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Which Antifreeze ?

Started by UFR131, August 03, 2016, 13:23:42

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Could anyone recommend the best possible antifreeze for use with the Weller engine. Have been looking at 4 Life antifreeze which is used without water in the system, but have heard that this can potentially cause problems on older rads as it can attack solder joints / repairs and can also possibly cause issues with some hose types.

mike smith

Dear UFR131
   Below is the answer from Robin Woolmer when I asked the same question 2 years ago
   Basically use the old type of antifreeze and nothing modern including Evans and any water free ones
   The VSCC members believe that the original grade of Bluecol is the best for pre war & historic engines including Aluminium, I am about to purchase some myself & the recommended grade is BLA005 (5 litre tub), you can look it up on there web site ' '
   There was a great deal of dialogue on the VSCC Forum also considering the ' Evans' offering which was not at all recommended.
   Mike Smith

Robin A Woolmer

Mike that is correct, still the best !


Mike,Robin - many thanks for coming back to me on this.


As an alternative Fernox Alphi 11 seems to have a very high spec.  Not specifically designed for car use, but has a higher spec than most for anti corrosion etc..