
   Abinger Hammer, Dorking, RH5 6PR
   01306 730798

   Hopefully if this link works it will give you the location.,+Abinger+Hammer,+Dorking,+RH5+6PR+(The+Volunteer+Inn)&geocode=Cb7TFjs1QGz5FUpDDQMdPKf5_w&iwloc=1&dq=The+volunteer+Sutton+Abinger&cid=16077339052078611847&ei=mvr1SJ7yH6CI2wLR7cW9Bw
   I look forward to seeing you all - John and the Rev-limiter.

cobham cobra

October's monthly meeting of the Surrey ACOC was at the new venue (The Volunteer) unfortunately the pub proved to be too busy and the car park too small[V]. So after a short discussion we decided to re-locate a few miles down the road to The Parrot at Forest Green and try that. I am pleased to say our visit to the Parrot was a great success [:)]and all were in general agreement that it should be the new home of the Surrey members monthly meeting.
   For those not able to make the October meeting it was well attended with up to 15 AC's and 26 members taking advantage of the Autumn sunshine.[8D]
   The new location is
   The Parrot Inn
   Forest Green, Surrey
   RH5 5RZ
   Tel: 01306 621 339
   Google map,-0.394993&spn=0.015099,0.032916&z=15
   Review link