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AC Cars Manufacturing Ltd

Started by Alan Faulkner-Stevens, September 21, 2006, 07:40:13

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   I would say that if the banker put the screws to him  .. there was some influence that came from beating one of the big 3 in court.  I should know I had a similiar experience twice.
   I guess not clearing your debt's is a pretty crummy life always hiding or looking over your shoulder.  BUt I inderstand that tools and manufacturing stuff is scrap.
   Brian Angliss which I know nothing of the man .... but in business one bad move like suing one of the big 3 could put you under.
   Look into it Texas and Florida also have business friendly laws thats why our president and his borther reside there. LOL
   Yes .. exactlty ... a shame that such a great car ends up in the hands of an INVESTOR rather then a TRUE AUTOMOTIVE Enthusiast.
   Thanks for the info ... Ron

a98 coupe

Originally posted by Mark-Anthony
Hi Alan
   I am quite amazed at this statement of yours that Brooklands Motor Company are the Official Repairers of AC Cars Ltd in Great Britain, not that I doubt it, but I do find it more than a little puzzling.
   I had a very long and convivial conversation with Mr Gray of Brooklands yesterday (20 Sept 2006) and the fact that Brooklands are the official repairers of AC Cars Ltd comes as quite a shock - given that he never mentioned the fact once.  Especially surprising as we were discussing the salvage/repair of a written-off Cobra.
   In fact, on reflection, I have never heard that Brooklands are AC Cars official repairers in my two years as a club member/Cobra owner.  No other member has even mentioned it in passing despite the numerous conversations that I have had with many members concerning bent cars.
   I have never seen it mentioned in any edition of ACtion, neither in Brooklands own advertisements nor in any article, text, or caption.
   Nor have I ever seen this singularly potent piece of commercial recommendation printed in any issue of "Classic Car" or "Classic and Sports Car" magazines that I have read over the last 20 years (yes I know their names have changed in that time).
   More importantly I have never seen such a potent piece of advertising written in any of Brooklands advertisements in any of the three aforementioned magazines.
   This leads to only two possible conclusions:-
   1)  Brooklands were appointed as AC Carts ltd's Official Repairers late yesterday afternoon, or,
   2)  Mr Gray simply forgot to mention the fact in all of his advertising and forgot to mention the fact to any AC Owners club official and forgot to mention the fact to any AC Owners Club member.
   Nonetheless, despite this obvious and amusing quandary I am grateful that the Mk IV Cobra Registrar has finally told us who the Official Repairers for AC Cars Ltd actually is.  If we now want our cars repaired by AC Cars official agent (thereby preserving the car's value) we now finally know where to go.
   Our thanks Alan
   Mark-Anthony Conti
   CRS Cobra chassis 22
   (PS  No its not a bloody kit car!)

   To reply to your comments regarding Brooklands Motor Company, I have in the past owned AC8998, a MkIV Lightweight which had been heavily and succesfully raced by David MacMillan. I purchased it and subsequently bent it at Goodwood during the AC Sprint! After asking various AC club members I chose Steve Gray at Brooklands to repair my car and change the body to replicate that of a Mk III 427 SC plus install a Lemans hardtop. My damage from Goodwood alone approached close to 40K and to fit a lemans hardtop on a MkIV (which has a longer cockpit than the original LeMans race Cobra) is not easy to say the least! From inception to completion I could not fault Steve's work. I have had numerous Aston's, Corvette's Jaguars etc. in the past and it is exceptionally hard to find someone of Steve's quality, there are some, but the are also numerous idiots!
   I would totally recommend Steve for his work on aluminium and his paint shop as second to none. I also know some of his more prestigous clients (with Zagato's DB GT's, Ace's etc.)who have only good things to say about his work.
   Steve is currently working on another car for me and as my love affair with classic cars continues I see no reason to use anyone else but Brooklands.
   Mark. 07769656811


a98 coupe (Mark?)
   You mistake, I think, my comments about Brooklands.  I have NEVER suggested that the work in aluminium carried out by Brooklands was anything other than First Class.  I have never heard anyone saying that Brookland's work was anything other than First Class.  Indeed if my Cobra were built of aluminium and needed repair I would consider Brooklands as a very competant repairer.
   (My car is a Carbon Cobra so is not the sort of vehicle normally worked on by the skilled work force at Brooklands.  Indeed there are some ignorant people, blind to the advantages of superior material technology, who would consider the CRS cars to be little more than kit cars.  But such cretins are beneath our consideration are they not?)
   I had tried to purchase the written-off body from Lee Argonese's Carbon Cobra (chassis #24) from Mr Grey at Brooklands, in order to "repair" it so that it would be suitable to make moulds etc for the other CRS cars, but Brooklands have taken the commercial decision to completely destroy the  body (Mr Gray to Mr Conti on 20 Oct 2006 by 'phone).
   I have, sadly, been unable to get the spare (damaged but repairable) body make moulds to start an ACOC supply of CRS body spares at cost price to club members.
   My comments about Brooklands merely noted the exraordinary situation where Brooklands appear/claim to be AC Cars' only recommended repairer and yet they never mention it in their advertising, strange that.  You'd think that they'd boast about it.
   I do hope that clears any misunderstanding, and makes it plain that I hold Brooklands metalworking skills in high regard, even if their PR may need a little help.
   On another note does anyone know if AC Cars Ltd (in whatever form) have an appointed agent in Great Britain?
   Mark-Anthony Conti
   CRS Chassis #22
   No it REALLY isn't a kit car

