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2 tickets FOC for Friday Goodwood Revival

Started by SB7015, September 06, 2017, 11:53:40

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I have two tickets for this Friday available to a fellow ACOC member free of charge.
   Anyone interested please phone in first instance
   Malcolm Thorne
   Mobile: 07775598020


David Beales was first to calll at 12.21 and as the longest ACOC member I am delighted these tickets will be enjoyed.
   Malcolm Thorne


Will you be there Saturday or Sunday? I'm doing all three days - though the forecast suggests I will get very wet on Friday.


Will you be there Saturday or Sunday? I'm doing all three days - though the forecast suggests I will get very wet on Friday.


Hi SB7019,
   We are already at Goodwood. We have a brolley with us in case it rains. It should make it more interesting for practise on Friday, Saturday will be clear and Sunday a few light showers. Looking forward to the 1960s GP Cars in the Glover Trophy on Sunday afternoon. Hopefully more interesting than the modern day F1.
   Those not going can at least pick up live coverage of all the practise & racing for Friday, Saturday & Sunday on Goodwood Live on the Internet. All the cars and the famous British Spitfires, Hurricanes and hopefully the Lancaster with outstanding commentary by Chris Drewett from the early hours each morning till about 6pm.
   Malcolm Thorne [:)]


Watching DangerMouse doing an epic job in the Lotus, God it's rotten out there! Live feed is great for those of us too far away (or skint!)  to be there. Hope the umbrella has brought reinforcements,
   Best wishes for the weekend.


Thank you for all your support. ACOC brolly came in handy to keep Mighty Mouse out of the rain until it was his turn to turn on his charm which he did by dancing all over the track to find enough grip to win the Glover #127942; Trophy.
   Still floating on a cloud.

MkIV Lux