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Cobra on display

Started by Jam2, September 25, 2015, 10:56:47

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I'm in France at the St Jean Cap Ferrat car show, this Cobra is on display
   On the side of the car is written. R.Squarciafichi
   Is it a proper 427?


Looks like a fibreglass Superformance replica to me.


It depends on what you mean by 'proper' 427. The car certainly wasn't made by AC, but could be a proper Superformance 427, a proper Kirkham 427 etc. I think, however, that both these estimable organisations would not approve of its front badge.


More than a whiff of proper Superformance about the nose area. Rear arches are a little 'odd'. It is to a Thames Ditton-made Cobra what the Queen Mum was long distance lorry driving.


Thank you gentlemen for your views.  By proper, I did mean built by AC cars in the 1960's.


It's a Superformance, guaranteed.


Well done all!  I got a look under the bonnet and it is indeed a Superperformance - i wonder why the owner felt a need to have it identified as a 1965 Shelby Cobra?

Cobra Ned

In truth, have you ever known anyone who has a replica to call it anything other than a 1965 Shelby Cobra?


Could it be the owner is an idiot? Or a fantasist? Or maybe the lure of $$$$$$$$ comes into play :)
   But as we all know, every single fake 'Cobra' ever made is a '1965 Shelby Cobra'. It's the default setting.


Originally posted by Cobra Ned
In truth, have you ever known anyone who has a replica to call it anything other than a 1965 Shelby Cobra?

   No.  But that's because it's what we so desperately want it to be...  ;-)