a98 coupe

Originally posted by Mark-Anthony
a98 coupe (Mark?)
   Thanks for your reply.
   It might be of use to know that Brooklands were instrumental in working with the carbon Formula 3 cars 15 years ago and built the buck for Andy Shepherds Carbon Fibre 428 Race car (which was allegedly too quick to compete in the sprint, so I am told!). He may well be worth talking to about your car. I have just sold an ex Reynard GTS development Viper with a Carbon body that Steve did a considerable amount of work on. In addition, I also know a guy that specializes in working with carbon for boats who made several pieces for me from splitters, to wings and interior parts. He is slow (but good) but he does know a hell of a lot about carbon.
   You mistake, I think, my comments about Brooklands.  I have NEVER suggested that the work in aluminium carried out by Brooklands was anything other than First Class.  I have never heard anyone saying that Brookland's work was anything other than First Class.  Indeed if my Cobra were built of aluminium and needed repair I would consider Brooklands as a very competant repairer.
   (My car is a Carbon Cobra so is not the sort of vehicle normally worked on by the skilled work force at Brooklands.  Indeed there are some ignorant people, blind to the advantages of superior material technology, who would consider the CRS cars to be little more than kit cars.  But such cretins are beneath our consideration are they not?)
   I had tried to purchase the written-off body from Lee Argonese's Carbon Cobra (chassis #24) from Mr Grey at Brooklands, in order to "repair" it so that it would be suitable to make moulds etc for the other CRS cars, but Brooklands have taken the commercial decision to completely destroy the  body (Mr Gray to Mr Conti on 20 Oct 2006 by 'phone).
   I have, sadly, been unable to get the spare (damaged but repairable) body make moulds to start an ACOC supply of CRS body spares at cost price to club members.
   My comments about Brooklands merely noted the exraordinary situation where Brooklands appear/claim to be AC Cars' only recommended repairer and yet they never mention it in their advertising, strange that.  You'd think that they'd boast about it.
   I do hope that clears any misunderstanding, and makes it plain that I hold Brooklands metalworking skills in high regard, even if their PR may need a little help.
   On another note does anyone know if AC Cars Ltd (in whatever form) have an appointed agent in Great Britain?
   Mark-Anthony Conti
   CRS Chassis #22
   No it REALLY isn't a kit car


On another note does anyone know if AC Cars Ltd (in whatever form) have an appointed agent in Great Britain?

   Try Clive Sutton:


Just read through this thread with interest.
   Notice from one of the signatures that you guys appear to get asked 'Is it a kit?'
   Made me chuckle as a lot of kit owners (me included) get asked
   'Is it a real one!!'
   Great cars, interesting history, and probably the greatest compliment to the AC marque, and 289/427's in particular is the number of replica's (good, bad and indifferent!) that pay homage to them.
   Plus, I guess the sheer volume of replicas means original car owners can still get some parts (e.g brasscraft screens etc) when they need them?
   Hope you dont mind a replica owner posting, and feel free to visit and see another angle on the marque.
   Steve (aka Dingocooke on both sites)


Hi Dingocooke
   I can't imagine that anyone who is a member of the AC Owners Club would mind any interested party posting.  The fact you own a kit just assures us all that you're like-minded too.  I'm a member of Cobra Club as well (Rhino there)- great place to buy/sell stuff.  I sold the engine out of my CRS Cobra there - very very quickly.  It's now in a Dax!
   The reason that I put "No its not a kit car" when I sign off is because I own Carbon Cobra chassis no. 22 and there are one or two people out there who, through their ignorance, regard Carbon Fibre bodied AC Cobras as kit cars despite the fact that they were built by AC themselves.  I understand the purist approach but, lets face it, if Bugatti or AC could have built race cars out of carbon in the 1920s or 1960s they'd have done so.
   As they say there's none so blind as those who will not see.  Suffice it to say that all the club members I have met so far have been bloody good sports.  And I ought to say that of all the car and bike clubs I have been a member of in the past this club is BY FAR the most egalitarian and member friendly.  Every member I have met thus far has gone out of his/her way to be helpful friendly and welcoming.
   As to this forum - what a source of information!  It's a gold mine.
   Best Regards
   CRS #22.
   No its not a kit car!

Clive Sutton

In June 2006 Clive Sutton Premier Marques became the sole UK distributor for the AC Mk V. We have recently received the first newly produced vehicle which we displayed at the recent MPH06 show and which we are now carrying out our own testing and evaluation prior to offering it up for demonstration > We have taken some orders for the Mk V and there are 2 further cars due into the UK before the end of the year. In time we intend to provide support for previous AC models. There are no other officially appointed agents in the UK for AC cars at this time.


