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Started by Damien, December 02, 2007, 09:06:06

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After some long and difficult discussions with the Belgian authorities, I finally have the registration papers of my car and can start with the renovation.
   I purchased CF9
   at Bonhams and intend to go for a serious renovation.  I already found a rebuilt 427 engine
   and manual gearbox, as well as original Frua seats.  However some questions are still open and need your advise.
   I found no pictures of CF9 before it was painted black (I know it was white before).  The car has airco and the dashboard
   is different from the others.  Can this be original ?  If not, does somebody has the drawings of the original.  I have some good workmanship, but no experience in Fruas.
   I was also thinking to convert it to LHD.  Some advise on this issue ?
   As the engine will go out, I would like to do all the work at once.  Some advise on what needs to be checked (the radiator will be replaced).
   I am still looking for front bumpers.  If somebody can help, I would be gratefull.  The windshield is also a topic, as it is OK, but not perfect.
   Finally, I hesitate to repaint it in its original white.  but does anybody know which white it could have been ?
   Thanks in advance for your advise.  I hope to have a great car for the summer and if somebody can tell me how to do it, I will insert picutres of the car.


Hi Damien
   Judging by your shopping list and the short distance involved it might pay you to pop over the Channel and have a chat with Andy Shepherd (the Club's 428 Registrar) to plan everything properly first. He's not only just outside London but holds all the original factory records so who better ?
   As for pictures if you haven't got one already open a Photobucket account, then when you're ready if you've any problems ask again.
   Hope this helps [:)]


Originally posted by Damien
   ...if somebody can tell me how to do it, I will insert picutres of the car.

   Posting Photos Information here, 5th post down.


Hi Damien
   Nice pics, she looks in excellent condition ! [:)]
   One small point. Rather than entering the Photobucket "Direct Link" code beginning with http://.... into any message, you can instead post the actual pictures themselves directly from your Photobucket account onto the Forum by adding the full "IMG" code in the bottom box as illustrated in the pic below. If you accidentally leave anything out no picture will appear at all, so make sure it's all copied and pasted across exactly to the message box. You can then keep clicking the "Preview" button till you've got it right.
the dashboard
   is different from the others. Can this be original ?

   Yes, it is the original. Although I'm not 100% sure, to the best of my knowledge your dashboard layout with the long toggle switches, continued up until about CF 48 or 49, when the later versions took over I believe right up to the end on CF 80. No idea about the pop-up headlight prototype CF 81 however - the last 428 made.
   Good luck with the restoration ! [:)]


Thanks for the advise.  Hereby some better pictures of the dashboard.  The switches are indeed original.  But is this mid console shape original ?  It has to vents built in for the airco, for which I also do not know whether it is original.
   Does anyone has advise for the colour of the car (go back to its original white or not )?  The chassis and the all the body panels and sills are in very good condition.


Unfortunately I've hardly seen any cars with your earlier dashboard layout, however having seen the close-up pics it does look a bit different. I know the factory had a continuous programme of improvements and would happily add extras if required for any brand new car or existing owner, yet although it's only a guess I wouldn't have thought that much would have been altered in the basic package offered between CF 7 and CF 9.
   In the pic above of CF 7 it's hard to tell if there's a clock or not in the central console, however it is angled back whereas yours looks to be upright - obviously for the airco.
   If you haven't already have a look at some of the interior pics on the Register for comparisons as well.
   Best of all ask Chuck Maddox who owns CF 7 for his opinion as by the sound of it his car is still very original. In fact in one of his early posts I remember him saying the seats still have the same crease patterns today as in some photos taken in the late 60's ! He might take a few interior photos for you ?
   Can't help with the colour question I'm afraid....
   Cass [:)]
   Incidentally when in Photobucket you can also select the size of pics for display by clicking on "Size" on the top bar. Personally when updating the Register, I prefer to copy and paste all pictures into Word first, then using the measuring rule or bar across the top, left click on the pic itself and slowly reduce the corner squares that appear down to about 3 each time.  The size that you do finally select will then be more or less the same size in the final message itself.

   Reference the post in the thread above on 14 November 2007 by Emmanuel
   Just remembered this one. I gather that the red 428 in the pics is CF 14 and owned by none less than "Jim Feldman the president of the AC Club in the USA." I would therefore think it's fairly safe to assume that if anyone's going to be keen on getting his car as original as possible he would ! See if you can find any more similar dashboard layout pics to this one then you might well be able to satisfy yourself that this could be the original one.
   Cass [:)]


Thanks everybody for the help.  Does anyone know where to source the ventilation grill on the central console and the two chrome switches for the power windows, I guess.
   Has anybody advise on the colour and its impact on the value of the car(back to original white - which white - or any other recomended colours).  I tend to prefer darker colours but do not want to spoil the value of the car.


