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AC registry

Started by bex316, December 30, 2007, 13:47:33

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Early this year a thread was started by Gus Meyjes with the title "Owner's Photo compilation". It's to be found under this link:
   Some owners posted one or more pictures of their AC but what he really meant is to create some kind of database which would form a register.
   Now this is something I have been thinking about for a long time too.
   Not so strange since I'm a registrar myself for many years though not for any AC model.
   A thread on this forum may not be the perfect place to create an online register. But what about what they have done for Jaguar XK models for instance? Look at and see what I mean. The website will tell more than a thousand words as they say. Thanks to Emmanuel who pointed us to this site.
   Now I know there are registers for most AC models within the ACOC for years and they are highly valued. The point is these registers were mostly compiled during a time when there was no internet. Not all data in the registers can be put online just like that, certainly not without permission from the person who contributed the information. That in itself may be an almost impossible task.
   However, it still would be very nice for all of us to see some of the fruits of all this labour, something that's not so easy with a traditionally kept register by one person.
   What I mean is that complementing the ACOC registers there may be room for an online register. A register for any AC owner, not necessarily an ACOC member.
   The privacy aspect is something any contributor should judge by himself. That's why he should be free to include as many or as little information as he likes, certainly information that has a privacy aspect to it. However, it can be done, it IS done already and I can't help feeling a bit envious when looking at the results.
   Building a register takes a lot of time, you need to be patient.
   Since I own an Ace Bristol first and foremost I'm interested in an Ace and Aceca database.
   I'm looking for reactions and suggestions.
   Who would be interested in this idea and more to the point who would be willing to register his Ace or Aceca this way? Without registrations there's no database!
   Let's hear your viewpoint.


   It is a good idea, would suggest if this was going to happen we should add it behind the members login.

Robin A Woolmer

What a very useful tool this could be having looked at the XK site,if sufficient detail were to be included it would answer many of the questions raised on the forum, we could have some detail shots which could assist owners reconditioning there cars.
   Gus had some good shots of the rebuild of his Aceca albeit for race prep, the correct location & orientation of parts is helpful!
   Perhaps the registrars could coordinate this activity?


   Having information on the original configuration would have helped me when I restored my Aceca. In the new year I'm planning to create a web site with the details of the restore. This will include the contact information of suppliers I used as they are out there just hard to find.
   My Ace that I'm restoring will go through the same process. I would like to know other people who have restored cars, etc. As a photo speaks a thousand words!!


Having a central on line resource with pictures to review would be invaluable when working on our cars. I know every time I do something I search through the net and comb through books looking for what I need. Having the pictures and a way to contact the poster is a great idea. I am even willing to help moving the project along if there is anything I could help with.

AC Ace Bristol

   I have a data base CD of some 1500 Aces, Acecas and cobra, already seperated in model and numerical order, I will burn you off a copy, if it is of interest all well and good.
   However, some of the pictures have been sent to me by various AC enthusiasts throughyout Europe and USA, some arew B&W from the fifties etc,  Where does one stand regards copy right??  can one copy right a picture or the subject matter ??
   If we have a problem I will confirm which were taken by me or were given to me with permission to use on a CD for use as a back drop on a future ACOC Club stand at a future Classic car show.
   Jerry last but not least can youn please confirm your curren email address as the emails I sent to you today have been returned.
   Good Idea ....Good luck!!
   Keith  ( keith dot lessiter at faac dot.codotuk)

Gus Meyjes

Hello all,
   Here is Gus weighing in. I would love to see this developed by the ACOC. Also I would love to see original factory information published for members. I'm thinking sales records, original finish colors, trim and delivery data, etc. I realize that some of that information maybe sketchy as the records were probably not very detailed. But Some one some where has that information and I believe it would be an important role for the club to fulfill in order to supply their members with this info. If related to that there could be a current owners list with detailed info on the cars in current condition. I'd even suggest to pay higher dues in order for the club to pay for someone to hold a paid position in order to coordinate this effort for all of the models. Let's look at the efforts of SAAC which has greatly helped retain and increase the values of Shelbys. As the Ac Aces are appreciating like mad, proper records would be great. Aside from the simple reality that with every year that passes more and more info inevitably gets lost.

