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Draft list of AC 428 Fruas known to date.

Started by Classicus, June 30, 2007, 13:41:19

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I know Andy is preparing a club list, however out of interest I'd also started putting my own personal rough list together some time ago based on what I'd been able to find and cull off both the Forum and the Net as well. Whilst it's still very crude and basic I've just realised that with all the resident knowledge and expertise available on here it might perhaps be of some help to the Forum as well, eventually creating a useful quick reference list of the total number of fastbacks and convertibles known worldwide at any given moment. Unfortunately I've just not had the time to go through all the Forum posts yet as there have been so many, so apologies to anyone if I've missed anything.
   I can always delete it if no-one's interested ?
   My main sources so far :
   1. Pietro Frua webpage
   2. The Forum
   Note: "I know that five 428s have definately been 'converted'". Trevor Legate 6th Feb. 2007 posted in "How Many 428 Fruas Left ?
   List of AC 428 Fruas known to date :
   1. CF 1. LPH 800 D
   2. CFX 2. ?
   3. CF 3. PPL 428 E
   4. CF(X?) 4.
   Fastback. (Ref: Motor road test page 1, para 4.)
   5. CF 5. 285 NGK
   Fastback. (Ref: Motor road test page 1, para 4.)
   6. CF 6. ULN 461 F
   7. CF 7. UPG 428 F.
   Fastback. Factory Press car. Chicago area U.S.A.
   8. CF 8. ?
   9. CF 9. MOP 605 F
   10.  ?
   11.  CF 11. VGP 172 F
   12.  CF 12. SOE 827 H
   13.  ?
   14.  CF 14. CYY 63 G
   15.  CFX 15. ?
   16.  CF 16. BCG 517 G
   17.  CF 17. WYF 310 G
   18.  "CF 18 is now combined with an AC Aceca body from AE 558". Forum posting.
   19.  ?
   20.  CF 20. LTU 10 G
   21.  CF 21. ? (Rheinubung in USA)
   22.  ?
   23.  CF 23. ?
   Cobra replica â€" ref Pietro Frua webpage.
   24.  CF 24. MNB 681G
   25.  CF 25. YPF 409 G
   26.  ?
   27.  ?
                 Ex Wolfgang Rudolf
   28.  CFX 28.
                 Michael Hart. California
   29.  CFX 29. ?
   Jeffrey Jones(?). California.
   30.  ?
   31.  CF 31. WYF 91 G
   32.  CFX 32. DRJ 497 T (?)
   Convertible ? Colani redesign - Pietro Frua webpage.
   33.  CF 33. 1 CPD
   34.  CF 34. AMY 100 H
   35.  ?
   36.  CFX 36. 4622 WF 06 (France)
   37.  CFX 37. RCD 909H
   Convertible. Green. LHD. Manual. Ex Bruce Milner. California.
   38.  ?
   39.  ?
   40.  ?
   41.  ?
   42.  ?
   43.  ?
   44.  ?
   45.  ?
   46.  ?
   47.  ?
   48.  ?
   49.  ?
   50.  ?
   51.  ?
   52.  ?
   53.  ?
   54.  CFX 54. ?
   Convertible. BRG. LHD. Emmanuel. California.
   55.  ?
   56.  ?
   57.  ?
   58.  ?
   59.  ?
   60.  ?
   61.  ?
   62.  CF 62. DLX 55 J
   63.  ?
   64.  CF 64. ?
   Fastback. ("Englishman" in Australia)
   65.  CF 65. TNP 866 L
   Fastback. Pietro Frua webpage.
   66.  ?
   67.  ?
   68.  ?
   69.  ?
   70.  ?
   71.  ?
   72.  ?
   73.  ?
   74.  ?
   75.  CF 75. SPD 268 L
   76.  CF 76. JUV 19 K
   77.  CF 77. RDN 1 (MGX 12 L ?)
   78.  CF 78. MYW 927 L
   79.  CF 79. BKG 998 L
   80.  CF 80. 65 DOP
   81.  ?
   82.  ? (Prototype UPG 94 M)


Hi Classicus,clearly numbers 4&5 were fastbacks according to 'Motor' test of CF 7,not many fastbacks accounted for it seems.
   Interesting that P.Johnson's prototype wore the letters UPG like CF 7.


Hi Paul, good piece of detective work ! [8D] Also noticed that CF 3 as well as CF 7 had the number 428 as well, coincidence or someone with connections in high places ! [;)] Finally no idea but perhaps (U)PG might be a Thames Ditton area reg....?
   Obviously at this very early stage a lot of this info might well be out of date or incorrect. Anyway about 23 convertibles out of 29 or so isn't too bad, though 7 or so Fastbacks out of some 51 makes you think a bit ! I know there's a long way to go but considering that a further 5 cars according to Trevor Legate have already been converted into Cobras, if there turns out be quite a few less Fastbacks left than thought think of the possible effect on all 428 values !!


Yep, lets hope there are some more respondents!Anyway, well done so far,as to values..well,when one looks at Jaguar E values reaching stratospheric levels apparently due to 'restoration costs of anything up to £100k'..[:0],plus the continuing movement of investors into the 'classic car'market place,the rarity of the Frua seems likely to keep values very firm;one naturally hopes that any car which has fallen into a 'delapidated'state may be correctly restored/saved in the future even if purely due to rising desirability.
   I found an advertisement from 'The Aston Workshop', showing a beautiful dark red fastback with 40k miles which has been sold, don't know if anyone noticed how much that made?


