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Car No 6199 1921

Started by jonto, December 02, 2015, 18:21:25

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The beginnings of some coachwork...
Assembled the steering gear, just under three quarter turn on the wheel from full lock left to full lock right!


Next the rad. Has any one had a vintage radiator re-cored, any recommendations?


I was going to do this on my Swift,but decided against it as there was a long waiting list from the preferred repairer,and its very expensive.
   I decided on using Fernox central heating system cleaner ,sitting in rad then power washing out. I then used "alumaseal" for any small leaks as its a low pressure thermo siphon  system. Luckily my radiator was servicable.
   The name of the repairer escapes me but they are in the back of the "automobile" magazine.
   Steve Gray ,AC Heritage may also know having prepped his car for Peking Paris.


I have two radiator's. the original one to the car, there is corrosion of the copper core, the second one is in a better state except for crushing at the bottom where vandles had tried to wrench it from its chassis. So I have to have a rebuild, has anyone had the work done and has any recommendations?


I was at Lowton Park yesterday, the ex Condon 1924 12hp was there now in the hands of Kieth Hill. I learned that a vintage radiator has been successfully rebuilt by a firm in Wakefeild, I'll make inquiries there.


The radiator is now away for the rebuild, it will be some time.


I have not posted here for a while, but work has continued, fuel tank, windscreen, dash and instruments.
   Does anyone have a picture of the three seat "cloverleaf" model that was available 1919/20? I believe one is featured in an article in the Light Car and Cyclecar of the period.


New silencer from the exhaust shop [:D]


Steering gear and exhaust installed.

Old Crock

Jonto, could you let me know the company that made your silencer. Send me a pm if necessary.
   Many thanks!

AC Ace Bristol

   Just an Idea,  Fire a email with a link to Simon Taylor.  As well as being a Mine of information, associated with motor journalism,  he is also a ACOC Member ( 2.6 Ace ) and has a massive reference library.
   If he hasn't pictures and details, maybe he could put a request in a future issue of Classic & Sports Car...[;)]
   Will confirm his email address and tel number via email. [;)]
   Great thread, following with interest and looking forward to seeing this AC on the road.
   Cheers for Now


Perhaps try the VSCC library at Chipping Norton?


Originally posted by jonto
I am still looking for, without success so far, for the Light Car and Cycle Car article 1919 with pictures of the three seat cloverleaf model.

   1919 LC&C and Cloverleaf model is on the list to investigate at my next visit to the British Library. They claim to have a copy of every British magazine ever published - and so far have not failed!
   Regret Burnard's papers are not in the ACOC Archive


I hear the radiator rebuild is done now ans it should be back with me in a few days.