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Dynamo rebuilt now all good eventually

Started by GSouthee, November 05, 2015, 19:39:01

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Dam and blast,
   Just fitted rebuilt Dynamo, excellent job by Classic and vintage dynamos, however now found out the regulator is cooked. Now to try to find a new one, prefer not to have one of those reproduced ones from India.  Might try an electronic one hidden inside original box (anyone tried one of these)?  Need to sort out soon. Anyway still hoping to make it to the sprint, just need to charge a spare battery and fit my blanking plate in place of dynamo.  Will have to see it only 60 miles from me.
A car is only original once, but, you can modify it as many times as you like.

My car my rules.

3.5 Pints at the Bar

Sorry of hear of the latest trouble. Never had any problems with mine, although I'm tempted by the electronic conversion. Is yours beyond repair, such as damaged coils? I don't know what the repro boxes are like, but it might be your cue to try the electronic conversion on your cooked unit? Keep your starting handle to hand for any trips!


Hi Yes it appears to be dead though will try all the tests I have found on the MG owners site with a link to a Lucas test schedule. It appears I have only tested a couple of them and there are some 7 steps in all. So perhaps all is not lost. As to driving to the sprint not so sure as weather will be bad according to BBC and with wipers running and side lights not sure both batteries will make it. So may just push on with tests and see results. Will have to put dynamo back on  again to do them, and it is a weighty old beast and the blood rushes to my head while leaning down there, did try from pit under car but even fiddlier. Still all fun for old car owners.
   Cheers G
A car is only original once, but, you can modify it as many times as you like.

My car my rules.


Ah ha.
   Having fiddled about and refitted the rebuilt dynamo(that thing is a weighty old beast), I carried out the test as per the Lucas generator and regulator testing schedule. Only to find that woe and behold the dynamo is not putting out a charge after all. I have spoken to the re-builder who said re polarise it and test it in a vice and reverse wire as a motor, polarizing as a motor ie. connect D&F terminal to battery and case to earth, if it runs as a motor it must give a charge. Did that refitted it again (getting very good at that only 20 min turnaround now), ensured good earth, started tests again no charge from it, back off and its going back to re-builder. However I did have access to another dynamo although the bearing is somewhat shot it still spins ok so quickly fitted that one and tested it guess what a charge, so tested the regulator and all appears good on that front. Only really done that so the re-builder could not say the regulator is at fault and must have burnt the dynamo out (which he has already intimated at). So old dynamo off and as do not want to cause any more damage to it. So now arrange courier and wait to see what re-builder has to say. Dam frustrating as really wanted to go the sprint and it sound like it was good albeit wet.
   Oh and he is a link to the lucas test schedules should anyone ever need them.
A car is only original once, but, you can modify it as many times as you like.

My car my rules.

3.5 Pints at the Bar

I'm glad to hear that the control lives to be cooked another day :) If the dynamo will motor, but won't generate, then maybe its internal connections are incorrect? I hope it gets returned swiftly and fully resolved.


One step forward and two steps back.
   Just got Regulator and Dynamo from Classic and Vintage Dynamos (C&VD's)as they kindly offered to test and rectify any fault after rebuild of Dynamo, all good then. Nice man rang me and ran through test carried out on both and said no problems found Dynamo charging at 17.6 amps and Regulator doing its job(He also said that going to electronic regulator is not worth the hassle or expense as when they go home they are done for and no fiddling with to get home.  Anyway Put Dynamo back on after polarising to ensure it was flashed to Positive earth, in my excitement (sad I know) I forgot the rubber cushion thingy, Dynamo back off and back on again, this time with rubber thingy (Thingy is a technical reference to an object of obvious use but not of a particular known name, unless you know different. Reconnect all the wires on Regulator after good cleaning. And before I connect the Dynamo into the circuit I thought I should test that there is output at Dynamo, Ah guess what Nothing!!!!! Scratch head, kick wall, stamp my feet. Still no reading, now getting a bit perplexed/annoyed. Phone C&V D's, speak to man who done tests he did not understand why either, suggested I take off of car, re polarise it, stick it in vice and try it as a motor,  then connect D&F wires together and run it up using a drill with a socket on the end of the nut and check reading. So off with the Dynamo etc and it works as a motor still, however when running it up with the drill in the correct rotation as per the arrow on the case no output! but run it up in the opposite direction, yep output!!! Hooray the dynamo works but not when running in the correct rotation, quick check on internet suggest they have wired it up wrong way round. Now looking forward to next discussion with C&VD's re this and getting some recompense for the postage back and forth for their error, the main man not being the most helpful of guys. I will get this Dynamo on the car eventually.
   Cheers  G
A car is only original once, but, you can modify it as many times as you like.

