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Ace Overriders

Started by B.P.Bird, April 16, 2018, 16:19:11

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Klassik Metall

I'm currently in the process of restoring Aceca AE503, it arrived together with a set of chromed steel tubular bumpers fitted with the later pattern overriders. After reading your helpful last post I had a closer look at the earliest photo that I have of 503 & yes, it's fitted with the earlier pattern overriders!

Therefore I'll also be ordering a set of four overriders to return the car to it's original configuration.Many thanks for your efforts in getting this project underway.

Regards, Luke.


That is so helpful, we can now stop speculating - early Acecas were using the early pattern overrider and the only question is when did they change to the Standard 8 pattern ? Logic would indicate that it was at the same time as the Ace, late in September 1955, perhaps after AEX 525. It also seems possible that the tubular bumpers might not have been the reason for the change ?
In any event I have pencilled in your order for four overriders, but please let Chris Pearce have your deposit - ordering instructions are at the start of this thread.


I've attached a photo of AEX521 (ex works August 27, 1955) as she arrived at the Port of Chicago in October of 1955. (btw - The photo is a press photo, and the man taking delivery of the car from the ship captain is Charles E King the first owner of my car...who also became a distributor of AC cars in Chicago)  As you can see, it appears that my car was delivered with the old style over-riders (which are no longer with the car)...and dual tube bumpers.  FYI - Zooming into the photo you will see that the outline of the over-riders look a bit fuzzy on one side. This is because the original press photo has been touched up with some sort of marker presumably to wipe out reflective glare from the flash photography off of the chrome bumper.

If you go to the following link, you will see photos (dated Oct 1955) of an Aceca at Thames Ditton with the later style over-riders.

These two bits of information fit well to bookend the possible switchover date of September 1955 for the over-riders, as suggested by Barrie.

Another interesting thing to note is a comparison of the photo of my Aceca (AEX521) with Luke's Aceca (AE503). It appears AE503 has a single tube bumper (vs. the dual tube bumpers on my car) and utilizes a different bracket than my car. It also appears that the over-riders on my car are held on by a bracket with a single bolt (not two like on the ACE). From what I can see of the bracket in the photo, it appears to be the same one that is currently supporting my bumper with the later style single bolt over-riders. Is it possible that there was a sub-bracket to transition from the two bolt connection to a single bolt, or maybe a sub-bracket (not visible in the picture) that went around the tubes to attach to the two bolt arrangement?   

I hope this information helps to decipher the development of the over-rider/bumper arrangement on the Aceca.

Regards, John


That picture of AEX 521 is gold dust and establishes for once and for all that the changeover was not coincidental with the Aceca tubular bumpers. Looking at the picture it is not a good angle, but the part of the bracket which is visible appears to be identical to the early Ace bracket, which has two mounting holes for the early overrider. These might be spaced about right to allow the fasteners to pass above and below the tubular bumpers and then clamp the whole assembly together. The brackets at the rear must have been different to the Ace in order for the tubular bumpers to clear the extremities of the wing profile, but again I speculate, one hopes that an Aceca comes to light with unmolested early overriders and brackets so we can do some drawings.
Meanwhile with the first Aceca orders coming in we are up to 38 overriders with another few in the pipeline being discussed. Time to consider getting '521 back to correct specification John, just as in that wonderful photograph from 1955 which you are so lucky to posses.

Original mounting for early overrider. This one is rear, from an Ace, but the fronts are identical, except for slightly different hole centres. The distance tubes are only fitted on the rear.

AC Ace Bristol

Great to learn we have potential to increase the market by including the earliest Acecas,  at present we have definite orders for 38 units, ( deposits paid)
Tha ACOC have agreed to put  12 /14  or so units on the shelf ( 50/52 units)  which leaves  us requiring  orders for the balance of 8.
I will be at the next Council meeting on Thursday 27th September, It would be nice to be in the position to procede  to the next stage with this project
and confirm official order with the manafacturers.

I doubt the ACOC will place a order  for a second batch as it would not be viable.  Those still considering placing a order please do so as Barrie, Brian, Rob
and I have invested a lot of time and effort in this venture.
A spin off of this project/venture is a few dozen later style Ace /Aceca overriders will come on the market to satisfy the demand for those restoring later Ace
and Aceca's.

Maybe those considering placing orders can offset some of the cost by recycling their later style overriders..

I take this opportunity to thank all those who have committed and supported this venture ,  really appreciated

Come on , just a couple more orders and I can arrange for the ACOC Council to prepare the official order.   For 60 Early style
AC Ace / Aceca overriders

Individuals and the ACOC Council are all volunteers working  hard to help all members and Custodians in restoring and maintaining
their ACs, long may they continue and be appreciated by  you  supporting such ventures / projects. ;)




I'm glad that the picture of my car provides the proof necessary to validate that the early style over-riders were used on the Aceca (with bumpers) up through at least AEX521...most likely through AEX525, as you speculate. I'm still deciding whether to go back to the old style over-riders or not. It's hard to make the decision, since the current look of my car (with the latter style over-riders) is the only way I've know my Aceca for the last 50 years of family ownership.

