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Started by Chafford, September 04, 2015, 21:00:33

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Another attempt by AC to import cars to the United States?

AC Ace Bristol

   Ace Bristol.. [?]..[?]
   Sure makes interesting reading... until you read the small print at the bottom of the specification sheet:
   Components not supplied..
   Engine, transmission, shifter, drive shaft, engine wiring harness, ECU, battery, engine and transmission mounts.
   GOOD LUCK AC Cars Ltd....


This has absolutely zero credibility - merely more smoke and mirrors from the AC company. The car on the website looks like Rob Hendriks' car, and we all know of the trouble he has had getting the car registered in New Zealand and the support (or lack of it) from AC.


But it can`t be Rob`s car, his is a 50th Anniversary Cobra, and the website is selling Ace Bristol(without Bristol Engine) and Ace221, whatever the Hell that may be!!!!!!


"The principals of the business have extensive first-hand experience in the niche vehicle industry from over one hundred years of combined experience in research & development, engineering, manufacturing, branding, marketing, sales, service and customer satisfaction."
   The only one who identifies himself is Brent Fenimore, no stranger to the law (eg SHELBY AUTOMOBILES, INC etc Plaintiffs vs R. BRENT FENIMORE Defendant (Superior Court for the State of California)).
   So nothing new.


Originally posted by nikbj68
But it can`t be Rob`s car, his is a 50th Anniversary Cobra, and the website is selling Ace Bristol(without Bristol Engine) and Ace221, whatever the Hell that may be!!!!!!

   The car in the photos looks remarkably similar though, same colour, same engine.


There. Was an author here in the colonies that had "Fenimore" as a middle name....but then he wrote fiction


And off we go again....
   I can only hope anyone gullible enough to even consider these 'offerings' will carry out due diligence by checking out the history of Brent Fenimore. And then run for the hills.
   As we all know the 'AC Ace 221' (nope, me neither) is 2700 as purchased by Rob in New Zealand (brave man) when it was referred as a Cobra. Pics taken at Boss Motor Co in the UK. So that's all okay.
   And in the History section (my, don't we laugh) has a photo of a MkIV Lightweight scanned from my book and reproduced without my permission. But of course, I'm SO flattered... :(
   I think the valium is wearing off so time to go


think there maybe a glut of leftover anniversary cars someone is trying to get rid of... all bar one of the pictures are of 2700, taken from the Boss advertisement (even the VIN plate)
   Trevor perhaps we should be so kind to ask for the photos to be removed, would be interesting to see what they are replaced with


Indeed Rob - however, we are not so small-minded to refuse anyone to make profitable use of something we own. It's wot makes us decent people, innit?



   The early AC Cars history is incorrect too! For example, Weller Bros was founded in 1899. The 1901 date came from the British Museum date stamp on an advertisement, and has no historic significance! Although incorporated in 1907, Auto-Carriers Ltd did not make anything until 1909. When did the Weller 6 cylinder production engine have 4 valves per cylinder? To my recollection, only some versions of the 1920s 4-cylinder sprint/record car had this feature.


This AC Cars Ltd (Distributors of AC Cars) is an interesting one:
  • No address
  • A Nevada area code
  • No results from an internet search of Nevada (or any other states) companies of this name, unless I'm missing something.

  •    Its website refers to Acedes Holdings LLC, the owner of the 'AC' trade mark, but that won't help a potential purchaser: it's a St Kitts-Nevis company, with no physical presence whatsoever.
       This Kitts-Nevis company does at least have a forwarding address: c/o AC Cars, 20 Wenlock Road, London N1 7GU, but this won't help a potential purchaser either: 20 Wenlock Road is the address of 'London Presence', a well-established company offering mail forwarding and virtual office services. So no physical presence here.
       The message: Caveat emptor, unless you're ready to settle for a virtual car.


    Me thinks me smells an A.L.


    AC Cars Ltd. & Cobra spotted 'Over the Road' @ Goodwood Revival. Jurgen Mohr told me of 'many' upgrades to current model to enhance driving experience.


    Originally posted by nikbj68
    AC Cars Ltd. & Cobra spotted 'Over the Road' @ Goodwood Revival. Jurgen Mohr told me of 'many' upgrades to current model to enhance driving experience.

       like driving on european streets with legal registration?