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Racing COB's

Started by ace1, April 22, 2008, 07:12:27

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Can any one identify these two right hand drive COB's, the photos are from Trevor Legates newest Cobra book?

AC Ace Bristol

   Cobra #  152 was the David Purley Cobra which was destroyed in big accident at Brands Hatch,  Really need to contact Trevor for more details.
   The other Car I think could be  Derek ridlers Cobra which was raced as a two car team. Both cars competed in Mod Sports.


#151 Derek Ridler is David Purley's cousin.  Lec Refrigeration was the David Purley's Family business that sponsored both Cobras in question.  #151 is listed as COB6024 and #152 is listed as COB6006.  The SAAC registry is not 100% clear on the facts for both cars accept that COB6024 was a Princess Blue with a Red interior and COB6006 was Bright Blue with a black interior that was switched to red seats during David Purley's tenure.  Is the photo of the Brands Hatch circuit?


Taken at Druids, Brands Hatch. I have the date somewhere in my negative files. Derek Ridler ran his Cobra at the Brighton Speed Trials one year and I have a few pics from the event - anybody out there got more shots from that year? I was a starving art student back then and could only snap on my pocket-35mm Olympus camera.
   I did discuss the car with David when I paid him a visit in Bognor - he assured me that his Cobra was properly totalled and he cut it up and threw it in the bin....


To Trevor:
   Great book!!  Is there enough information and photos out there to do a European only Cobra Race Book?
   So David cut COB6006 up and threw it away, almost sounds like CSX2259,Lynn's beautiful recreation, another dumpster survivor.
   Here is a photo from the David Purley Bio website, I do not know the location.  How many races did Purley do before the "Accident?"


Hi ace(1)
   There probably is enough information for a european race book - if you'd like to research it all and send me the pics, I'll cobble it together and publish it!! No worries.... :-) job done.
   I think I'm right in saying that the photo of David shows him exiting Druids, just a few yards further on from my shot, taken from the inside of the track, looking back to the spectator area, roughly where I was standing!


To Trevor:
   What is the name of you latest Cobra book or is the new book currently being published?


The last time I checked, my Cobra book was/is called 'Cobra - The First 40 Years' - it was published in 2006 and is still very much for sale. Either from me (I published the darn thing) or properly reliable sources :-) Naturally it's much cheaper in the USA since the odd-balls who run Barnes & Nobbly seems to think that any book priced above $50 will not sell. I always thought that reflected very badly on the USA, IMHO. So the Americans can buy it for a price not too far off the cost of production (or on Amazon for less than the cost of production - go figure)
   You can assume from the title that I also include the saga of AC & C$ to date, including the not-quite-so-original-but-darn-nearly cars that are produced today, since they are part of the on-going and slightly tedious saga. Being a borng old f**t I shall no doubt produce 'The First 50 Years', then '60 Years' etc before I drop off my perch....and  with any luck, one of them might earn me a groat!
   P.S. anyone wants a copy of my second (and so desirable/collectable/mythical) book 'Cobra - The Real Thing' I have one copy for sale at an embarassing price. Or I'll exchange it for a GMP model Cobra. I'll even sign it!!


To Trevor:
   I have your current book "Cobra-The first 40 Years,"  already, I thought you were working on a "New" Cobra book about the exclusive European and possibly the Japanese Daytona racing History, do you think that kind of a book is a possibility for a "Boring Old F**t?"


This is all news to me....:-) Not entirely sure what "exclusive European and Japanese Daytona racing History" means to be honest! Can you expand on that? I do get a number of requests to write a book about the FIA models, but a book about 5 cars might have a small potential market. Find me 5000 guaranteed buyers and I'll do it. Mind you, it's not to say that I don't still turn up some original photographs and I still photograph a lot of Cobras, so who knows....
   I also dream of producing 'The Great Court Battles of Carroll $helby' but since that will be a lifetimes work, I doubt I've enough years left in me to put that hefty tome into print.


To Trevor:
   I was suggesting a book, by you, just about all the European/South African/Australian Racing Cobras (FIA/COB/CS/CSX)and possibly the Daytona Coupe that was raced in Japan, not like the current crop of books here in the USA that include all of the Shelby American History, just Euro/African/Ausi/Japan History.
   Here's a rough list of possible Cobras:
   CSX2142-LE MANS
   FIA CSX2260
   FIA CSX2301
   FIA CSX2323
   FIA CSX2345
   427 CSX3004-SPAIN
   427 CSX3006
   427 CSX3019
   "The Great Court Battles of Carroll," might be a possibility with in the next 5 years.
   What is a rough estimate on producing 5000 books?  You can email me at if you want to answer offline.
   Thanks, Erik(Kranky)


Recently unearthed evidence is that Derek Ridler's LEC racecar was 6042, bought by Ridler from barrister Peter Sheridan and sold when Ridler finished with it to racer Bill Wood.
    6042 & 6045 were delivered on the same day to the same Central London (Knightsbridge) agent and registered at the same time. 42 got CLH 3B and 45 the preceding CLH 2B. Another distinguishing 6042 feature is its factory option 'top tint' windscreen, in place throughout its Sheridan/Ridler/Wood ownership.
   See the register (members' area) for further info.


String, nothing to do with Fruas, continues in the Cobra section.