My car my rules.


Well not a good phone conversation.  They were most unhelpful saying that I must have it wrong, then tried to tell me I told them that it ran in a clockwise direction (which I did not) even though the case is clearly marked with the rotation of the dynamo. They want me to send it back again at my cost and they will see if they can rectify it. They were not interested in me taking to a 'now' found local re-bulider, who will rectify it tomorrow and paying the bill, they were not interested in refunding my postal costs. Therefore I am claiming back the repayment via my credit card and taking to the local man.
   I will never use Classic and vintage dynamos again nor would I recommend them to anyone.
   If you ever find you need to send off your dynamo to anyone do make sure you tell them its earthing pos or neg and make sure they aware of the rotation direction as marked on the case.
   Oh well rant over, trip into Tunbridge Wells tomorrow and get it sorted.
   Cheers  G
A car is only original once, but, you can modify it as many times as you like.

My car my rules.

3.5 Pints at the Bar

The symptoms you describe could also be the result of polarising the wrong way. Have you experimented polarising the opposite way, and then see if it generates when turned in its normal direction? A wrongly polarised generator won't have any output. I hope you can resolve this without added expense.


Hi 3.5 pts.
   Yes I have polarized it in the correct manner. A dynamo will only charge in one direction of rotation regardless of the polarization which only affects the pos/neg earthing. It requires the brush connection being swapped and re-soldered. Thankfully minimal outlay as the local will do it for about £20, less than the postage to C&VD's.
   I have as a result of this matter learnt a lot about how dynamos work and how to test them. The wonders of the internet.
   Cheers  G
A car is only original once, but, you can modify it as many times as you like.

My car my rules.


Well dynamo back from local auto electricians, £24 job done. reversed connections inside and all is now good, full charge, lesson learnt.
   Do not always trust the supposed experts.
   Next job slight oil leak on front.
   Cheers  G
A car is only original once, but, you can modify it as many times as you like.

My car my rules.

3.5 Pints at the Bar

Yay! Glad to hear it's resolved. Amazing that a specialist didn't know which way it rotates.

Klassik Metall

I have to say that your dynamo experience is pretty much normal service from many companies these days. I loose so much time every week trying to sort out issues with suppliers who offer substandard goods or services. I now find that if I always expect the worst, then it comes as a pleasant surprise to come across a competent specialist or a even a correct good quality part.
   Also, it's not just some smaller companies that offer bad service, some of the big names also seem to get away with it (I've no idea how, when much of their business must rely on repeat customers).
   The only answer for me has been to try and keep as many jobs in house as possible but this makes the time consuming job of restoration even more lengthy!
   Rant over[:)]
   Anyhow, I glad you got a satisfactory solution eventually.


Hi guys yep good o have a rant every now and then.
   Cheers 3.5 pints, yep the specialist was not the most helpful guy and told me it must have come into him rotating clockwise even though prior to breaking it had run on the car the correct anti clockwise direction.  Still live and learn.
   Klassic now will check and check again before going forward with any decisions to but services/goods etc.
   Still there are some good and helpful guys out there ie Rod Briggs, Klassic, 3.5 pints, all with useful info.
   Cheers  G
A car is only original once, but, you can modify it as many times as you like.

My car my rules.