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New [to me] Pics of "AC 427 Frua Convertible 1968"

Started by cmaddox3, October 18, 2007, 03:53:30

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   During one of my periodic searches for AC 428 Frua information on the web I located this webpage:
   According to the tags Bellevue Washington is involved...
   The title of the page implies a 427 plant...  With a C6 Transmission, I guess that's possible, but I wouldn't think it was likely.  It has the older pattern 8-Gauge Instrument cluster, but inverted "U" shaped automatic transmission which was post CF 7 [for sure].  It also looks like an Alpine Cassette deck possibly with AC vents [I'm guessing that is what that is] above it.
   So does anyone wish to claim credit/ownership?
   Inquiring minds want to know!
   --  Chuck



Originally posted by cmaddox3
I forgot to mention...  Enlargements are available here:
   --  Chuck

   I'm surprised!  No one has any ideas whom this example belongs to?
   --  Chuck


I did have a quick trawl through the Pietro Frua main page and the Register at the time but apart from the early instrument cluster - is it CF(X) 1 to 49 ? - couldn't identify it. And whilst it will always help to have a registration number, the biggest problem with these sort of general pics is that it might have been altered since the pic was taken and is now perhaps a different colour, left hand drive and/ or minus the small grille/ vent as well. Other than that I had thought of CF 14 but that's only because it's red !
   Then again how many 428 owners actually visit the Forum or keep in touch with the Club anyway ? For example I'd still love to know what happened to CF 12 ? If there any lady owners ?  Otherwise if it's not been done already perhaps a regular paragraph or two in ACtion might start spreading the word plus "why not join the Forum as well ?"
   Each to his own I guess. [:)]


Originally posted by cmaddox3
   During one of my periodic searches for AC 428 Frua information on the web I located this webpage:
   According to the tags Bellevue Washington is involved...

   I just ran across another possibility for this one:
   The License Plate reads "SPD 268L"...
   The seats on the "Indoor" Red Convertable appear [ in the higher resolution pictures to have Red Stitching, while the "Outdoor" red Convertable does not appear to have the Red Stitching.

   Could these be two different cars?
   Inquiring minds want to know...
   --  Chuck


Originally posted by cmaddox3
   During one of my periodic searches for AC 428 Frua information on the web I located this webpage:
   According to the tags Bellevue Washington is involved...
   .....I just ran across another possibility for this one...The License Plate reads "SPD 268L"...
   The seats on the "Indoor" Red Convertable have Red Stitching, while the "Outdoor" red Convertable does not appear to have the Red Stitching.
   ....Could these be two different cars?
   Inquiring minds want to know...
   --  Chuck

   I would say the chances of the Washington car being the Haynes Museum car are pretty slim.
   The Haynes Museum(in Sparkford, Devon, UK)is very unlikely to have sold the 428, which resides in the 'Red Room', and has done for quite a few years.
   Literally every pic I can find of the Red Room on the `net is from 2004! Pity I can`t find anything more recent, but the exif data on the Washington pics is 09/09/07.
   [edit] Just found a pic from September 2006 with the 428 clearly visible, click on this thumbnail:


Hi Chuck
   CF 75. SPD 268 L Convertible. Engine number 1123R8KR is already listed on the Register. Also with the same URL….
   Just checked with the Museum and it's still there and has been since I last saw it a good 20 years or more ago. I remember they also added a fastback some time afterwards but that's since been sold.
   An additional important reference point to remember with the 428 is that the last letter on each number plate issued between 1963 and 1983 defined the year of first registration as per the list below; plus the URL. So as CF 75 ends in L this makes it between 1st August 1972 until 31st July 1973. Unfortunately I still can't trace the posting and exact CF number which tells from when the early fascia and flip switches were altered, but from memory it might have been from CF 48 onwards. In which case as this would have been the letter H all suffixes after that will have the later fascias and roll over switches.
   UK Registration Plate Year Identifiers
   Suffix Letters
   A 01 February 1963 31 December 1963
   B 01 January 1964 31 December 1964
   C 01 January 1965 31 December 1965
   D 01 January 1966 31 December 1966
   E 01 January 1967 31 July 1967
   F 01 August 1967 31 July 1968
   G 01 August 1968 31 July 1969
   H 01 August 1969 31 July 1970
   J 01 August 1970 31 July 1971
   K 01 August 1971 31 July 1972
   L 01 August 1972 31 July 1973
   M 01 August 1973 31 July 1974

   N 01 August 1974 31 July 1975
   P 01 August 1975 31 July 1976
   R 01 August 1976 31 July 1977
   S 01 August 1977 31 July 1978
   T 01 August 1978 31 July 1979
   V 01 August 1979 31 July 1980
   W 01 August 1980 31 July 1981
   X 01 August 1981 31 July 1982
   Y 01 August 1982 31 July 1983


Until the 'Q' plate came in, date of manufacture & registration could be years apart, without being readily obvious, as in this case(click on pic):
   The last Cobra laid down at Thames Ditton, in 1968(so should be a 'G' reg.), but sold incomplete. First registered in late `71 or `72.


Until the 'Q' plate came in, date of manufacture & registration could be years apart....

   Hi Nik [:)]
   Any idea if any of the 428's sold had this difference between date of manufacture & registration as well ? I've always understood that they were all snapped up within days or weeks, especially since Derek had decided to call it a day notwithstanding a firm order for a further six cars from H. R. Owen.


`Fraid not, that`s a register job(which I don`t have)!
   It`s more likely to show up on cars that were sold abroad then 'first registered in the UK' when imported, before the 'Q' plate came in which I think coincided with the change from suffix(ABC 123Y)to prefix(A123 ABC) registrations in 1984.


I think you guys are looking at Jim Feldman's 428 convertible. The president of the AC Club in the US. I have an old magazine where it is featured. I has been fitted with AC. Thank you, you just made my day, I now know where to fit my rear speakers.[:D]


Originally posted by Emmanueld
I think you guys are looking at Jim Feldman's 428 convertible. The president of the AC Club in the US. I have an old magazine where it is featured. I has been fitted with AC. Thank you, you just made my day, I now know where to fit my rear speakers.[:D]
   Happy to help out Emmanual!
   --  Chuck


I think you guys are looking at Jim Feldman's 428 convertible. The president of the AC Club in the US.

   Hi Emmanuel - wondered where you'd got to  [:)]
   Is this definite ? If so then I'll add it into the latest Update rather than into Queries....


Sorry, I had to travel and I got very busy at work, Let me pull the magazine out.


Ok, I pulled the magazine out and it features Jim Feldman's 2 AC 428s' A red coupe and a white  right hand drive convertible with air (Sorry my mistake right hand drive). Jim resides in Oregon and the article was published in a defunct US car magazine about 20 years ago. I will scan the article and post it shortly. Next time I speak to Jim, I will ask him if he repainted his car red.