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Photobucket Photo Hosting

Started by administrator, July 04, 2017, 10:57:56

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It is not possible to directly attach photos using our current Forum software - they have to be hosted on a separate site.
   More modern software does allow direct hosting, so opening a new Forum with direct photo hosting and locking this one as an archive is the probable way forward.

MkIV Lux

Whereas storage capacity and related cost is one issue to address, another important issue is perennity of the picture posted:
   - when using direct upload, pics are glued to the Forum and remain there; they can be removed by the poster himself if he so decides;
   - when using remote hosting, pics are put into a box that is located offsite and we use the address of the box to link the pic to the Forum; each photo has its own particular address, so there is one pic per box;
   if for whatever reason, the poster moves the pic out of that particular  box (because he deletes it or simply rearranges his boxes, the link remains in place on the Forum but the box is empty and the poster would have to recreate a new link and replace the old one in his post, for the pic to remain active on the Forum.
   Unfortunately there are many instances in our Forum where pics have been moved and hence can no longer be seen.
   In the tables below you see how that works. When the pic is moved into another box, the intitial box which carries the link remains empty. Moving may be done intentionally but also inadvertently (for instance when you reorganize your folders and boxes on Photobucket or thelike.
   This brings up the difficulty to convert the current Forum into an archive including pics, unless the archive would be like a PDF by scanning all pages of the Forum as they are viewed.
   I am not an IT specialist, there may be ways to do this.

AC Ace Bristol

   You have hit the nail on the head.
   I started a thread  " Racing History of BEX333  (1957 - 1964) on 9th January 2009.........
   Generated a  comprehensive history file, with 184 replies and read 46,720 times.
   Instead of learning to post pictures on the Forum,  I used the skills of Nik Bagshaw who posted some 66 pictures on my thread on my behalf.using  his personal  photobucket account.  ( who are demanding $399.00 in order that he can share  and keep his archive.).[V]
   All can longer be opened,  I really would like to download  a copy of the complete file inclusive of pictures as I haven't copy of all content.[;)]
   Any IT Expert out there b] [?]
   Is there any way this can be achieved and if so
   Is there any way it could be reposted on the new proposed Forum.[?]
   This subject will be discussed in depth at the next ACOC Council Meeting....  Will keep you posted.[:)]


If the pictures are not visible because their host demands a financial contribution, there is no other free way to make them visible again than rehosting them elsewhere, regardless where that would be, and editing each post where they were linked. That is bothersome.
   Alternatively, all the pictures posted in a particular thread can be hosted altogether on a virgin page and the link to this page can be mentioned in the latest message posted in the aforementioned thread.
   As said earlier I can provide either solutions for free. Anyone willing to e-mail me a few pictures and we can give it a try.

MkIV Lux

Originally posted by AC Ace Bristol
   I really would like to download  a copy of the complete file inclusive of pictures as I haven't copy of all content.[;)]

   Hi Keith,
   One way to take a copy of your thread is to do a copy-paste exercise on each page, successively copying content including the pics as you can see them, into a Word document. I sometimes do this of interesting content I find on the internet to allow me to analyse it later.
   You go onto the first page of your thread, position the curser in top left corner and do a click-hold; you will see a number of lines being marked in blue or other colour; holding the click you drag it down to the buttom right hand corner of the page, then click right button of the mouse to select copy and then paste the copied content onto a Word sheet.
   The set-up of the Word document will not be ideal, pictures will not be aligned in the way you see on the Forum, but it allows you to save the content.
   Then repeat the same process on evey page of your thread and past the content in the same way each page underneath the previous. Easy but cumbersome.

AC Ace Bristol

   Thank you for your instruction, I carried out this procedure yesterday, but it will not copy the pictures.
   I will have to try and copy each picture from other files, unfortunately some were on my company laptop which was wiped clean when I returned it along with Company mobile when I retired last December.[V]
   I will speak to Nik on the off chance he can either download all 66 pictures or possibly email me the ones I  lost last year.
   Thank you for your help,  appreciated.[;)]

AC Ventura

As is clearly the concensus, can somebody please be paid if necessary out of the clubs reserves, to archive this site and move forward worth a site that allows posting of photos. For goodness sake, these templates exist and surely the message couldn't be clearer
   A website without pictures is plain dull and it beyond doubt, which is the way forward. And while we are at it an email message,  if somebody replies to your post, or quotes your response, would vastly increase activity.
   I'd support extra subscription for one or more years. Who has to make the decision ?


   If you've got Windows try "Wordpad" which should already be on your computer or do a Search.
   When it opens, on the centre of the top bar you'll see "Picture".
   Click on that which will take you into your files. Select the picture(s) you want and click "Open" when the pics will appear.
   You can then type in ordinary text or copy and paste text from elsewhere below the pic....


