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National Day

Started by administrator, February 14, 2018, 12:12:52

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The 2018 National Day has been booked for Sunday 10 June at Upton House, near Banbury, OX15 6HT, from 11 am.

Upton House is on the south side of the A422 Banbury to Stratford-upon-Avon road, 7 miles north-west of Banbury.

The house charges £10 per AC whether or not you are a National Trust member.  This gives access to the display area along the drive in front of the house and entrance to the house and gardens for all occupants of the car including non-NT members.  NT members who wish to spectate only should park in the NT car park.  The charge will be collected on arrival.

If your car suffers from incontinence, please bring a drip tray or cardboard to place underneath.

At present this is being planned as a one-day event.  I will post further details as they become available.  Please contact me with any queries.



Frank Ashley has reserved 12 rooms at the Best Western hotel at Wroxton, between Banbury and Upton House, for Friday and Saturday 8 and 9 June.  I understand 5 rooms are still available as of today.

Frank suggests you book direct with the hotel to get their special weekend rate, mentioning the ACOC.  He has been dealing with a lady called Margaret.

There won't be a formal tour but Frank will be putting together a list of places of interest that people might wish to visit independently.  Any queries, please contact Frank:  frankashleymgm at aol dot com

I have a commitment on the Saturday so won't be able to join the group.  Many thanks to Frank for taking the initiative!



The last 5 rooms remain available and will be held until 11 May.  Book soon if you want one!

Frank has drawn up a list of local attractions:

Gloucestershire and Warwickshire Steam Railway  Toddington. (Now open from Broadway to Cheltenham 14 miles trip)

Kenilworth Castle & Elizabethan Garden

British Motor Museum Gaydon  www.britishmotor Please note that there is a major Classic  Commercial Vehicle event on and parking will be with the public, some way away from the entrance. You are welcome to go but due to the event we are unable to get any special rates.

Cotswold Distillery Stourton. ( Gin and Whisky)  Shop and Tastings  9am to 5pm on Saturdays.

Shakespeare's Houses  Choose from:-
Mary Arden's Tudor Farm
Anne Hathaway's Cottage
Shakespeare's New Place
Halls Croft
Shakespeare's Birthplace 
Stratford upon Avon Butterfly Farm (Just by the river in Stratford)
MAD Museum Stratford ( A must for all enthusiasts of things that can be called Mechanical Art and Design. Allow 2 hours for a visit. Maybe something for the gentlemen if the ladies want to go around the shops. Highly recommended).

Banbury itself is an interesting place to visit: look for The Banbury Cross in the centre.

Farnborough Hall

Compton Verney  Stately home and Art Gallery.
There are a lot of Civil War battle sites in the area Edge Hill being the nearest.

Rollright  Stones near Chipping Norton

Batsford  Arboretum Garden and Falconry Centre, near Moreton in Marsh

Other places of interest may be added later and leaflets will be available at the hotel


Afternoon Tea:  The house offers afternoon tea and would like an idea of numbers before the day so they don't run out of scones.  If you would like to take tea, please email me before 1 June with your chosen option (bryan dot mo at btinternet dot com)



On the Saturday morning courtesy of XM655 Maintenance and Preservation Society, I have been able to organise a visit to the Avro Vulcan XM655 which lives at Wellesbourne Airfield .  As well as general information about Vulcans and their history, there will; be a comprehensive description about XM655 with systems demonstrations and almost certainly a cockpit tour. If time and airfield conditions permit, there may be a possibility of a photoshoot  of cars in front of the Vulcan.  Refreshments will be available. There will be a charge of £10 pp to help the maintenance funds. Interested members must contact me as soon as possible, so that I can confirm arrangements with XM655MaPS.
Please note numbers are limited.

Further details of XM655 can be found on


Glasses and Rosettes are all ready to go!

MkIV Lux

Quote from: 4752 on May 10, 2018, 19:07:41
....., I have been able to organise a visit to the Avro Vulcan XM655 which lives at Wellesbourne Airfield . ....
Further details of XM655 can be found on

here is the beast


Thanks to the team for organising such an enjoyable event - totally relaxed, super location, picturesque layout and fabulous weather!

David S

I would also like to add my thanks to the team for organising a great day


Good to meet old faces and new and catch up, as well as see some great cars.

Our thanks to the organisers and members for a great day out.

AC Ace Bristol


A Big Vote of THANKS  to  

  Bryan Mosely,  Frank & Thelma,  Andy ,Ted and  Murray    for organising a great ACOC National Day... :)

Brilliant venue, Nice to catch up with so many we see only at ACOC  Internationals and Dinner ,  Dance & Awards.  plus meet some new members and seeing 
a eclectic mix of  42 AC's spaning some a period of 80 years... ;)

OOppsssssssssss.   Thank you also to the Judges. 





A quick pic; I'm sure more will appear / be published in ACtion in due course.



A few pictures