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BEX279, Race History 57-64, Restoratoration Guide

Started by velocityss1985, November 17, 2015, 20:29:25

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AC Ace Bristol

   Great period photo of BEX279 at Reims in 1958..[:p]
   During your research / visit to Revs Digital Library, do they have any other Period racing pictures of AC Ace Bristol's..[?]
   It ceases to amaze me how much information is hidden away in various archives, thanks to the internet many hidden gems are coming to light.
   Hopefully more period photos are published of Aces racing in period and surprise some members that their Ace once raced in UK, Europe and USA....  [;)]


   Success, Thank You Administrator!


Now that I can post pictures [:D] I will begin with a little story, and thank you to all that have helped so far. I knew of this car for about 15 years and have been in contact with the owners brother and wife (very nice people) and I have expressed my interest over the years. So the phone call came last week and a deal was reached this past weekend and the car followed me home...(obviously in tow)... Along with many boxes of parts that need to be inventoried. As I progress I will share what I have and don't have. BEX279 was purchased in California in 1964 by the gentleman's brother who I purchased the car from. It was then driven back to New York where it has stayed ever since. The car was taken apart approximately 35 years ago and sat in a barn. Along the way the (long block) being the heads, block and internals were sent off for a rebuild and never came back as the brother had died and no one followed up. That shop is long gone. The dash for some reason were stored at the mothers house and she threw it out many years ago, and she has since passed on. The car was enjoyed for many years through out the 60's and 70's until he believed the car needed a complete overhaul and it was taken apart and left in its current condition. I hope too many parts haven't been lost over time but as I progress I am sure I will look to the forum here for replacement items as these are not very plentiful in the USA. If any one has a shop manual or how I can gain access to one that would be greatly appreciated!!! For the interim the back history of the vehicle is one of my top priorities.
   Thanks to all!




Another. Anyone know what the paper number on the trunk is?


Great find!
   I suspect that the paper numbers taped to the trunk is a temporary permit to drive across country. It appears that there is also a temporary registration taped to the windshield.
   In the 1960's I was run out of New Mexico on a trip from Denver to Tucson because the temporary registration on my MGB was due to expire at midnight!


Hi Jeff. As Chairman of the AC Owners' Club may I welcome you to our Club! I think we are all as excited as you are at the discovery of another Ace with race history. Thank you for joining the ACOC, you won't meet a better bunch of people, who will help you in every way they can. All you need do is ask.The Forum is great for general information and you can tap in to a vast bank of knowledge and information. I love the Ace Bristol, it is fabulous to drive quickly, and makes such a wonderful noise! We wish you all the fun in the world restoring BEX279, which will only be the start of even greater things to come. Hopefully we can meet up at some point, Andy Shepherd.
   Check out to give you a taste of what's to come!


   That video was very cool!!! They were driving those cars really hard. Loved the chicane move!



Originally posted by markn
I may have some parts Jeff. email:

   Sent you an email. Let me know if you have received it.


Here`s a shot from Keith`s archive, from 1959/60:  Bud Anderson keeps ahead of Fred Rediske.


Is BEX279 in that picture? I know Herb Jones owned the car originally in 57&58. Was it sold to one of the gents in that picture? I heard Herb Jones is alive and well in the USA. I have been trying to get in contact with him. Does anyone have his direct contact information?