AC Ace Bristol

   Some of the details you are seeking are already on this website,  go into register for your model, For Ace Bristol all data is available, however it is only as accurate and upto date as members. owners and enthusiasts allow.  The more information fed to respective official ACOC Registrars the more usefull and accurate the record, it must be a two way dialogue.
   if you specific data is not available contact your registrar, in the case of Aceca AC engined,  contact John Lewis on  johnatbvrladotcodotuk
   John has copy of Thames Ditton official records and is very helpfull.  Another avenue is to email John Owen AC Cars in Malta as they are supposed to be the official most ACcu8 register..... would be interesting to see who responds first and who has most info....... my money £s orv $ss is on John.
   Seriously touch base with both Johns and feed back on the Forum would be a interesting exercise...  Pheeewwww im exhausted.


Has anyone been able to contact John Lewis via email? I tried at the email listed above, as well as, but have been unable to get a reply in a search for information on my Aceca.
Peter B.

AC Ace Bristol

   John Lewis lives but 20 miles from me,  send me your email and I will forward it on and will give him a call in the morning, to get him to reply by email and or on the Forum.
   The  correct email address for John Lewis ..... Official ACOC Aceca Registrar is:-
   JOHN AT BVRLA dot co dot uk
   Check your email address was correct, I have no problem at this end.
   Keith dot lessiter at faac dot co dotuk
   Cheers 4 Now

cobham cobra

Hi Keith,
   I see you're getting very good at this typing lark, are you using both fingers now ? [:)]
   Cheers - John.

AC Ace Bristol

OK,  John!  Yes, I can use two fingers, ( in more ways than 14)  and showing off a weeee bit am also Ambidextrous. Having two fingers means I can still fire a long bow, However from Silverstone to Brooklands area is just beyond my range.
   Good to see you and Dee at the Barley Mow on Sunday for the ACOC late Chrismas Dinner / New years Dinner. A big thank you to Bob Langley for organising thye Dinner
   Dispite living  the furthest away from the Barley Mow (over 100 miles each way)  Shame I was the only Ace /Cobra driver to arrive in a AC.
   Daft, Mad or Whatever,  good blast home, enjoyed every minute of the journey and the Company of all thirty or so ACOC Members at the Dinner made a it all worthwhile.
   Now I know why your bLack Cobra is a 100 point Concours car and My  Black Ace BEX333 never gets anywhere near 90 points....... mines used all year round, clocking up 6000 to 7500 per annum.
   Seriously, We all use our ACs accordingly, They are there to be used and enjoyed, as intended when they left the AC Works ( you note ...Diplomacy  AC Works not Thames Ditton or Brooklands or Frimley and heaven forbid Malta)I think I'd better stop whilst I still av me fingers!!


Hi John - just forwarded the email to you that I sent to John, let me know if it shows up in your mailbox or if there is some problem on my side. Thanks for your assistance.
Peter B.


Originally posted by AC Ace Bristol

   Some of the details you are seeking are already on this website,  go into register for your model, For Ace Bristol all data is available, however it is only as accurate and upto date as members. owners and enthusiasts allow.  The more information fed to respective official ACOC Registrars the more usefull and accurate the record, it must be a two way dialogue.
   if you specific data is not available contact your registrar, in the case of Aceca AC engined,  contact John Lewis on  johnatbvrladotcodotuk
   John has copy of Thames Ditton official records and is very helpfull.  Another avenue is to email John Owen AC Cars in Malta as they are supposed to be the official most ACcu8 register..... would be interesting to see who responds first and who has most info....... my money £s orv $ss is on John.
   Seriously touch base with both Johns and feed back on the Forum would be a interesting exercise...  Pheeewwww im exhausted.
   I am trying to access the Ace Bristol registry you mention but I can't figure out how.  Can you walk me through the process?

AC Ace Bristol

Hi BEX1151
   R Tusher   ??
   you should be able to go onto the Model Directory and down load the relevent register by;
   using the user name and pass word as given in latest issue of ACtion, log on, thengo to Model Directory, open ond then you should see a blurred vision of a ACeca,
   click down to the model you are interested in then you can download the register.
   Please note this very rarely works for me or many others Why ????
   If you require a up to date copy of the Ace Bristol register, please confirm your email address to Keith dot lessiter at faac dot co dot uk and I will email you copy.
   Maybe Bryan Moseley our club administrator will educate us on how to gain access.
   Cheers 4 Now