I know it's hard to tell what bracket is used in the 1955 picture of my car, but I still believe it's the same as the one used for the latter style bumper over-rider system (since the bumper sits further from the car than what would be allowed by the use of the old style ACE over-rider bracket). In either case...based on the picture you posted showing the backside of the old style over-rider, I think it would be fairly simple to mimic the tube bumper clamping mechanism used for the latter style over-riders by simply fabricating a steel bar to span the two bolts on the backside of the over-rider and then weld a threaded stud to the bar at the midpoint of the cutaway in the over-rider. This would allow any Aceca owner with the latter style bumper/over-rider arrangement to simply swap out over-riders with no difficulty. I've attached a picture of the latter style over-rider and clamping mechanism for the tubular bumper so people can see what I'm talking about.

I hope this helps secure more orders to make your project viable.  :)




Thank you for the picture from '521 - as ever a picture is worth a thousand words. Your suggestion of how the Aceca incorporated both the early overrider and the tubular bumper must be near the truth. Maybe the brackets were made a little deeper to carry the tubular bars further from the body - this would have had to be the case at the back anyway. With the early overrider having two mounting holes, two straps between the holes could sandwich the tubes and Bob's your uncle.
As in all cases with old cars, or any other machine, you have to decide on a date related specification to adhere to. In the case of '521 she was built and shipped with the early overrider, but subsequently updated with the later type - part of her history. Always difficult to choose the date to adhere to in a car's history: Nowadays I tend to remove 'improvements' and move towards an early specification. This is easy when you consider removing a later, incorrect, Bristol engine from an early Ace, but much harder if that early Ace was converted to Bristol power and ran at Le Mans, for example AE 205......
Incidentally, whatever you decide to do about overriders, what you shew in your photograph is the correct later pattern overrider as also fitted to the Standard 8. More gold dust for later Ace owners who have had to substitute Ford Anglia items.

AC Ace Bristol


One more week before the next ACOC Council meeting,  Lets hope we secure another couple of orders , so we can proceed and AC Owners Club can place official order for batch of 60 Mk1 early style over riders. ( Pre Oct 1955)
Spoke to Shaun ( AE37) who has shown interest in a pair to  make up full complement.  He can add them to the club stock if that helps get a step closer to our target of 60 units.



Latest situation:
There have been deposits coming in from the owners of early Acecas and we have got the orders up to 40. I hope we can get started on production at this figure. However if and when the production is authorised by The Club the launch price will not be available. Exchange rates are beyond our control, but it looks like the additional cost of buying a set, after the launch list is closed, will be in the order of £160. I would recommend that anyone with an early Ace or Aceca, not already on the launch list, read this thread again and consider placing an order. The Council of Management will be considering the production decision this Thursday 27th September '18.

AC Ace Bristol

Barrie, Brian & Rob

Congratulations !

Presented your Early Ace Over rider Project to the ACOC Council last night and been given the GREEN LIGHT to proceed to the next stage and  place official order with 50% deposit.

Bare in mind that only 121 Pre October 1955 Ace and Aceca wore this style of over rider,  I  really cannot foresee anyone contemplating  having a second batch  made, The club will hold  a small stock for future orders, but when this stock is sold out there will not be another batch, as it will not be viable.

You have a little time to consider whilst we await supply of sample unit for approval, then we must confirm size of order Minimum 60 units,  We can increase  this number , but please bare  in mind,  ACOC  will not be producing a second batch.

In Good Old AC Style

BLOODY WELL DONE  to all who have supported this venture and to make it happen. ;)



Latest progress report: The order is in to the factory and production of a sample will follow, for our approval. Meantime there has been a modest flurry of late orders, perhaps as owners realise that a second batch is unlikely and only three car sets of the launch order remain. At this stage there is a chance to increase the order, but this window will close with production.
Someone, somewhere will be kicking themselves in years to come......


Latest news from Rob Hendriks. Good progress and here is a picture of the tooling;


Well that picture was certainly worth a word or two - there has been a flurry of orders and the batch is now oversold. Consideration now being given to a last minute increase in order size. This really is the last chance: There are up to 99 Aces and Acecas which used these unique pattern overriders, survival rate being high, and we have only equipped some 15 of them. That could mean that 84 cars have retained their overriders - seems unlikely. So if any cars out there,needing overriders, are not yet on the list now is the time to make contact


The Council of Management has authorised an increase in the order size so the late orders will be accommodated. Meantime we have some encouraging news in the form of the first test pressing. The proper engineers tell me that this looks to be to a high standard. There will be some more test pressings and then a full, plated production sample for our approval. With the increase in batch size the final price will tend to decrease, offset however by exchange rate variation......

Still time to get overriders ordered, but don't delay.


Things are moving fast. Here are prototypes with the mounts TIG welded in place. Looks good to me with no distortion or signs of heat. The plated sample is the next step.