I have to agree with AC Ventura. According to the most recent(!!!) ACtion, there is £85K cash in the club's (our) coffers. If the the most important issue for the the club's future is attracting young blood, an easy to use, up to date forum is essential in the drive to enrol the next generation into the club. Surely a new forum would not put too big a dent in the club funds? (net running cost of £876??) A small increase in advertisers rates (both website & Action) could help as there might not be a club mag for them to advertise in in the future!
   £85k not being used to go some way to help ensure the club's future might as well not be there.


Originally posted by AC Ace Bristol
   All can longer be opened,  I really would like to download  a copy of the complete file inclusive of pictures as I haven't copy of all content.[;)]
   Any IT Expert out there [?]

   depends on what you call an 'expert' [:)]
Originally posted by AC Ace Bristol
   Is there any way this can be achieved and if so
   Is there any way it could be reposted on the new proposed Forum.[?]

   Yes, there is a possibility but it is not so easy since photobucket has changed the picture access over night.
   Normally, you could download a lot of complete web site with tools like HTTrack But this will not work in this case since photobucket would replace every link to each picture Nik posted for you by this nice picture you can see now everywhere in your thread like this:
   So the way to get the old status is:
  • Nik, I and everyone who has used photobucket has to log in into photobucket and download the albumns

  • We have to find a new place to store the albums. It is quite important that the (sub-)struture is preserved, i.e. is a album 'a' has a sub-album 'b' containing a picture 'p.jpg' it must be uploaded on a new place 'a/b/p.jpg'.

  • The forum administrator has to adopt the old threads by a global-search-and-replace. If in one thread there is a string like
       and the new storage place is
       all threads must be searched by and replaced by
       This must be done for all users using photobucket, but not for all pictures.
       If we find a new place where all photobucket user would store there pictures (new forum???) the administrator has to do this only once during the migration phase.


   I hope this makes things a little bit more clear. Comments and questions are welcome.
Originally posted by AC Ace Bristol
   This subject will be discussed in depth at the next ACOC Council Meeting....  Will keep you posted.[:)]


I managed to download my files from photobucket, downloads should work as I think they are just asking for payment for hosting, not for your storage, a backup is a good idea, P cloud is a free cloud storage site.
   Just a thought, it my be less trouble, and less costly, for the admin to support a dedicated picture hosting site, rather than replacing the whole board software.

MkIV Lux

Originally posted by jonto
I managed to download my files from photobucket, downloads should work as I think they are just asking for payment for hosting, not for your storage, a backup is a good idea, P cloud is a free cloud storage site.
   Just a thought, it my be less trouble, and less costly, for the admin to support a dedicated picture hosting site, rather than replacing the whole board software.

   So far PHOTOBUCKET has granted a certain portion of storage space for free. This equals approximately the the capacity required to store 1000 pictures. Thereabove you start paying. Off record it was about 12 £/month. They changed their plans now. They are now detecting each creation of a link for using a stored picture on a third-party site and ask to upgrade to the +500 plan which allows (for how long?) third party hosting.
   I wonder how often they will just warn me before they will force the matter and close my current account?
   Guess everybody inserting a picture here from Photobucket storage gets the following message:
   Our Terms of Service does not allow 3rd party hosting with your current account level.
   *What is 3rd Party Hosting?
   Photobucket defines 3rd party hosting as the action of embedding an image or photo onto another website. For example, using the <img> tag to embed or display a JPEG image from your Photobucket account on another website such as a forum, Etsy, eBay auction listings, a blog, etc. is definitively 3rd party hosting.
   Why Photobucket?
   Photobucket is the global destination for linking and 3rd party hosting. In Photobucket's 14-year history, the Company amassed over 100 million registered users, over 15 billion images stored, 2 million daily uploads and 10 billion photos accessed monthly.
   Easy to Use – Upload a photo from any device and copy the embed code with one click to host a photo with no development or technical knowledge required
   Competitive, fixed pricing Offers the only unlimited 3rd party hosting plan (Commercial and Personal Use)
   Are my pictures still safe?
   Yes! All your photos are still available by logging into your Photobucket Account. Photobucket has only restricted the ability to view your photos on 3rd party sites.
   Can I download my Photos?
   Absolutely, at any time. It is an easy four step process:
   Step 1. Login to your Photobucket Account
   Step 2. Navigate to your library page
   Step 3. View a photo and click the download button
   Step 4. The picture will be saved to your computer

   The +500 plan is 399 $/year and it will not take away the cumbersome way to upload a photo to here. And it does not solve the issue of the link to the box and not to the photo as described earlier on.
   We need to find a way which is user friendly and cost efficient to make our site more attractive.


Please can we migrate to a new forum with direct hosting [:)]


Maybe  the council should listen to the members. After we are paying the fees which are sitting in a kitty doing nothing. A new forum must be they way forward for the club!
A car is only original once, but, you can modify it as many times as you like.

My car my rules.


We will be getting quotes for this option, agreed at the last Council meeeting.  Don't expect anything until the autumn - I am away until September and do have a life outside the ACOC.