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Scans of AC 428 Frua Articles & Ad's...

Started by cmaddox3, July 10, 2007, 19:20:19

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Very interesting indeed Chuck thank you !  [:)] And what a great picture of Derek too which I've never seen before so it definitely goes straight into the album ! Curious but it's obvious he was a very tall man which I can clearly remember too, so I've always wondered how much leg room he must have had in the Fruas and Cobras ? Any other tall owners have this problem ?
   Not sure but I think the elder gentleman with the glasses is Jock Henderson.... ?
   Edit: Don't know if you or anyone's tried the "Google Images" route yet, but out of interest I entered AC 428 coupe which I'd never done before and turned up quite a few new pics. There's a whole lot more on there (the Daytona at bottom right plus Cobras as well) also more on the next 2/3 pages all of which looked interesting too. Then I tried entering AC 428 fastback where there were several more, so next perhaps try convertible, drophead and so on.... [:)] ?
   Liked these ones in particular -
   Apparently there's a mention of a 428 book somewhere in here too -


Tis indeed Jock. Derek was circa 6'3" or 6'4" and a large chap to boot. I never quite understood how he fitted into his 3000ME - must have been very flexible! The 428 was his favourite car though....


Thanks Trevor [:)] Never met Jock unfortunately, what was his role in the factory ? Last I heard he was living in the South West somewhere....?


Originally posted by Classicus
Very interesting indeed Chuck thank you !  [:)]

   You're welcome.  I have a little bit more, once I have had the opportunity to edit the scans to reasonable sizes and compile the PDF and post them and the originals.
Originally posted by Classicus
And what a great picture of Derek too which I've never seen before so it definitely goes straight into the album ! Curious but it's obvious he was a very tall man which I can clearly remember too, so I've always wondered how much leg room he must have had in the Fruas and Cobras ? Any other tall owners have this problem ?

   I am 6'2 1/2" to 6'3" and I do not ever remember being "scrunched" in the AC.  In fact I remember reveling in how roomy it was when we first picked it up, but at that point I was only 14 or so and still had at least 4-6" in height to grow.    The '57 T-Bird, despite having a 6 inch longer wheelbase is a much MUCH tighter fit especially with the hardtop on.
Originally posted by Classicus
Not sure but I think the elder gentleman with the glasses is Jock Henderson.... ?
   Edit: Don't know if you or anyone's tried the "Google Images" route yet, but out of interest I entered AC 428 coupe which I'd never done before and turned up quite a few new pics. There's a whole lot more on there (the Daytona at bottom right plus Cobras as well) also more on the next 2/3 pages all of which looked interesting too. Then I tried entering AC 428 fastback where there were several more, so next perhaps try convertible, drophead and so on.... [:)] ?

   I have tried Google Images in the past but every time I re-visit it I find new snaps it seems.
Originally posted by Classicus
Liked these ones in particular -
   Apparently there's a mention of a 428 book somewhere in here too -

   Lots of books there I remember, quite a few I don't.  That could prove to be an expensive page!


   And the same scans in higher resolutions can be found in this directory...
   Let me know if you'd like me to create a PDF version of this.
   --  Chuck


Finally found my own copy as I knew I had the wretched thing somewhere ! [:D]
   I remember thinking this article was particularly interesting as the writer says he saw his first 428 in 1971 in Tottenham Court Road exactly where I saw my first one in 1976 or so ! And as it wasn't a light colour and the hood was down it's quite possible it might just have been the same car ! Pity the author doesn't leave his name but if he's on the Editorial list below and reading this thread sometime it should be a rare old meeting of souls ! ;-)
Let me know if you'd like me to create a PDF version of this.

   I'm ok thanks unless anyone else wants one ?
   (Incidentally 1976 was the year of the very hot summer and prolonged drought, and whilst on the train and crossing over Chelsea Bridge just before Victoria Station you could clearly see the Thames was barely 2/3 feet wide !)


AC 428 Frua history from John Mclellan's 1985 book "The Classic Acs â€" Two litre to Cobra".
   And finally an interesting pic of some Cobra 427s on the production line at Thames Ditton - ca 1965.
   Cass [:)]
I am 6?2 1/2? to 6?3? and I do not ever remember being ?scrunched? in the AC.

