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what happened to Dec Action Another missing one?

Started by GSouthee, January 16, 2017, 18:10:46

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No one seems to know, and now its mid Jan and no Jan issue.  What going on.
A car is only original once, but, you can modify it as many times as you like.

My car my rules.


Houston we have a problem. I am not sure yet the nature of the problem, but the Council of Management is doing its best to get ACtion back on track. I would like to remind everyone that all those involved in writing, producing and proof reading the ACtion do so free of charge in their own time. Occasionally through illness or pressure of work in the real world, production falls behind schedule, and it is not until the magazine fails to arrive that the problem is noticed. There are always vacancies for enthusiastic members who wish to help run the Club and its services to members. Please let me know if you may be interested. One current vacancy is for the Awards and Trophies Secretary, which involves choosing trophies and keepsakes, having them engraved and compiling lists of worthy recipients for the annual prize giving. Help and training is available if required. A reply either public or private to me personally would be much appreciated. Many thanks, Andy.


Now it's the end of January and still no ACtion.What's going on!!!!


2 months no action,  no Action magazine, no action from the council. Perhaps someone could enlighten us paying members! I know those running the club are volunteers but it does not take much time to update us members on here as there is no Action (the so called preferred method of communications for club members).
   Hey ho
   Also what is happening to the National or is that also going to go missing?
A car is only original once, but, you can modify it as many times as you like.

My car my rules.


The National Day is now on the website events list.
   ACtion was discussed at the Council meeting last Thursday and we are trying to get it back on track.  Apologies for the lack of updates but I will post news when I have something definite.


The next issue of ACtion should be going to the printers today.

MkIV Lux

We are not worried. We members (that is not just myself) know that the  guys and gals volonteering to run the ACOC are doing a good job and we are thankful for that.
   Constant [:)][:)][:)][:)]


Constant, Yes, I too am grateful to all those who put effort into the club, but I am a member of five clubs and although most of them have gone through upheavals at one time or another, they have all, without exception, managed to keep the monthly/quarterly club magazine on time, even if the content dwelt mainly on the troubles within. I am perfectly content (though you might not think so!!) for it to be a little late, but this latest situation is trying ones patience. I also think that the situation has gradually been getting out of hand over the past year, with ACtion getting later and later. Was the writing not on the wall??
   I feel I must comment on your statement that they are doing a good job. I think that to get to the end of January and to have had no Action since November, and with very little, if any explanation as to why, is not exactly 'a good job'


I too agree that it appears in the main that the council etc and all vol's do a good job. However they do seem to keep reiterating that point and say that any help from other vol's would be appreciated, but they do not seem to take it up I myself in a reply to such a post on this forum offered my assistance with the long awaited National day, but no take up of this offer was made. Which brings me to the National ok we now have a date and location but that is all, why not publish some other details of it on here, as Action now seems to be past its due date, and clearly is not the best method of communicating with the members.
   Lets have some action if not the Action.
   Cheers  Gary
A car is only original once, but, you can modify it as many times as you like.

My car my rules.


Ah seems that is now further detail re the National day on the news and events part, well done and apologies for rant, but needed to be said.
A car is only original once, but, you can modify it as many times as you like.

My car my rules.

AC Ace Bristol

   Many Council members have tried in vain to contact Terry (Our Editor), without success, ACtion Magazine over the past few decades was always on time and in the past 18/24 months the situation has fallen over  a few times.
   I know you don't believe the Council ,but it has been discussed and we have been assured that things will back onto schedule,  The Council met last Thursday and a re implementing plans, as  the lack of Action cause major problem to all concerned, to advertisers who pay for regular adverts , to members expecting to learn of future events  etc.
   Hopefully we learn of what serious problem Personal or Family  is experiencing and  we can produce  ACtion with either a New Editor or a Temporary Editor, Personally time for a change and reshuffle.
   John Goose has stepped forward to organise the National, Matthew and
   Laraine have organised the International, Well Done to both parties.  We the council are looking for someone to organise the 2018 Le Mans Classic (I organised the last 8, would you be interested .[?] can hand over files  and give guidance and help if required>
   Last but not least has anyone up to date information on Terry Webb [?]

MkIV Lux

Hi Keith,
   Sent you a PM.


   You clearly are missing the point.
   It is not that I do not believe the Council. It is this, here is a medium ie the Forum to keep members up to to date with what is happening. It would not have been difficult nor too time consuming to make a post that Action is delayed/held up due to whatever circumstances etc etc. But no, nada nothing.
   I applaud those that volunteer and run the club. I have in the last year offered my services twice, once to build a spreadsheet database for the spares so that all members could see what was available, where and how much. No response from the spares co-ordinator even after an Email. Also I offered assistance with arranging this years National, again, no response. So thank you for the offer to volunteer to do the Le  mans, but no.
   I hope Terry is well. I hope that Action gets going again, just keep us members up to date using this readily available medium.
   Nuff said.
A car is only original once, but, you can modify it as many times as you like.

My car my rules.