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CSX 2484

Started by rstainer, June 05, 2017, 17:10:12

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A Cobra asserted to be CSX2484 is offered for sale in London 'following a recent comprehensive restoration to FIA specification'. 2484 was destroyed in 1966, leaving no physical remains other than its documentation.
   The 2484 now for sale was constructed in 2003 using the chassis discarded when 2343 was rebuilt as a Daytona Coupe, as recorded in the Register's Replicas Appendix.


This is the CSX2484 that FISKENS are selling, but there seems to be little mention of the details above! [;)]


Apparently £950,000... That's quite a lot of money for a car with not much originality left!


Wow - you could have half a dozen Kirkham (Hawk) FIAs for that price!


   You're being generous. None left at all.


Generous, yep, that`s me...I was just going on the comment in the SAAC registry stating that the owner who wrote off 2484 retained 'some remains'...and of course, title![:I]
   I couldn`t find 2484 or 2343 in the registries...[?]


   The only 'remains' retained were the title, the US equivalent of the V5C/Logbook. A previous title owner states that he acquired 2484 in an envelope and sold on the envelope and its contents, nothing more.
   The Cobra Register website copy is last November's. I believe the Webmaster will post the current copy shortly. The Leaf Spring Shelby Register reads '2484...Destroyed in 1966...[Replica in  USA]'. The Replica Leaf Spring Cars appendix reads 'Vin Asserted CSX2484...Date 2003...Constructed by Paul Andrews & Mike McCluskey, using the chassis discarded when 2343 was rebuilt as a Daytona Coupe. FIA HTP. (Original destroyed in 1966)'.
   Hope this helps.


Thanks Robin. As ever, Cobra history as clear as mud!


Up-to-date Cobra Register now on the Club's Website.
   The Appendix lists fifty-two leaf spring replicas (cars not built by AC in Thames Ditton and not built in period, but with the approximate specification of a Thames Ditton Cobra and an AC or AC-like period car number). Most have an FIA HTP, though H they are not.
   Ho hum.


Well, there is a suggestion on Facebook that there may be an error in Fiskens'  listing, and that it is actually CSX2448, and that 2484 is still in America, in blue FiA guise! Confirmation required!


   It looks like 2448, which can be seen at the Monterey Motorsports Reunion looking much like the Fiskens car, including race number 11.
   But 2448:
  • Wasn't 'delivered new to Ray Hunt, Florida': 2448 was delivered new to the Foreign Car Center, Birmingham, Alabama
  • Wasn't 'subsequently purchased by David L McMahon': 2448 was subsequently purchased by Paul Wood, also of Birmingham AL
  • Wasn't then sold 'to Jeff Carlin in 1966': 2448's second owner was Pat Colletti (Tucson, AZ).

       All, given a fair wind, will be revealed shortly.


    2484 was destroyed in 1966. It is now known that there are two 2484 replicas, the first being the 2003 blue Jim Bouzaglou car, currently in the USA, and the second being the 2015 black André Ahrlé car, currently in the UK.
       This is the first instance I can recall of two unrelated people independently replicating the same Cobra. These two replicas have also appeared in the same event, as car #59 and car #11 at the 2015 Monterey Historics Group 5B race ( I'm led to believe that Mr Ahrlé will call me shortly to discuss the ACOC Cobra categorisation principles approved by Council sixteen years ago.
       As Cobra Registrar I'm inured to surprises but this oddity is an interesting one.


    The link to the Fiskens page above no longer works.


    Fiskens have removed 2484 from their inventory and no longer offer it for sale as a period Cobra.


    I'm a newbie here and just saw csx2484 #11 for sale here in Monaco.
    Saw all the report of the restoration and saw the vin stamped on the chassis passenger side.
    Looks like there were more than a title concerning that car.
    As i'm not an expert I will be happy to know what font they were using for the chassis.