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NEC stand.

Started by Big col, November 10, 2017, 21:17:43

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Big col

I went to the show today and was looking forward to my first visit as a club member to the stand.
   I was sadly disappointed. Four cars that frankly didn't stand out from any of the other Cobras at the show real or fake. Why four Of the same cars were put corner to corner is questionable and frankly boring. A lack of imagination is apparent. I was also left feeling deflated due to the lack of regalia on offer, absolutely nothing.
   At least I did manage to pick up a Grayhound radiator Mascot from one of the autojumble stands.
I might be rough but I'm slow as well.


As a veteran having assisted at 26 shows in the past I know only too well how difficult it is to get Members to offer their cars for display for the 4 days. If there are 4 Cobras this year, that is no mean achievement. Did you offer your car?
   It is terribly demoralising for the volunteers who undertake these tasks to be constantly criticised (by anonymous posters) for their efforts on your behalf. If you think you can do better, why not volunteer?
   We have 600 Members, of which about 10% are active in the Club. I think we do a good job in the circumstances. Rant over.

Big col

Well said Graham. I am pleased that you stand up and defend the sterling efforts of the outstanding volunteers.
   No I didn't offer my car this year as it is currently being stripped for restoration, a long term project. It will be offered when it is in a fit state to be shown.
   I will also offer my services as a volunteer when the car is present. I don't feel eligible to help out at the moment as I know nothing about Cobras and little enough of even my own model, a 16/66 DHC. I will also be happy to help out when Work commitments allow. Unluckily I still have to find the funds to carry out the TLC that my car requires. Hopefully it will be achievable after the next couple of years.
   I am not an anonymous poster wishing to demoralise the volunteers. I am a fairly new member trying to support the club by buying regalia and offer constructive criticism.
   If my comments are offensive then I offer my sincere apologies to the volunteers and I promise to keep my gob shut in the future.
I might be rough but I'm slow as well.


Not offensive, Colin, just disappointing.
   I am sure that the organisers would have jumped at the offer of a part-restored car, they have attracted lots of interest in the past and it shows the public that it is not all about the gloss and the glamour.
   The way to learn about the cars is to get involved, you will meet some great club members and some interesting show visitors. When time permits, do volunteer.


I too, saw the Cobra (sorry I mean the AC) stand, I know the club is very much Ace/Cobra based but evn if no cars available surely a little more about other AC's would be possible to display. Also agree the lack of regalia sadly disappointing.
   And don't start on me about volunteering my car, as I did not even get my alleged security sticker thing for the National so did not bother taking it to that either.
A car is only original once, but, you can modify it as many times as you like.

My car my rules.


Well, I'm here on the stand right now.
   The theme of this years' show is family ties, and the 35th anniversary of the MkIV Cobras is being celebrated with 4 siblings, being the last Superblower, a pukka Lightweight, and a very nice pair of standard MkIV's.
   Over the last few years there have been AC's from the 1920's to 2001, including Aces, Acecas, GrEyhounds, ME3000s, a 16/60, the ferocious racing 428, and of course, Cobras.
   Tony & Jeremy Witt have resurrected the Club's presence after many years of AC not being represented AT ALL, and have had to endure much more unjustified criticism than praise.
   The decision not to bring regalia is based on a lack of interest from show attendees, in fact you are the first person any of us can recall asking about regalia!
   Next year, the team would be delighted to have any really early examples of 3-wheelers, Petite, Sociable, Delivery vehicles etc, there has never been a 2-Litre on display, or maybe a barn find or mid-restoration AC?!
   Many thanks to Andy Shepherd, Bob Langley, John Norris & Peter deRousset-Hall for allowing their MkIV's to be displayed, and to those who set up, man & take down the stand , it's a pleasure spending time with you!


QuoteOriginally posted by AC Ace Bristol
   Well Said !  Couldn't have put it better myself.
   Yes, it is important to portray the History of the AC  Marque, but it is also important to celebrate Birthdays and Anniversaries of AC Model's.
   This year the theme was Cobra MK1V's. ( Hence 4  x MK1V's )
   Back in 2003 my BEX333 was displayed along with 3 more  AC Ace on the ACOC Stand to celebrate "The 50th Anniversary of the AC Ace"
   A lot of thought and hard work goes into organising.  setting up,  manning and dismantling the ACOC Stand.[;)]
   In good old AC fashion..  .
   To all those who have organised, manned and supported the ACOC over the years at this prestegious event at the NEC..[^]
   Nik, Great Idea for next year, Sociable to Ace Brooklands. would make a great theme, Then 2019 is 70th Birthday of the ACOC so something special .[;)].
   Photo posted on Keith's behalf - apologies - deleted the original post by mistake!
   I'm happy to supply my 'Brookland' Mk2.
   I've posted pictures just about everywhere 'ad nauseam' so in the flesh wood be fun.


