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ACOC Sprint - the future

Started by Exowner, November 21, 2016, 12:35:05

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Having been to the sprint most years since 1989, I notice how things seem to be on the decline. I read with interest, our chairman's and SJ351's comments on the '3 questions' thread.
   There can be agreement on one issue, the sprint, from an ACs taking part point of view, is in decline.
   What is to be done?
   1/ The idea of a track day in place of the sprint has some merit. (see '3 Questions' thread)
   2/ Change the venue to one that is more convenient to the majority of members, and to a  time of year when decent weather might be expected.
   3/ Do both of the above
   Some random thoughts on the above 3 points
    I completely agree that the palaver and expense of sprinting has a significant effect on entries. I certainly put me off what is, for me, a once a year outing.
    The car's continual increase in value has put a damper on many throwing them into Madgwick's with gay abandon.
    After last year's sprint, I contacted Castle Combe to see what costs were involves with hiring the circuit for a sprint. The  lengthy email received no reply! Maybe a foot-in-the-water page in ACtion asking for interest in the change might show what the club members want most.
    I think that the difficulty of attracting new members is nothing compared with attracting new members and then expecting them to expose themselves and their pride and joy to the danger of just about the fastest sprint course out there.
    We seem to be locked into Goodwood. As our Chair noted ,'if we failed to renew our application, we would never have another Sprint at Goodwood as there is a queue waiting for anyone to drop out'. This is true. but hanging on to an event that has no take-up is....?
    It would only take the RACMSA to insist that all competing car are to have roll-bars for the event, as a sprint, to have the carpet permanently pulled from beneath it.
    I think it could transpire that the only competitive event that takes place in future years at the circuit is the Revival, if matey in his bedroom with his noise meter has his way.
    Does the sprint historically pay for itself, or is the club subsidising it?
    I for one would relish an ACOC member's only track day.
    The above comments have no agenda, I'm not trying to 'get' at anyone or prove any point. It's just that the sprint isn't the same as when I thrashed all those MEs with my poor old MGB all those years ago!!!


   I am a new member and now an AC owner and have popped up to Goodwood for the Sprint event twice, I really enjoy track days in my Ariel Atom 300  but i would not take my AC around Goodwood,  The high speed corners there with hardly any run off make me very nervous add that to a cold and damp track this time of the year..[:0]
   I did email to ask a few questions and see if my Atom would be allowed to attend this past event but got not reply!


So, 2 months since this post and 1 reply. 195 people have read it, but they, apart from Morgy, have no comment. For the club's only  competitive event, it is a sad reflection of the state of affairs within the club. Does nobody have any views/ideas/comments/criticisms/praise or anything???? or are we (the club, that is) going to just let it shrivel and eventually die???
   Making suggestions doesn't mean that you will automatically be rail-roaded in being part of the organising team, but some suggestion would, i'm sure, give those who spend their time and give their effort some encouragement. What with the cock-up with last year's supposed International in Spain and the indifference to other efforts to arrange something, along with the disappearance of ACtion, I don't hold out much hope for the continuance of our club. And please don't anybody criticise me for ranting and doing nothing - I was Aceca registrar for 8 years and spent many many long evenings getting it into shape.
   If this addition to my original post gets no constructive response, then I may well give up and continue to enjoy a proper car club like what the MTWC and the FNCC am!!!!!

Robin A Woolmer

The AC Sprint is well regarded by those who compete & has a reputation of being well organised & thought better than the VSCC Sprint which is generally two weeks earlier, I have in the past asked if the event could be held earlier in the year so a chance of better weather! But this was felt to be too expensive, which is a pity.
   I suppose I am one of the laggards who have not entered , my excuse is that my cars are still not ready! The basic reason for this I committed to making new Weller Engines & found myself very involved helping not just AC owners but also the Frazer Nash owners with advice etc
   I am determined to focus on my cars this year & hopefully compete in this & other similar events, I just hope the Club continues putting the Sprint on, but let us have it mid year if possible so more people are willing to attend!

AC Ace Bristol

   Having a rant and throwing your toys out of the Pram does not address the issue.
   Many of us ( All volunteers) organise events often investing hundreds of hours and hundreds of £sss ( not charged to ACOC ) for the benefit of other ACOC members and enthusiasts.
   The subject of the future of The ACOC GoodWood Sprint has been discussed at various Council meetings and is being addressed.
   By running away and threatening to leave the AC Owners Club is counter productive and just fuels the fire.
   Next Council Meting is Thursday evening 26th January  at
   "The Kings Head" 13 Westmoreland Street. London. W1G 8PJ
   The ACOC AGM is at the same venue but on Thursday 30th March, When
   all aspects of the ACOC can be /will be discussed.
   Including  events. ACtion magazine, The Club Forum and Registers to name but a few.
   See you there where/ when we can discuss club matters and hopefully get some positive response and ACtion.[;)]


