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How to - Remove brake drums AC Royal

Started by j9nno, June 12, 2017, 21:21:26

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Hi all,
   Proceeding with the strip down and rebuild and I'm unsure how to proceed with the rear brake drum removal.
   I have undone the large hub nut and can see that there is a pin thru the hub and half shaft. Do I drift out the pin and use a puller to remove the hub complete with the drum attached and off the half shaft or do I undo the hub flange retaining nuts (x 5)and pull the hub and half shaft out as there is more to be undone to release the drum ?
   Thanks in anticipation



Hi again.
   Still struggling with getting the brake drum off even after following advice.
   Anyone got tips Slide hammer, 3 leg puller.
   I have undone the retaining clip and large nut  and the bearing has been well lubricated/greased but it just doesn't want to seem to move off the threaded centre.
   I could undo the 4 retaining nuts at the rear and remove the entire drum/half shaft assembly but thought I'd ask first.


That's the way removal is illustrated in the hand book. If you have undone the six nuts on the outer hub flange, the outer half of the hub should draw off complete with the half shaft. Then your left with the inner hub half, brake drum and bearing. Undo the four nuts at the back, and the assembly will come off complete, leaving the brake shoes exposed. You should not need a puller for either of the two operations but you will to pull the brake drum and bearing from the inner half of the hub.


Thanks jonto.  So you saying that once the 6 flange nuts undone that the half shaft and outer flange should simply pull all of the way out ?
   I thought that there is a spring rebound mechanism limiting the amount that the half shaft pulls out giving acces to 'C' clip and brake drum retaining nut which when removed allows for the drum to be part withdrawn but allows access to brake shoes. So I don't need to undo the 4 retaining nuts at the rear of the assembly as this is only to gives access to the felt packing ?


The outer half of the hub will pull out with the half shaft, it is pinned to it. The bearing is assembled into the brake drum and on to the inner part of the hub. So you either under the clip and nut, draw the bearing and drum off with a puller, or undo the four nuts at the back and pull out the whole assembly by hand. That's how mine is, small drums, from memory the large drums are the same.


Thanks Jonto,
   I'll have another go over the weekend.
   I thought that the spring and collar would stop the hub/half shaft being removed.
   The half shaft does slide out to the end of the wheel studs and you can feel it is against some force (the spring I guess) which is probably the felt pad/collar snagging.
   I'll give it a go again !


Great news.
   Half shafts are out and one drum off.
   90 years of thick mineral oil and suction pulling on the hub/shafts but finally got them out and one drum off.
   That's progress !