Originally posted by Classicus
Classicus Posts:  09 December 2007 :  20:00:16      
   Unfortunately I've hardly seen any cars with your earlier dashboard layout, however having seen the close-up pics it does look a bit different. I know the factory had a continuous programme of improvements and would happily add extras if required for any brand new car or existing owner, yet although it's only a guess I wouldn't have thought that much would have been altered in the basic package offered between CF 7 and CF 9.
   In the pic above of CF 7 it's hard to tell if there's a clock or not in the central console, however it is angled back whereas yours looks to be upright - obviously for the airco.

   Fortunately, I am the current owner of CF 7 and I can comment on this.
   OK, currently #91;and as we received it from Mr. Whitlam from London#93; the upper part of the instrument panel is as pictured. It has the angled back top center swich panel, and the driver's instrument cluster has a 8 guage cluster including: Speedo, Tachy, oil temp, oil pressure, fuel, water temperature, clock, Ampmeter. The clock #91;surprisingly enough#93; is top and center in this guage #91;I would have put the water temp flanked with oil pressure and oil temp personally#93;.
   Where the current panel differs is below the central vertical divide of the panel... In the picture above there is a "J" shaped central portion which includes the heater controls and an ash tray... In CF 7 currently, this panel is different, it has a flat panel which fits the contours of the upper more closely, and includes the heater controls and a space for a radio, and a cigar lighter, the ashtray is now mounted on the transmission hump directly on top of the carpet.
Originally posted by Classicus
If you haven't already have a look at some of the interior pics on the Register for comparisons as well.
The switches on your central console are the same as on CF 7 although it looks like they replaced the window lift switches with the same switches used for the windscreen washer moter on CF 7. CF 7 also does NOT have A/C so the upper center panel is entirely different as a result.
   The steering wheel looks very much aftermarket to my eyes, and the instruments themselves do not seem to be as well matched as the set in CF 7.
Originally posted by Classicus
Best of all ask Chuck Maddox who owns CF 7 for his opinion as by the sound of it his car is still very original.
Well, you have my opinion... =) As I said the central bottom of CF 7's panel was modified between the time it was tested in all those magazines and the time Mr. Whitlam offered her for sale. Overall I prefer the current lay out to the "J" shaped center bottom panel.
Originally posted by Classicus
In fact in one of his early posts I remember him saying the seats still have the same crease patterns today as in some photos taken in the late 60's ! He might take a few interior photos for you ?
   Can't help with the colour question I'm afraid....

   Lighting is going to be a problem for photos #91;and it's a coupe too which restricts shooting angles, but I'll see if I can take a few if I get the chance...
   As for color, I can't help you any more than Cass can... Other than to say, I would not be particularly enamoured of the Frua in White. Too plain Vanilla for me. The Frua looks great in nearly any color #91;Pink and white would be a couple of colors I'd try to avoid#93;. I'd recommend looking at the various colors other Frua's are displayed in the registery that Cass is working on, as well as some of the articles I and others have posted for ideas, if you're going to change colors.
   I'll see if I can get some snaps taken, but I have been fighting the flu the past week #91;nasty business that#93; am not 100% and I still have Christmas shopping to do and all that.
   -- Chuck


Damien, The center ventilation grill on the red roadster is not original, it's because the car has been fitted with an aftermarket air conditioner.  You side vents look original however. The center pod is not original and you are missing the glove box as well. The glove box lock is available and I just saw it at RE-Original. For the steering wheel, Moto Lita was the source of the original and they are still around. The original is 15" and has a much smaller center hub. It's a smaller Cobra wheel without rivets. From the hub number of you current moto Lita wheel, you can identify the origins of the steering columm and order the proper steering hub. On the Cobras, AC used a VW Beetle steering columm, on the 428 I don't know. I know the turn signal pod is Jaguar. Your instrument layout is wrong and the tach and speedo are from a Range Rover, These were also installed on the later 428s with the flat dash (Same as mine), The original one were larger. If you want a source to duplicate the original gage, email me. I know the best shop in the US for that. Everything else looks genuine just poorly upholstered.


Damien, Glove box lock is Number: N0108
   My advice is buy it immediately, They had a new original BOM ashtray and I missed it, I am still mad about it.
   Emmanuel  [:)]


Thanks Emmanuel, I have ordered it and I will send you an e-mail as I am interested in the original gauges.


Hi Damien, did you talk to Margaret? She is truly very good at what she does, probaly the best in the US


Hi Damien, we have got to work on these front bumpers. I have got to go over there to that guy and drop my bumpers. I will let you know. Sorry for the delay.


My apologies for not being more active on the forum as of late.  In mid-December I was felled by a severe case of Intestinal Flu [which I'm still not really 100% recovered from].  Additionally, the weather here has been intermittent lousy to unbearable the past couple of weeks.
   Taking pictures of the cockpit area of CF 7 is still on my To-Do list for the benefit of Damien  and CF 9, but I'd just as soon wait until a day when here isn't several inches of snow just outside the garage door [which I would probably have open for more available light...
   With the news of the recent "check in" by the current owner of CF 6 it would seem that perhaps we should redouble our efforts to try to locate CF8 so we have a nice little string of early examples...
   My best wishes to all participants here for a Safe and Prosperous New Year!
   --  Chuck