Keith, Why doesn't having a rant help promote discussion that can lead to a range of options, and onto addressing problems?  If you think everyone with constructive criticism is going to make the journey to the capital to attend the committee meetings, you are mistaken.
   Our Chairman's opening line from his most recent post regarding the non-appearance of ACtion -'Houston, we have a problem' generally precedes announcing a catastrophe!!! From this, I take it there are problems - so comments should be expected. The stock replies to any criticism seem to be 'We're all volunteers' and 'come to the committee meeting' as If that actually answers anything!
   As to your comment 'Many of us ( All volunteers) organise events often investing hundreds of hours and hundreds of £sss ( not charged to ACOC ) for the benefit of other ACOC members and enthusiasts' is concerned, I quote from my recent rant - 'And please don't anybody criticise me for ranting and doing nothing - I was Aceca registrar for 8 years and spent many many long evenings getting it into shape.'
   Unless otherwise prompted to fully outline my dissatisfaction with aspects of OUR club, I'll leave it there, as I don't want to generalise and offend those club members who's fellowship I treasure.
   I am at the point of selling my Aceca and severing all ties with the club. That is how I feel, and having heard the comments from the many people I spoke to at November's sprint, I am not alone.


I have been aiming to do the sprint for the last three years, and only made it along to watch last year, the problem being getting organised enough to do the necessary things car to pass scrutineering for the MSA regs, and also re-buying the kit (helmet, coveralls.......) as mine are probably put of date......... it has been at least 17 years since I last held the licence and competed in Sprints and Hillclimbs.
   To go through the process for the AC seems like a lot of effort for just one event a year, so I may aswell get the Alfa set up for the same events too, but then I need to find the time to do more sprints etc again,  which is hasnt happened yet......
   The fact that the weather has been very wet the past few years probably hasnt helped to encourage me to get the Ace out on that particular day....
   Perhaps an ACOC specific track day in addition to the sprint would be good to get more folk out in their AC''s, (or other cars they have), but this would need organising.
   Alternatively perhaps an ACOC presence at one of the classic car focussed track days, with a specific slot for only AC cars, would also serve to raise public awareness of the marque.
   I may well be able to get my act together and line evrything up to be able to do the sprint this year though.........


Interesting post, people over the years have asked if the sprint should keep going. I have entered and run the sprint for quite a few years (before handing over to Bruce). I really enjoy the sprint for a number of reasons:
   1. I get to meet members and old friends, it is nice walking around and speaking with people. Very few other events have the feeling of the sprint. The car park is always full, so as a social event works well.
   2. As a sprint, we only need 3-4 more people to enter to break even in cost. I would rather do a sprint than a track day. Why? A sprint is run to MSA procedures e.g. if you want to go slow then that is fine. No car can overtake which is nice, novice track day people would be under pressure. We have quick and slow drivers in the club, there is no rule at the sprint to go really quick. I'm one of the slow people!
   3. Goodwood is a nice location, yes we could move to another track but the cost would be similar. We can move earlier if required, but trying to find the best date would be hard. I tried for 6-7 years to see what could be done.
   4. The vast array of cars is amazing, we have people who love to attend. The issue is not the sprint, the issue is we are an aging club with expensive cars. Next year I plan to run my Ac Aceca (if ready), but as speed is not essential it is a nice way to get into motorsport. I recommend everyone has a go, I'm sure people will lend overalls/helmets if required.Car prep is not that bad, not like racing.
   I hope we keep the sprint, would be strange not having it anymore. Other clubs are always keen to join our numbers if required. It is always good to discuss in my view.


There does seem to be an argument for some kind of change of tack but retaining Goodwood as the venue. There are plenty of expensive AC's being driven on British circuits, particularly in FIA and Masters events/Goodwood Revival (and many phoenixed cars or copies too of course). The question is 'What is stopping these cars from regularly entering the Sprint and competing as fiercely as they do elsewhere?' As regards speed and ability, track days are usually split into groups according to how brave one feels so, there should be room for everyone to drive and enjoy.
   You only need to look at the enthusiasm and turn out at 289 Register gatherings to know that there is a huge audience for the right events. Combining the Sprint with the ACOC National some years would create the chance for both on and off track displays and an 'AC tribute'. Invite other exclusive 'expensive' car clubs likewise and you have a great classic mix. Watching a mixed bag of non-AC cars on a cold November day is never going to cut it in isolation,with the same people dominating the results year after year. Nor will it put the club back on the classic car map. Perhaps being a small club with an ageing population means teaming up with other car clubs? Indeed, the 289 Register could pay dividends - their members are after all generally true AC enthusiasts to boot. There are also fiercely competitive Aston Martin and Jaguar groups who would be glad to field several cars each I suspect if the gauntlet were thrown down. Definitely room for some lateral thinking.


Based on my own experience and a run in with the scrutineers at Shelsley I no longer enter the car in MSA events as the seats  and roll hoops would need changing, sad as it was great fun and I think people liked seeing the car.