Originally posted by Shamea2
QuoteOriginally posted by AC Ace Bristol
   Well Said !  Couldn't have put it better myself.
   Yes, it is important to portray the History of the AC  Marque, but it is also important to celebrate Birthdays and Anniversaries of AC Model's.
   This year the theme was Cobra MK1V's. ( Hence 4  x MK1V's )
   Back in 2003 my BEX333 was displayed along with 3 more  AC Ace on the ACOC Stand to celebrate "The 50th Anniversary of the AC Ace"
   A lot of thought and hard work goes into organising.  setting up,  manning and dismantling the ACOC Stand.[;)]
   In good old AC fashion..  .
   To all those who have organised, manned and supported the ACOC over the years at this prestegious event at the NEC..[^]
   Nik, Great Idea for next year, Sociable to Ace Brooklands. would make a great theme, Then 2019 is 70th Birthday of the ACOC so something special .[;)].
   I'm happy to supply my 'Brookland' Mk2.
   I've posted pictures just about everywhere 'ad nauseam' so in the flesh would be fun.

AC Ventura

If that picture is from the current show, I think the stand looks pretty good actually. And I think most intelligent folk would recognise it as the AC club, not a kit car club. I guess the club has two diverse strains and must be unique in that they are so diverse. We have the early cars and post Cobra cars, linked by the original Ace. Very different cars, very different ownership propositions and therefore very different owners. If you are a happy Greyhound owner, you probably don't relate or particularly relish the prospect of owning a Mk IV or Cobra and vice versa. For sure, it's the AC Cobra that continues to keep the brand known today. But, I think the point of the club at the NEC is to raise awareness of AC as a manufacturer. If there are 4 spaces available, maybe a '60s Cobra, a Mk IV, an Ace and something from the early period, would help educate the public about AC and show then it's not simply comprised of AC Cobras. And yep, I'd volunteer my car and time if asked, but only if required. In any case well done all of you reminding the public that once upon a time Britain had globally leading motor industry, that included a major marque that was acalled AC.


That club stand photo was taken quite a few years ago - maybe 15? - it was organised by Eric and Irene Gates, very hard-working members. The carpet tiles and other paraphernalia were stored in Eric's loft and had to be retrieved and stored repeatedly over the years, not bad going for a chap of advancing years. In those days we had a hard core of about a dozen helpers, plus the car owners, who shared the building and manning of the stand over the four days. Hard work but good fun. Where are all the volunteers now?

AC Ace Bristol

   The AC Club Stand picture (Above) of the 4 Aces was taken  back in 2003, I asked Bryan our Web Master to post it on my behalf to show that each year we have a Club Stand, we have a theme.
   Be it to celebrate a special Anniversary of a specific AC Model  or just to promote the History of the ACOC or AC Cars.
   As you see in the picture  2003 we celebrated the 50th Anniversary of the AC Ace.[:)]
   This years stand celebrates the 35th Anniversary of the Cobra MK1V, hence 4 Cobras.[;)]
   We used to sell ACOC Regalia on the stand but things can go missing, plus the time and effort invested didn't justify taking the stock. Any club member or interested party can discuss buying regalia or go on line and pay by credit card or paypal,  Things have changed significantly  over the past 14 years.
   Maybe one or two members can post a picture or two of previous club stands,  To show that no two years have been the same. but each promotes the ACOC  & the AC Marque.[;)]

AC Ventura

Graham, I think that stand could easily be built by the four people who are manning it and exhibiting their cars. I exhibit at exhibitions on a regular basis and could put that stand together single handed, albeit in a few hours. I'd suggest to pay for carpet and have the stand so the display equipment is of modern fold up design. Only needs to be bought once. Then everything could be carried in the footwells/boot area of each car attending. Hotel accommodation would ideally be on site, but I presume the club pays for that anyhow.
    This meant to be constructive. Smart modern, fold up exhibition chairs are £16 each and four would fit in the boot of a Cobra. If I were exhibiting, I guess I'd be prepared to redesign the stand on the basis the other guys would assist in delivering as suggested. .  But anyhow, just an idea. If the current crew are happy with the status quo, I'm not complaining or wishing to rock anyone's boat.


Having just returned from the the NEC (last night) my comment to myself on seeing the AC stand was boring, boring, boring, boring. They should get themselves off the stand with the chain link fencing that give out the message to punters that they are not approachable, and see just how more oriented other clubs are in being proactive in encouraging new members. I was on the Octagon stand yet again and it was difficult to get off with the number of people waiting to ask questions, chat and talk. The stand was equal to the 289 stand boring.
    Perhaps if all the clubs forced the organisers to pay costs to the exhibiters then a more appealing exhibition would be created
   The picture uploaded did not look like the one I saw yesterday it looked even more boring!


I do not intend to comment on the subject of whether or  not the stand is boring as such judgements are a matter of individual taste.  However, as a matter of fact it should understood that all expenses for accommodation, travel, etc. are borne by the individuals who show their cars and man the stand, not by the club.


   Boring and unimaginative? [:p]
   (Photo credit to Peter de Rousset-Hall, and about 150 others!)