I have removed a couple of replies from the topic.
   Let's cool it and see how things develop.
   I am sure we all wish AC well for their future production plans.


Originally posted by Clive Sutton
In June 2006 Clive Sutton Premier Marques became the sole UK distributor for the AC Mk V....There are no other officially appointed agents in the UK for AC cars at this time.

   Clive, have you considered trying to purchase the WWW.ACCARS.CO.UK/ACCARS.COM websites fron Jonathan Bradburn?
   `Twould look significantly more 'official' than a link from their site to yours!
   regards, Nik.


What's going on out there? The Chinese Whisper rumour factory finds another gear! I seem to recall that the bucks for my 428 Frua carbon were made by Simon Ascoli when he was working for us at Uniclip Automotive. Steve Gray may have fettled the end result before the bucks went to have the body moulds cast to make the finished carbon body.
   The car was never banned from the ACOC Goodwood sprint, although it claimed Fastest Time of the Day on its first and only sprint appearance, on a streaming wet track! The Aston Martin Owners Club did however ban it from their Intermarque Championship along with Richard Chamberlain's rapid Porsche 935, Malcolm Hamilton's monster 8 litre E Type and the Silk Cut Jaguar driven by maestro Win Percy. We were all going far too fast and as skill could not beat us, legislation did! How sour can grapes taste?
   My Black 428 Frua is currently sitting in my garage. She weighs 1000kg with 650bhp from 428 extremely light cubic inches, and generates 1000kgs of downforce at 100mph. With the short circuit diff she runs out of revs at 170mph. I'd guess the way she is still pulling, a longer diff could allow 200mph if we knocked off some wing angle.
   While posting, I'm always happy to give AC drivers and racers the benefit of my many years race experience and love giving a few pointers on track days etc. Cars are built to be enjoyed and the more fun we can have, the better the world becomes!
   Andy Shepherd

Clive Sutton

   I have spoken to Jonathan Bradburn who has said he was willing to talk about it. We have yet to meet ! The link is better than nothing at the moment. Do you know him ?
Originally posted by nikbj68
Originally posted by Clive Sutton
In June 2006 Clive Sutton Premier Marques became the sole UK distributor for the AC Mk V....There are no other officially appointed agents in the UK for AC cars at this time.

   Clive, have you considered trying to purchase the WWW.ACCARS.CO.UK/ACCARS.COM websites fron Jonathan Bradburn?
   `Twould look significantly more 'official' than a link from their site to yours!
   regards, Nik.


Originally posted by Clive Sutton
   I have spoken to Jonathan Bradburn who has said he was willing to talk about it. We have yet to meet ! The link is better than nothing at the moment. Do you know him ?

    `Fraid not, Clive... just thought it was a good idea!
   All the best, Nik.


There seem to be a few questions requiring answers.
   In the late 1980's virtually all of the original AC factory records were destroyed. One of my few regrets in life has been that I was instructed to burn these documents by the then General Manager of Autokraft. (he killed himself about 5 years later).I think this was in about 1987 after the 20th century factory at Hampton Court had been emptied. Equally sad was the quantity of spares which went in the skip.
   The original log giving details of all chassis which left the factory was retained. As with so many smaller manufacturers, AC omitted to use some numbers. Some of these numbers were reputedly later used in the manufacture of MK 111 Cobras by Autokraft.
   The demise of Autokraft was due to a number of reasons, though without doubt the biggest problem was the unwarranted investment in the 'new Ace'. There is little point in going into the cars failings, but suffice to say that it was not properly developed and there was no market for such a car. Investment was about 8 million I believe. Autokraft needed the sales of this car to survive.
   There is little doubt that without the Ace, Brian Angliss would still have been running Autokraft long after 1996.
   For the record, Angliss was a good employer, running the company with more enthusiasm than business ability. Consider Martin and Bertelli of Aston Martin and Kimber of MG and you know the situation.
   I was told by one informed party that the bank originally was reluctant to call in the receivers,and it was with great reluctance that they eventually did so, I think in early '96.
   The company might yet have survived, but (in my opinion) the inexperience of the receivers in dealing with such a unique company combined with the incompetance and vindictiveness of the then General Manager sealed the fate of AC and Autokraft.
   Lastly, does the car BPF 753 still exist? OK, I was a bad boy and didn't quite burn everything. I have an International Fiscal Permit for this car issued in Jan '35. If the car exists, the owner is welcome to it, otherwise, would the club like it?
   Should further information be required please mail. I was with Autokraft for their last 12 years and was involved with most departments.

Robin A Woolmer

   I am keen to have documentation on the use of Aluminium cylinder heads on Vintage AC's fitted with the Weller 6-cylinder engine, if you have such factory evidence it would be very helpful. We know that Aluminium heads were fitted & the club has records of some cars fitted with them but what is not available are the original factory specifications or option lists!
   If you can assist it would be appreciated.
   I have checked with the club librarian who cannot find anything & have made a request on the Forum, i assume most of the information was lost in an earlier fire!