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New RHD AC Cobra MkVI

Started by Chafford, January 05, 2017, 12:34:32

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Cobra Mk VI to be launched in right-hand-drive form on 12 January at the Autosport International Show.


Ted , Murray and I went to the Autosport Show, and there was a large photo of the Cobra Mk VI in the Show Guide. We searched for the stand without any luck, as although we were in the right area, no Cobra could be seen. We resorted to identifying stand numbers and names and found the stand, but there was only a rather nice racing Ultima to be seen. The company was MacG Racing, and we had a long chat with Richard MacGregor who is the team principal, and his son Jonny who has developed and raced the Ultima with amazing results. They would be ideal chaps to develop and market the Mk VI as a road or street competition car. Unfortunately the Cobra was not available for them to show on their stand, which was a real blow to them, bearing in mind all their pre-show marketing. They were very diplomatic, and no blame was apportioned, but they had to fill the empty space with their race car. What a shame! If the Mk VI is going to make it to market, the public needs to see it, which can't happen if the demonstrator doesn't arrive. Look up Mac G Racing, amongst other things,they import some lovely gearboxes from Albins in Australia!


It's quite baffling why AC would be selling a rhd version of the German manufactured Mk VI in the UK when only a few weeks ago they announced the AC Cobra 378, apparently built in South Africa.


I have given up being baffled by the AC marketing. There is a waiting market with huge potential loyalty, and all they need is a car which is quick, handles well, and comes at a sensible price. Oh and it needs to be available within a month or two of placing the order. Not much to ask, but seemingly impossible to deliver. What a shame, as I would be a prospective customer, but I won't buy someone else's kit car badged as an AC.


Also baffling as to why there would be two models with much the same designation
   AC 378 GT Zagato
   AC 378 MKVI
   Please step forward the "real" 378

MkIV Lux

Originally posted by Chafford
Cobra Mk VI to be launched in right-hand-drive form on 12 January at the Autosport International Show.

   You probably noticed that the picture in this report is of a LHD car!
   Adding a bit to the confusion.


The engine family is 378 cubic inches - just like the 289 designation of the past. It looks like a really decent effort to me and I like the period wheels and slant on the interior. Let's hope the brand can be revived.. It would be good to take a positive view and 'talk it up', the ability to produce en masse of course being key to future success.
   There are parallels with the new TVR in many ways - enthusiastic owner sinking personal fortune into a dream car brand and trying to create something truly worthy with a homage to the past. Many car enthusiasts have derided the TVR effort and deposits are now more than three years old. Patience is wearing thin but the result will be worth waiting for. As the owner of that brand has stated, it is of no consequence what people think generally. He is building a car to please those that have committed financially....