   (Not sure if anyone else is seeing the same text as I am above, but looks like your inverted commas/ apostrophes (?) are coming out as question marks. No expert at all but I had a similar problem for ages until (in my case) it was resolved by firstly going into Word, clicking on Tools, then AutoCorrect, then AutoFormat As You Type, finally removing the tick in the box marked Straight quotes with smart quotes. Secondly follow the same as above but this time click on AutoFormat at the end, again removing the tick in the box marked "Straight quotes with smart quotes". Which might solve things ?


Just noticed from the Frua website that MNB 681G above is CF 24 and that CF 23 is a Cobra Replica....
   Wish there was an on-line English pic resource of them all ! [:)]


How about we start a thread with purely photos/details of each known 428. These can be gleaned from articles such as your own resources and from the current owners/club members.
   If we keep all other discussion elsewhere it will prove to be an excellent resource.
   I don't have the IT knowledge to set up a framework to get them in order, no doubt someone on here does, alternatively we could just post them as we find them.
   What do you think?


How about we start a thread with purely photos/details of each known 428. These can be gleaned from articles such as your own resources and from the current owners/club members.
   If we keep all other discussion elsewhere it will prove to be an excellent resource.
   I don't have the IT knowledge to set up a framework to get them in order, no doubt someone on here does, alternatively we could just post them as we find them.
   What do you think?

   Agreed I've also mentioned this somewhere else too. In fact I've had a vague idea at the back of my mind for a while now, so I'll quickly put together a rough outline of it and post in a day or so. Then see what everyone thinks.
   Edit. Didn't work as it was too complicated unfortunately. All I can think of otherwise, if of course it were OK with all the powers that be, is to possibly create a separate mini-forum directly beneath the main "Cobra (Thames Ditton) & 428 Frua Forum" with its own "sticky" listings of cars from CF(X) 1 to 80 ? By sticky I mean all topics and their related postings that remain permanently fixed in place but  descend numerically down in order.
   All relevant postings/pics etc. therefore going into individual owner's sticky CF/CFX Sub-Forums....
   CF 1.
   CF 2.
   CF 3.
   CF 80.


Here's more reading materials, This one from Classic and Sportscars November 1986...
   Original scans in larger sizes are available in this directory:


Here are some more reading materials, This one from Car Collector February 1998:..
   Original scans in larger sizes are available in this directory:


Great stuff and thanks Chuck - keep it up !! [8D] I had this mag once too but goodness knows where it is now as I clearly remember feeling strongly and still do that the pic of TNP 866L in the cornfield on page 50 has to be one of the most evocative of all. It just sums it all up for me, the whole 428 experience in one.
   Been remembering too since this all started that the only thing personally I never did quite go for was the overall rear window styling. A bit too short in length I always felt with the boot lid seeming to get in the way, and that with a hinge at the top as with many modern hatchbacks, the window could perhaps have been say a third as long again. Making it just that extra bit more stylish plus easier of course to load luggage and so on. Otherwise it's always been just perfect, and incidentally to me far more purposeful and charismatic than the Mistrale which has always looked a bit too fragile somehow.
   Wonder what you've got in store next ? [:p]


Wow another one that was quick haven't read the first one yet! I think I'll leave it all till the morning to be on the safe side ! [:p]


Originally posted by Classicus
Great stuff and thanks Chuck - keep it up !! [8D] I had this mag once too but goodness knows where it is now as I clearly remember feeling strongly and still do that the pic of TNP 866L in the cornfield on page 50 has to be one of the most evocative of all. It just sums it all up for me, the whole 428 experience in one.

   For me it's the Automobile Quarterly Snap of JLH 182K:
   Only, I prefer the Wire Wheels.  Yes, I know that with high performance, Mag's are preferable, but Spokes = Class.
Originally posted by Classicus
Been remembering too since this all started that the only thing personally I never did quite go for was the overall rear window styling. A bit too short in length I always felt with the boot lid seeming to get in the way, and that with a hinge at the top as with many modern hatchbacks, the window could perhaps have been say a third as long again. Making it just that extra bit more stylish plus easier of course to load luggage and so on. Otherwise it's always been just perfect, and incidentally to me far more purposeful and charismatic than the Mistrale which has always looked a bit too fragile somehow.

   You know that doesn't bother me any.  If I were to pinpoint a single oversight on the AC 428 [at least most of them] it's the utter lack [again at least on most of them] of side mirrors.  I'm not entirely certain where the best location for them would be, or what would the best shape would be, but they would be very helpful and useful things to have.
Originally posted by Classicus
Wonder what you've got in store next ? [:p]

   That would be Throughbred and Classic Cars for September 1983...  Coming in the next post...
   --  Chuck