Originally posted by Classicus
I know Andy is preparing a club list, however out of interest I'd also started putting my own personal rough list together some time ago based on what I'd been able to find and cull off both the Forum and the Net as well. Whilst it's still very crude and basic I've just realised that with all the resident knowledge and expertise available on here it might perhaps be of some help to the Forum as well, eventually creating a useful quick reference list of the total number of fastbacks and convertibles known worldwide at any given moment. Unfortunately I've just not had the time to go through all the Forum posts yet as there have been so many, so apologies to anyone if I've missed anything.
   I can always delete it if no-one's interested ?
   My main sources so far :
   1. Pietro Frua webpage
   2. The Forum
   Note: "I know that five 428s have definately been 'converted'". Trevor Legate 6th Feb. 2007 posted in "How Many 428 Fruas Left ?
   List of AC 428 Fruas known to date :
   7. CF 7. UPG 428F [Former UPG 428F...  A different number is on the car now]

   You may wish to append [Factory Press Car] I own it [along with my sister...  Chicago area.
Originally posted by Classicus
27.  ?
   28.  ?
   29.  CFX 29. ?
   J. Jones. In America
   30.  ?

   I remember seeing [some 30 years ago] a letter to my father from the A.C. factory stating that two of these cars [in the 27-30 range] were exported to North America with the odd numbered one's going to either the USA and the Even's going to Canada or vice-versa.  I have no idea where that paper is, but I strongly doubt it was ever thrown away.  I will keep an eye out for it, though.  One of these four cars I saw and rode in in the 1976-1978 epoch, it was a gray fastback in the Oakville/Greater Toronto Ontario area.  At that time, it was in great mechanical shape, and I would suspect with a little detailing would have cleaned up to be in very good condition.  But that was 30 years ago.
   It occurs to me if the gentleman who owns #29 could share his example's particulars, we might be able to pencil in which numbers went to which country.  I suppose we could assume it was one of the one's sent to America, but I don't think that this is a save assumption considering how many now seem to have migrated to different countries/continents .
   Unfortunately, that's all my memory is able to assist at this time.  If I unearth that letter from the factory, I'll post a scan of it.
   Cheers and Please keep at this!
   --  Chuck


Thanks Chuck [:)]
   As this could well become a long term thing and on the Club's website plus not being a member (or 428 expert!), I'm only too happy for someone from the Club to take it over at the beginning if required ? Perhaps along existing Club registry formats and lines which I know nothing of especially as I won't always be able to spare the time ? Admin perhaps ?
   Thanks [:)]


CF 27 ex Wolfgang Rudolf. CFX 28 was or is owned by Michael Hart (California). There is also ex Bruce Milner car, CFX 37 an immaculate green 1970 LHD convertible with manual trans, still in California as well! CFX 29 owned by my friend Jeffrey is a car that has been in the US all it's life. By it's particularly well preserved state, no rust whatsoever, it seems to be a west coast car. Emmanuel


I'm sure that Andy Shepherd will provide something more definitive however a brief flick through the 2004 members list brings to light surprisingly few 428's;
   UK 6 conv, 7 fastbacks and 3 unspecified, USA 2 conv, 2 fastback and 1 unspec, Germany 1 and Sweden 1 (both fastbacks).
   No doubt a revised list will show changes but clearly plenty are out there without club membership - which seems a shame.
   Futhermore much as I would like to see published a list of say chassis number, body type and country of residence - any further details of ownership may well infringe the data protection act.


Originally posted by Classicus
Thanks Chuck [:)]
   As this could well become a long term thing and on the Club's website plus not being a member (or 428 expert!), I'm only too happy for someone from the Club to take it over at the beginning if required ?

   Well, [hell!] I'm not a member either ...  A fortnight ago I didn't even know of this forum...  So, I'm not a member either.  I'd be happy to join though if someone would point me in the right direction.
Originally posted by Classicus
Perhaps along existing Club registry formats and lines which I know nothing of especially as I won't always be able to spare the time ? Admin perhaps ?
   Thanks [:)]

   Well, I do have some experience with doing tables in HTML...
   Dimensions of Selected Omega Speedmaster's Table:
 's MOAT [Mother Of All Tables]:
   I'd be happy to work up something similar for the AC 428 Frua's if it would be helpful.  I'd even host it on my site.
   Let me know what you think...
   --  Chuck


I vote for the MOAT! Nice work Chuck.
   Just what I need.... another beautiful machinery hobby I can`t afford to indulge in!!!!


Not sure if this 1967 blue 428 has been seen on here yet ?
   Main pic below taken at the European Concours d´Elegance 5th and 6th July 2003 Schwetzingen, Germany.


This is CF16 (BGC 517G) as shown on the pietro frua site at the 2003 show. Colour has to be the same code as CF25.


The ACOC 428 Register is maintained by Andy Shepherd, the registrar, and is based on the works production records and all information received by the club since.  With all the other registers, it is posted on the Members' Area of this website.  Join the club and you will get access to the definitive data!  The membership form is accessed from the website home page.


Originally posted by administrator
The ACOC 428 Register is maintained by Andy Shepherd, the registrar, and is based on the works production records and all information received by the club since.  With all the other registers, it is posted on the Members' Area of this website.  Join the club and you will get access to the definitive data!  The membership form is accessed from the website home page.

   I hope I didn't step on anyone's toes by volunteering my time on an HTML version.  I remain willing to help/assist with the HTML version of such a list, should that be beneficial...
   --  Chuck


CFX 22 is alive and well in California.  LHD, auto, with Minilite wheels from factory.  Original gold paint, original black leather.  The 428 was sold to a man in Holland, I purchased it from his estate after his death, and imported it to the USA.  The engine was rebuilt, balanced and blueprinted by the late Ak Miller, who raced Ford-engined specials up Pike's Peak.  Very few miles on the car, I forget what the odomoter says.