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AC Mk V for Sale Clive Sutton

Started by Chafford, October 21, 2007, 19:49:23

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Chafford ,GRP here in US is glass fibre..same overtshere or is this a carbon fibre car? Jim


Originally posted by jbottini
Chafford ,GRP here in US is glass fibre..same overtshere or is this a carbon fibre car? Jim

   I thought Carbon Fibre had to be autoclaved, but if you click on these photos on the official AC Cars website, you can see the carbonfibre matting being laid up in the same way that GRP is....


it does get autoclaved post lay up by hand or machine. The base material comes in mat form as well as other  forms .


Originally posted by jbottini
it does get autoclaved post lay up by hand or machine. The base material comes in mat form as well as other  forms .

   But do the AC MkV panels get autoclaved?


mt impression of the material is that to obtain the strength and other properties, that it has to be auto claved. Afterall an auto clave is just a big cooker of sorts.


...Pressure cooker! That`s the part that makes the ovens such a large investment & specialist process, and having not heard of the Hal Far facility having it`s own autoclave, where would the nearest one be?
   I understand that before curing, C/F parts are relatively fragile & won`t take too much transportation. More likely is that there is a 'skin' of C/F inside the mold, with a fibreglass substructure.
   Of course, with the body not actually 'structural', this is not a problem as far as safety or integrity are concerned.


uncooked carbon fibre is very damageable..has very little strength. If this is an AC Car, and is not c/f, they have a new grp model.


Interesting. Maybe if John Owen looks in, he`d care to set us straight?
   On another note, do the roll hoops look a little low?
   I would have thought the level of protection for anyone over 5'4" would be compromised.


still an absolutely gorgeous car


Maybe the roll bars are adjustable if you are over 5ft 4 ,failng that,wear a crash helmet


Officials request you keep the rubber side down in the it different "over there"?