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AC Aceca Tool Kit

Started by Hector969, July 27, 2018, 11:22:58

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Hello All,

Could anyone give me help with the tool tray in my Aceca? I have some tools, but I am not certain if even these are correct.

Many thanks




This doesn't look quite like the one on my 1957 Aceca Bristol (BE588) which is the same as on a 1962 Aceca Bristol I also owned. (BE817), These also have a Bristol 'bent' head spanner and a Bristol plug spanner and a wheel hammer, otherwise it's similar (presumably it's for an AC engine car but don't know why it wouldn't have the wheel hammer). The Garrington spanners are correct; you also have a space for pliers, screwdriver, brake adjuster and a rod of unknown use. I do have some photos of my tray somewhere on the computer but can't find them at present - I could take some more if useful. There was also another thread about 2014 from a chap with a replica who was making a copy tool tray but, again, I can't seem to locate it.


If you need information on the correct tools please contact my friend Greg at  Greg has an Aceca and has been down this road before.


anybody would know the original weight of the copper/hide mallet?
it was a Thor number 2?


Here is my tool kit. It is for the AC engine.  The Bristol Tool kit includes the long spark plug spanner.  I am only missing one item,  which I think/guessing  is a 5"  ratchet for the Jack?.   Let me know if you need any help


Thank you!
Wich is the weight of your mallet?
a Thor n.2? i think this is what i read in another post.
I have a n.1 and seems to be a bit too light for the knoc off nuts.